Non-Res Renewal


USA Carry Supporter
I just got my email from USA letting me know about My Non-Res permit RENEWAL for MA is coming up. I checked on here and couldn't find anything on how to go about this. Besides filling out application again checking off Renewal, do I have to submit pretty much everything else again too; AND how long BEFORE should I send in application? Expires in June 2009.
Thank you.
I just got my email from USA letting me know about My Non-Res permit RENEWAL for MA is coming up. I checked on here and couldn't find anything on how to go about this. Besides filling out application again checking off Renewal, do I have to submit pretty much everything else again too; AND how long BEFORE should I send in application? Expires in June 2009.
Thank you.

I am not 100% sure about the Non-Res renewal, however with the Res permit; I would start the process ASAP. I also don't know what you will need to do as far as what you will need to submit again. I know for the res, you need to fill out the application, make an appt with the police department of your town, and get finger printed blah blah blah. Massachusetts has discouraging processes for things like this. I hate it!
go to this page by the Massachusetts Gun Owners Action League - it will tell you all you need to know - Link Removed

the entire process is handled through the mail but the permit is only valid for a year for $100 - vs six years for residents - almost makes you want to move to Mass, right?
go to this page by the Massachusetts Gun Owners Action League - it will tell you all you need to know - Link Removed

the entire process is handled through the mail but the permit is only valid for a year for $100 - vs six years for residents - almost makes you want to move to Mass, right?
Call Firearms Support Services at 617-660-4782 and request a non-resident application package. They can give you advice on the renewal requirements. I would suggest that you send it in 60+ days in advance because they are very backlogged.
Producer and robmcd, thanks for the reply. But My question was, "do I need to submit everything else all over again, besides just checking off renewal". I know already how to get the application and where to call, how much, etc.,.....(that's why we have this great ask on here. What fun would it be if we just call to get the answer/s?) BUT, I did find the answer right in front of me on my application that I've already had.
This page is titled: Non-Resident Application Instructions
#9 Photocopy of Current MA. License to Carry Firearms" Renewal applicants only must submit a photocopy of their excisting Massachusetts temporary non-resident license to carry firearms.

So, it seems besides filling out a Non-Resident application, checking off Renewal, I just need to make a photocopy of my non-res. temp. license. I just MAY call to make sure on this one. I don't want to give MA. My $100. and then they keep it because I didn't complete the application.

I didn't mean to underline and bold face the last paragraph, not sure how to edit it....oop's.
Just order the package and it has a checklist

Basically you need:
-to fingerprint all 3 copies of the license (I do my own with an ink pad, practice practice practice)
-sign the license
-include $100 money order
-self addressed stamped envelope
-copy of all CCW permits you have front and back
-home state criminal background check form saying you have no record
-Your attached exscuse letter if you have one. Just do whatever you did last year
-fill out the application
-include 2 passport sized photos (they used to mandate 1.25"X1.25", I still do it)

This is all from memory because I sent mine in like a month ago
Ok, I just finshed filling out My renewal appl. and put in mail. Let's see how long...................
My last post said I just finished filling out My renewal and put it in the mail. That was April 2nd. Well guess what? Just got it in the mail today...............only proble though is I wrote a personal check instead of the Bank/Money Order as instructed. DUUHHOOOOOO...............
The Best part is, the KIND person who sent it back to me stating My error, ONLY returning the check instead of the entire package as They say would happen. MA. does say the entire package will be returned to You for error's or being incomplete with NO Refund. I tell ya, the sweat was coming off of my forhead. I thought I would have easily lost $100.!
I will get a $ Order and resend it back along with a Kind memo.
I knew I should not have fill that application out after having those 8 beers..............:sarcastic:
Just got it in todays mail! 1 month and 15 days...not bad for a RenewaL.
Yes, I have too say Thank you MA.!
Can you say......"$100.00" :fie:

I agree that it's a rip-off. Hopefully the new GOAL sponsored legislation will pass, which will change the cost of non-resident licenses to $ 40.00/5 years.

If NY would issue non-resident licenses I'd gladly pay $ 100.00/year.

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