New Hampshire Non Resident Permit

OK, I guess because I am from MA I don't know how to apply for a NH non resident pistol permit. So please inform me of the correct way. Here is what I did on mine.

1) Filled out the application (I did fill it out correctly if you need proof)
2) Sent in said application and started to wait for my permit to arrive. (I have proof of when my check was cashed, and thats when I started counting the days) I am pretty sure that when my check got cashed, that would prove to a reasonable person that NH did indeed recieve my application, and has indeed taken more than 14 days to process said application as I have yet to get NH pistol permit.
3) Had my references fax back the reference paper sent from NH( this was on around day thirty) I think this is where my logic was lost. I did go to public school so 14 may indeed be more than 30.
4) Was told logic was needed for this so I would like, am asking nicely for some logic advice.

Please with all your wisdom, without being a jerk, tell me what you would do different? I am a bit confused with all the negative comments. Remember to read above before replying.
OK, I guess because I am from MA I don't know how to apply for a NH non resident pistol permit. So please inform me of the correct way. Here is what I did on mine.

1) Filled out the application (I did fill it out correctly if you need proof)
2) Sent in said application and started to wait for my permit to arrive. (I have proof of when my check was cashed, and thats when I started counting the days) I am pretty sure that when my check got cashed, that would prove to a reasonable person that NH did indeed recieve my application, and has indeed taken more than 14 days to process said application as I have yet to get NH pistol permit.
3) Had my references fax back the reference paper sent from NH( this was on around day thirty) I think this is where my logic was lost. I did go to public school so 14 may indeed be more than 30.
4) Was told logic was needed for this so I would like, am asking nicely for some logic advice.

Please with all your wisdom, without being a jerk, tell me what you would do different? I am a bit confused with all the negative comments. Remember to read above before replying.

What you keep failing to understand is, the 14 days does not start when they CASH THE CHECK! The 14 days starts from the time the receive your permit application. This is why sending it via certified mail is a must, so when they sign for the letter you get documented proof of the date they got the application.

The state knows there is not much the average citizen can do about it should they take more then 14 days. This is why they don't care about taking more time. They look at the 14 maximum more as a guide line and not a LAW.

On the flip side, if I applied for a MA non-resident permit I would have to jump through more hoops and wait longer then you are for a NH permit. I would also have to deal with the Class B and A ********.

It also does not matter that you hold a class A permit in MA, that does not bump you to the head of the line.
What u keep missing here is that I sent the check that they cashed in the same envelope as the application. The fact that they cashed my check proves they received my application. They had to unfold the application to get the check. I'm not sure where I keep losing you here? Tbe fact still remains it is taking a long #$%&*#$ time. So again, just to inform, it may indeed take more than 14 days to process. I never said because I had a class a in ma would move me up any list, just that I was not a criminal and already have a permit in another state so there should be no real obstacle. Just extra info is all it was for. My wife took the class here in ma, made her appointment at our pd, met with them got fingerprinted, had pd send everything to the FBI and she got hers last week. She did all this the week after I mailed mine to NH.
What u keep missing here is that I sent the check that they cashed in the same envelope as the application. The fact that they cashed my check proves they received my application. They had to unfold the application to get the check. I'm not sure where I keep losing you here? Tbe fact still remains it is taking a long #$%&*#$ time. So again, just to inform, it may indeed take more than 14 days to process. I never said because I had a class a in ma would move me up any list, just that I was not a criminal and already have a permit in another state so there should be no real obstacle. Just extra info is all it was for. My wife took the class here in ma, made her appointment at our pd, met with them got fingerprinted, had pd send everything to the FBI and she got hers last week. She did all this the week after I mailed mine to NH.

Bottom line is your going to get the permit so stop crying! If I sent in an application to MA it would take even longer to get your anti everything state to move my application through your system. Then I would still have to deal with the Class A and B crap. I would have to plead my case for a permit to a detective who would then decide what I should receive for a permit based on what he thinks.

Thank your stars our state is not a Commie state such as MA, your permit is based on the facts and not one persons personal feelings as to what permit class you should be awarded.

Should also be thankful we even give non-resident permits out, other wise you would only be able to OC while in NH. But seeing as how you get mugged for your firearm when you OC, you would not carry at while in NH.

I again fail to see what your point is with your wife's permit? She applied for a resident permit at her local PD, those always move faster then non-resident permits from other states.

NH starts working on your permit before your check is even cashed, if for some reason they find your unfit to carry concealed they mail the check back along with a denial letter.
M&p, you r a testy one. A few things, #1 NH permit arrived today. 24 may. Exactly 14 days from the 8 April I mailed. #2 ma is not my state, I just live here.#3 not once through this whole thing did I ever cry. Not even a little. #4 I never said people robbed ocers for their guns, you put that in there. I simply stated it is not for me. You added all the story telling. #5 I do agree with you about ma permit procedure. But as shitty a gun state as this is, I can legally carry in more places here in communist ma than you can in free NH. Just doesn't seem right does it. #5 no point in the wife thing, was just throwing it in to see how you would respond. Just as I thought.
Sorry I mis spoke. I can carry in just as many places as you. I am trying to keep it factual. Try it sometime.
Yesterday I sent in my NH non-resident permit application via "regular mail".

Since I am from Vermont (where we don't have any permits), I also included a copy of my Utah CCW permit. (I sent the copy of the Utah permit after actually speaking with a woman at the NH State Police permit office.) She told me I did not have to get a letter from my local police chief if I had a CCW permit from another state.

I will post when the permit shows up.
Yesterday I sent in my NH non-resident permit application via "regular mail".

Since I am from Vermont (where we don't have any permits), I also included a copy of my Utah CCW permit. (I sent the copy of the Utah permit after actually speaking with a woman at the NH State Police permit office.) She told me I did not have to get a letter from my local police chief if I had a CCW permit from another state.

I will post when the permit shows up.

What part of Vermont are you from? Born and rasied or a tranplant?
Southern Vermont, or as the hack policticians feel, "Northern Massachusetts". I am a transplant, but that was over 25 years ago. I've lived in Vermont for the majority of my life.
A few things, #1 NH permit arrived today. 24 may. Exactly 14 days from the 8 April I mailed.

OK, not meaning to flame or nothing but how is this 14 days? I am not up on new math, might be me being old fashioned and all.
When I lived in NH the longest it ever took was 11 business days, the fastest 3 business days. Now I understand that you were going for a non-resident but there is still mailing times involved as well. Still somehow 8 April to 24 May doesn't add up to "exactly 14".
OK, not meaning to flame or nothing but how is this 14 days? I am not up on new math, might be me being old fashioned and all.
When I lived in NH the longest it ever took was 11 business days, the fastest 3 business days. Now I understand that you were going for a non-resident but there is still mailing times involved as well. Still somehow 8 April to 24 May doesn't add up to "exactly 14".

That's the new MA math. No matter how you do it, it just doesn't add up. LOL
That is fast.

Hey s& w and crew, did u read Luke's article on open carry? I'm just wondering if you and your crew made the same **** head comments to him? He pretty much said exactly what I said. Just curious.
That is fast.

Hey s& w and crew, did u read Luke's article on open carry? I'm just wondering if you and your crew made the same **** head comments to him? He pretty much said exactly what I said. Just curious.

That's the best thing about this site and the forums, we support all rights even the right to free speech. Luke would more then welcome the debit on the subject. Is your comment aimed at the fact that he is a site admin and founder of the site, so you think we would not dare speak our minds to him?

Members do it all the time, do threads get heated at times? Yes they do, but that's what makes America great, we can all have different opinions on a matter and still have beers together at the end of the day.

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