pic of gun gets Dad arrested


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This little gal drew a pic of a gun in school and when Dad comes to pick up his three children he gets arrested. Looks like a Canadian paper but it could be happening in some areas of the US very easily.
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A picture of a gun had those people running around like idiots. And of course they would stand by their decision or it would just scream "Hey look at us! We're numb nuts."
This little gal drew a pic of a gun in school and when Dad comes to pick up his three children he gets arrested. Looks like a Canadian paper but it could be happening in some areas of the US very easily.
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Get ready folks, this sort of crap may be coming to an American city or town near one of us sooner than you might think. We better do something about it.
Just read the article and am in complete shock, dumbfounded over the level of insanity and sheer panic demonstrated by the teacher, principal, and officers. I couldn't imagine being in the dad's boots. What kind of psycho experiment is going on up there?

In a "normal" world, of course Daddy would be his daughter's hero, fighting bad guys and monsters, making her feel safe and confident. When they asked who the man was in her drawing, the girl replied, "That's my daddy." Every little girl should feel the same way, and all daddy's should work hard to be their little girl's hero.

These mamby-pamby, wet-their-shorts-type who get all nervous and jerky need to be locked away from normal, real life for their own protection. If a picture throws them into an all-out tizzy, think about what rush-hour traffic might do to them, or a having their order messed up at Tim Horton's. I certainly don't want to be around any of them when that happens.
I'm gonna teach my little 3 year old to draw a nuclear warhead. Maybe when that libtard see's it they'll have a heart attack. Then I'll teach her how to shoot to kill.
Didn't some kid in the US get chastised at a chucky cheeses or cici's pizza for making a pizza shaped gun and run around shooting at people? It just goes to show the paranoid mentality of the libtards. I wonder what's next, can't say fire or arms in the same sentence?
I believe this is a purposeful agenda by the power elite to raise children to be afraid, to be afraid of guns, to be good little slaves and be dependent on big brother for protection. If we don't do something in the next few years then by the next 3 generations this country will be full of non-thinking subservient pissy pants yes men and women.
The insanity of the United Kingdom has spread to Canada. We have our own home-grown form of it taking root in the U.S. We need to form our own enclave in the U.S. where we can live without the crazies making life miserable for us all. Actually, the U.S. is supposed to be our enclave. What happened?
Oldgrunt, we would last about as long as a "snow ball in July" in an enclave. They would be on us like a "chicken on a June bug". We will need to stand together on issues and not give one inch to the PTB and their minions.
Sansone says he got into some trouble with the law five years ago, and was convicted of assault and attempted burglary.

I wonder how much his past had to do with the reaction.
How dare this little girl's father lead her to believe that he will protect her from monsters. It is our (generic our) benevolent government that will protect us from monsters such as her father.
The insanity of the United Kingdom has spread to Canada. We have our own home-grown form of it taking root in the U.S. We need to form our own enclave in the U.S. where we can live without the crazies making life miserable for us all. Actually, the U.S. is supposed to be our enclave. What happened?

Progressive Liberalism. That's what happened. Administrations of the Public School systems are infested with them.
This little gal drew a pic of a gun in school and when Dad comes to pick up his three children he gets arrested. Looks like a Canadian paper but it could be happening in some areas of the US very easily.
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Lib tards at their finest....
Didn't some kid in the US get chastised at a chucky cheeses or cici's pizza for making a pizza shaped gun and run around shooting at people? It just goes to show the paranoid mentality of the libtards. I wonder what's next, can't say fire or arms in the same sentence?

This happened at a school in Smyrna TN as well. Can't fix stupid!
A picture of a gun had those people running around like idiots. And of course they would stand by their decision or it would just scream "Hey look at us! We're numb nuts."

I had a construction job in the county court house and on entering the bldg one day going thru the metal detec. line they found that i had a charlton heston 45 cal dummy bullet on my key ring,they made me take it off in order to work there.

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