My new 'side arm'


Liberty or Death
Hey guys. I haven't posted in here for a while. I decided to come back and see what's going on.

Anyway, my girlfriend crocheted me a holster for my little pistol lighter I bought at the liquor store. It's a butane lighter that also has a laser in it. I used some 1/8th inch solder for the retention band. I thought it was kinda funny, had to share it with you guys. Good to be back here. :triniti:
I would think a yarn holster would not be the best choice vs. leather. It would absorb sweat and moisture, then probably shrink if you washed it. Not very durable for everyday use, I would think. The front sight would probably snag, unless you had a guard strip in there.

BTW AZSATT, she is thrilled that you like it so much. But I don't own a P229, how would she get the size and shape right?
BTW AZSATT, she is thrilled that you like it so much. But I don't own a P229, how would she get the size and shape right?

That's a good question. A blue gun (or red gun) used in training could help with that, but then there's the cost of shipping it back and forth.

Or... I could just photograph my P229 and then write in exact dimensions and send that... probably much more practical, since yarn doesn't have to fit like a perfect molded material.

And sure, when I first saw that pic, I thought "now THERE's an idea to help when that cold slide tucks in next to my bare skin on those occasional occurances when I carry "commando" - no holster, just sliding the gun between my pants and belly... which happens. I'm not sure how practical it would be for actual 'carry' purposes, but it sure would feel better than cold steel.

Not to mention, it just looks uniquely cool. I mean really, how many kids on the block can say they have a custom-made KNITTED rig?! :cool:

Yeah, maybe I should start a business. I could have a sweat shop, and pay asians 20 cents an hour to make these things. :biggrin:

Seriously, I could get her to make one, if you really want it.

Yeah, maybe I should start a business. I could have a sweat shop, and pay asians 20 cents an hour to make these things. :biggrin:

Seriously, I could get her to make one, if you really want it.

Sounds good to me.... but just because it's yarn, doesn't mean it has to be all pink and purple and yellow etc... right? Could I get an ACU digital yarn-stitched camo pattern? (Tan, light green and a bit darker green is all.)

I'll get the dimensions to you in a PM!! :cool:
I would think a yarn holster would not be the best choice vs. leather. It would absorb sweat and moisture, then probably shrink if you washed it. Not very durable for everyday use, I would think. The front sight would probably snag, unless you had a guard strip in there.
It might work for small pistols that don't have sights, and it could always be pre-shrunk. Maybe not an everyday use item, but definitely interesting. Maybe just call it a "gun sock", an accessory that people can put their firearms in when not in use. Rather than just leaving your gun on a shelf in a safe, put it in a gun sock! Not functional, but cool.

People would probably buy them either way.

Here's another possibility though...a knitted yarn or wool thing, that is fitted around a leather or kydex shell on the inside. That would add up to a practical holster, with a knitted design on the outside. Women would love it, and as you've seen, lots of men would as well.

It would also be softer and more comfortable than just bare leather or plastic, with the added benefit of being warmer in cold climates. Plus it has a nice "homely" look that many people will find appealing. I'm telling you, if you can successfully manufacture a finished product like that with knitted camo, woodland and some niche designs and give a few away, you'll very quickly have an unbelievably long waiting list. People will see other people's and instantly want one.
see, Cooter? Slumping economy and tons of folks out of work, and you just stumbled into a diamond mine!

Here's another possibility though...a knitted yarn or wool thing, that is fitted around a leather or kydex shell on the inside. That would add up to a practical holster, with a knitted design on the outside. Women would love it, and as you've seen, lots of men would as well.

It would also be softer and more comfortable than just bare leather or plastic, with the added benefit of being warmer in cold climates. Plus it has a nice "homely" look that many people will find appealing.

Dang - that just gave me a great (and simple) idea too! One of my favorite EDC rigs is an OWB pancake holster that sometimes leaves the muzzle of my Sig protruding from below my shirt if it's not quite long enough, or if I move just right.

If I took an old Leatherman black nylon holster from a tool I no longer have - broken or lost years ago - and adhered the leatherman holster to the bottom/muzzle end of my pancake holster, people would just see the common-everyday leatherman holster - nametag and all.... very interesting and very easy. Hmmmm. :secret:

I still want the knitted yarn sock thingy though... for an equally cool but very different application.
My bad...

I just realized this thread is maybe in the wrong place... as I'm going on and on about concealed carry options when this is for ....


My bad. A thousand pardons and all that.... or as BHO likes to say... "yes we can." :victory:

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