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Ark. police hurt trying to break up Obama party
Nov 5 04:16 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - Police arrested seven people after a melee at an impromptu Barack Obama victory celebration near the campus of Arkansas State University. Three police officers suffered minor injuries.

A female officer's nose was broken when a man jumped on top of her and punched her without provocation, Jonesboro police Capt. Lynn Waterworth said. Waterworth declined to name those arrested until after a court hearing Wednesday afternoon.

About 200 people gathered at an apartment complex about a block away from campus in northeast Arkansas after Obama was declared the winner of the presidential election Tuesday night, Waterworth said. An off-duty officer moonlighting as a security guard for the apartment complex asked those who had gathered to go home, then called for help, she said.

Two on-duty officers arrived at the apartment complex, with the female officer calling to the crowd over her cruiser's public-address system, Waterworth said. The crowd responded by throwing rocks and beer bottles at police, with one man attacking the female officer, Waterworth said.

A distress call summoned more than 40 police officers from surrounding departments and the Arkansas State Police, Waterworth said. One officer suffered a cut to the forehead and another fell to the ground during the scuffle, she said.

"What should have been a happy, celebratory time turned into a bad experience for a lot of folks out there at the hands of a few," Waterworth said.

Julian Smith, 17, a freshman majoring in computer science, said the fight started as officers attempted to break up the celebration, which was already winding down.
Here where I live (a town that is approximately 82 or 83 percent Black by the way) when news of the Obama victory broke, everyone drove down the streets honking their horns. Also, I heard fireworks and lots of celebratory gunfire. It sounded like New Year's Eve around here last night. However, no stories of riots or anyone getting hurt.
Well he said he was going to change things.

He did. However, this story really has nothing to do with that. This is just a bunch of drunks throwing a wild party and fighting with the police, something that has been happening for a long, long time.

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