More Gun Control ... Please!


An open letter to DC, Maryland, Chicago and New York City

Dear D.C., Maryland, Chicago and New York City:

Thank you for your tough gun control laws, please keep up the good work!

A short trip to New York has always been enjoyable and helps me get back some perspective on life. I'm comfortable in the subways and know where not to go and when not to go there.

That being said, one thing is now different -- my heightened situational awareness. Maybe it's the permanent State Police presence at government offices near mine, the huddles of 'barely old enough to shave' kids at Grand Central wearing fatigues and carrying what everybody knew to be unloaded guns. (This seems somewhat like Barney Fife asking permission to put his bullet in his gun. Then again, maybe Kent State did teach a few lessons.) Perhaps it's the three middle-aged, Middle Eastern men who boarded the subway unchallenged while one of the aforementioned 'Barneys' obcessed over a suspicious piece of electronics in my rollabout. (A digital projector)

A few of the small, dark neighborhood streets I normally enjoy visiting for great ethnic foods felt ominous and uncomfortable. I couldn't put my finger on the feeling until I analyzed it.

I'm usually dressed for business and look like a typical, law-abiding person, going about their affairs. Looking like a law-abiding citizen may be great for meetings, sales calls and traffic stops, but on the streets of New York, Chicago, Maryland and D.C. it's like wearing a big "PLEASE ROB ME - I'M HELPLESS" sign across your back.

I always feel a sense of relief and gratitude when I return to Virginia, and now I have an idea how a criminal must feel when looking for prey on my Virginia streets.

While in the city I'm constantly looking over my shoulder, not knowing whether the next bunch of rowdy 'thugged-out looking' teens are 'hip' tourist kids from Des Moines or armed thugs, ready to attack. It's that uneasy uncertainty that keeps me cautious and steers me wide to avoid potential unsafe encounters. Not knowing who the bad guys are, I have to assume almost everyone is.

That assumption also works the other way.

It's well established that criminals fear encountering an armed would-be victim more than being caught by the police. Criminals in Virginia (and other concealed carry states) are never quite sure if the next passerby will be a potential victim or ready to present a swift, effective and deadly defense.

It's not knowing who the good-guys with guns are that helps keep the violent criminals on the other side of the Potomac river.

So, thank you New York, D.C. and Chicago and Maryland. By continuing to keep your most honest and law-abiding subjects disarmed and helpless you are empowering armed criminals, making them feel safe and welcome. You give them power to fearlessly and arrogantly wander among the sheep, culling out prey with disdain for both law and authority.

With such anti-rights localities for neighbors Virginia becomes far less attractive to the bad guys and a much safer place to live. Who is a rapist more likely to hit -- a known defenseless woman, or a woman who may be armed and prepared to resist with deadly force if necessary?

I have great empathy for your situation and hope that some day all of our rights will be fully restored.

In the interim, however -- better you than me!

Good post. The so called leaders of these cities are good examples of the patients being in charge of the asylum.
What is the major race in the city ? It seems the people with the most to lose have given in to the disarnament agenda.
Don't think race is the issue. Don't care what their race is. Thugs are thugs. I'm highly against the government forcing citizens to be "unarmed".

Don't think race is the issue. Don't care what their race is. Thugs are thugs. I'm highly against the government forcing citizens to be "unarmed".

While race is NOT a part of this item, it is a big part of the Gun Control issue for at least two reasons.

The original gun control laws were written to keep firearms out of the hands of slaves and former slaves.

Todays gun control laws are primarily most strict in urban and inner city environments where, for whatever reasons (another subject) the population is mostly Black. (but becoming more Hispanic)

Regardless of the race of the perpetrators, the bulk of the violent crime appears to happen in those places where the law-abiding citizen is both a minority AND unarmed. The people in greatest need of self protection in these places are then, by sheer demographics, more likely to be Black.

Whether this is overt racism or merely circumstantial statistics is inconsequential and doesn't change the facts -- urban area gun control is more likely to disarm minorities. Since Law Abiding Citizens are the only ones who tend to comply with Gun Control laws these laws do target/affect the law-abiding Black population more than the white population in these areas.

So, while gun control may not be classic racism it is, by nature of its places of strict enforcement, racist, or at the least discriminatory in its effect.

