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New to the forum. I've read USACarry and others for a while but have never joined. Figured I'd do my part now! I got my CC permit with a Kel-Tec PF9 but never really carried beyond keeping it in the car with me. Sold the PF9 to a friend recently and bought a Glock 19. I'm pretty excited about it. Took it to the range the other day and really enjoyed it. No FTF's or anything.

What is the general consensus of CC with the 19? Anyone else carry it?
New to the forum. I've read USACarry and others for a while but have never joined. Figured I'd do my part now! I got my CC permit with a Kel-Tec PF9 but never really carried beyond keeping it in the car with me. Sold the PF9 to a friend recently and bought a Glock 19. I'm pretty excited about it. Took it to the range the other day and really enjoyed it. No FTF's or anything.

What is the general consensus of CC with the 19? Anyone else carry it?

My fiance is carrying the Glock 19 and loves it! I think we are going to pick her up a G26 for summer carry. She likes to wear shorts etc. when the weather is warm and it can sometimes be a challenge for her to conceal the G19 effectively.

By the way, welcome to the site.
I'd call the G19 a good choice. There are multitudes of people who carry a G19 as their primary CCW pistol.
I own over a dozen handguns, including the G19. If you made me divest all but one, I think I'd keep the G19. That's how much I like it.
I own 19 and never had a malfunction with it. Don't think you can go wrong with it. When I carry two guns it is most often the back up I carry to my HK.

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