Open Carry In Texas


New member
Hello im currently in the millitary and im stationed in Fort Hood/Killeen Texas and im trying to find out if my area or any place in texas has the open carry law?? If anyone Knows any info. on this or know how i could find out i appreciate it thanks.
sorry chuck

Hello im currently in the millitary and im stationed in Fort Hood/Killeen Texas and im trying to find out if my area or any place in texas has the open carry law?? If anyone Knows any info. on this or know how i could find out i appreciate it thanks.

sounds like nobody is going to get to see your new pistol, on a good passing anyway! lol just teasing, sorry chuck. to anyone reading this, this is my son-in-law.
No open carry, except on your premises, or premises under your control.
Concealed carry with CCH permit. Concealed means presence of which is not openly discernible to the ordinary observation of a reasonable person.
haha cowboy,

Your not in the desert anymore, (not sure if you were there) but i understand your wants. Its wierd when you carry everyday openly , and then now you cant. Just remember that your lucky to even have one and youll be ok.
yea iv een to the desert and trust me i loved open carry there and yea i feel luck to have one but some people who messes around my place may not be to lucky.NOT A THREAT juss a warning.
I think it's deceptive to call Texas a no open carry state. The open carry prohibition only applies to handguns; openly carried long guns can be carried anywhere a concealed handgun can be, and they can be loaded.
There is a bill right now that may come up for a vote in the first session that would make it lawful to open carry.
I've been monitoring's website daily for about six months now, when I signed the petition for open carry I was 19,649 there are now over 53,000 signatures and growing (most since the election). I went to Austin on the opening day of the Legislature and met up with a couple of fellow patriots, a well planned convergence on the Capitol is in the works. Pray for us, and join us if you can!
OK this is my first post here. I am moving from Katy to SA next week. Those of you familiar with Houston know exactly why I am moving after 9 years here.

Anyhow it is good this topic is being discussed. I am familiar with Wyoming laws concerning OC and pretty much you can wear a firearm anywhere you want. (Unless it is posted that firearms are prohibited on the property). I have gained much interest in getting my CCP and now with our new CIC it seems the time is short for our liberties concerning weapons.

I will follow this thread with interest. It seems there are numerous LEO and former military folks here. I was a LEO for 12 years and active duty for 12 years as well.
Now is the time to contact Austin and your Rep. Even if you are not a voter in Texas, you should make your opinions known to the people who supposedly represent Killeen/Ft. Hood. You are an active service member living in this area and you count as much as us locals do. The laws enacted affect you just as much as they do us.
If you have any questions, please feel free to stop by Hi-Volume and we'll gab a bit about it. Thank you for your service to our country.