My old yellow banner


New member
I miss my old yellow banner. Feel the need for a good rant but I have lost my bearing, without my yellow banner I feel kinda,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,out in the open?

Kan U see me know?

I do not want to vote but I sure do miss all-em goose eggs and the safety of the yellow.

FYI, the 'yellow banner' is a reference to the notice which would appear in the posts of those on Packing.Org forums which had been rated innappropriate.

Granted, the PDO rating-system was flawed... But this individual deserved his/her troll-badge.
That's one thing about PDO I won't miss...the f*cking rating system. Stupid and worthless if you ask me. More people worried about their ratings rather than posting a topic. Please don't go to a rating system here!
FYI, the 'yellow banner' is a reference to the notice which would appear in the posts of those on Packing.Org forums which had been rated innappropriate.

Granted, the PDO rating-system was flawed... But this individual deserved his/her troll-badge.

Listen to molonlabetn, he knows well what he is saying.

Right before PDO died there was one very good suggestion being given, "Don't feed the trolls". I truly hope USA Carry doesn't go the way of PDO. Stop posting responses to trolls and eventually they will go away.
With a few MODs and help from the members, trolls can be delt a death blow..posts eleminated and with a few sweeps of a broom, we can have a clean house here.
With a few MODs and help from the members, trolls can be delt a death blow..posts eleminated and with a few sweeps of a broom, we can have a clean house here.

Unlike PDO, this site has administrators to rid us of the trolls. I certainly hope they are utilized whenever necessary.
It's easy to take care of Trolls and Spammers! Just click on the Red triangle with a ! in the middle. It's located at the top right of each post. It works!
Trolls? Troll badges? PDO? This is the first site I've been actively involved with and I guess that means I've been living under a rock or is it a desert sun scorching my brain out of my head for the past 30 years. Oh well, but my next post, I believe gets me to senior member. And as we all know when you reach senior member everyone else on the site sends you a box of cartridges. Don't worry about the caliber or mm they're all good.
I'm waiting for one from you. Do trolls have beards? I do think if we got to anel it would not be fun. Most post play out or move to something more interesting.
I did'nt lie now did eye

Branded a troll way back, dawned that yellow banner from day one but it was nice to post without everything vanishing in a flash.

Why not go ahead a block me out now as I offend so much?

Here I've done nothing wrong ?????????????

Some of you tickle me, I just wonder who you where in your former self or better yet how many log in names you held in PDO world?