40% of black men have felons on the record. The UN troops will not get them first their guns are not regestered.Those of us with legal guns might have to trade them for food.
Yes thugs are thugs and I did not mean to end this thread. We all of sinned and come short of his Glory. Color is not the issue, we all have the same fears and pleasures.
Regardless of the race of the perpetrators, the bulk of the violent crime appears to happen in those places where the law-abiding citizen is both a minority AND unarmed.
While I understand your point, it would be statistically difficult for law-abiding citizens to be in the minority. At least 51% of the residents would have to be criminals, which would mean round-the-clock riots.

As usual, the real troublemakers are in the extreme minority. Most people, even in a high-crime area, are law-abiding citizens. There's also a difference between uncontrolled teenagers who get drunk and steal cars, and people who repeatedly engage in serious crime. Most of those rowdy teenagers will eventually settle down and become average adults.

The people in the second group actually fall into two categories: pre-thugs and people who have no soul. Pre-thugs profess themselves to be thugs, but don't quite make the cut. They're dangerous, but have not yet developed the emotional detachment necessary to plan a crime from start to finish with the intent of killing someone, and then carry it out fully. While they're definitely not law-abiding, you can have a conversation with them, and they perceive that their violence is more about survival than anything.

Most real thugs have an incredibly hard, somewhat glazed-eye look about them; this is readily apparent in mugshots. They've lost their survival instinct and are somewhat dead inside; thus, they feel little remorse about killing, raping, etc. These are people you had better watch out for.
Don't think race is the issue. Don't care what their race is. Thugs are thugs. I'm highly against the government forcing citizens to be "unarmed".


I've gotta disagree with you on that one. Race is an issue. Take a look at the Black members of the 110th Congress and their voting records on gun rights and you'll see that in the Black communities of this country, gun violence has contributed to high rates of gunphobia (yes, I know that the proper term is hoplophobia, but gunphobia seems to give the effect I intend better than hoplophobia) and thus, support for gun rights is a loser for politicians in these areas. I posted a thread on this a few months ago, which I would try to find if it weren't 1:55 in the morning, and the fact is, race is an issue.
So if I understand Toreskha correctly in his post:

TORESKHA QUOTEThere's also a difference between uncontrolled teenagers who get drunk and steal cars, and people who repeatedly engage in serious crime. Most of those rowdy teenagers will eventually settle down and become average adults. END TORESKHA QUOTE

He is saying it's okay for rowdy teenagers to get drunk and steal cars, because it's not a serious crime.

WTF!!! It's called grand theft auto. It's serious, and it's real.

Crime is crime, just because a white collar commits it, or a teenager, it's crime.
when you visit an insanasylum its easy to tell the patients from the doctors. the doctors walk fast and have key's.
and its the only way.
Criminals, note to self move to NY or IL no one is armed or will defend themselves, Bloomberg even stated the police should go on strike. Move and and more population to these states. PS: Note to stupid kids doing stupid stuff, like dude, stealing cars. In Texas you can and will be shot for this stupid act, instead help an old lady across the street mow someones grass for them. Peace, Love, Colt 45.
It shall be the doom of man that he shall forget...... Ole Adolf if he were alive today would have been enamoured with Bloomberg. What a great ally he would have been for the march towards world domination.... Stalin would embrace him with a great big Russian bear hug... Government is good for those in it. How pompus you would have to be to tell our LEO's to go on strike to force the Federal government to enact more gun control. Our government has turned into a pack of pucilanimous poltroons..... I carry a gun to protect myself from day to day threats. I own guns to protect myself from those who would violate my rights of freedom given me by my fore Fathers who created this great country.... If the rest of the world's governments were so devine why does everybody risk so much to come here? If their home country and their politics were so great why do they risk their lives to come here???? Government is our servant not the other way around.... Less than 100 years ago people like Bloomberg would have been tar and feathered then run out of town on a rail.... Wake up America!!!! If our polticals are so smart than why is Castro still in power???
Bloombozzo is nuts, pure and simple. A lowly mayor that is so full of himself that it's pathetic.
While race is NOT a part of this item, it is a big part of the Gun Control issue for at least two reasons.

The original gun control laws were written to keep firearms out of the hands of slaves and former slaves.

Todays gun control laws are primarily most strict in urban and inner city environments where, for whatever reasons (another subject) the population is mostly Black. (but becoming more Hispanic)

Regardless of the race of the perpetrators, the bulk of the violent crime appears to happen in those places where the law-abiding citizen is both a minority AND unarmed. The people in greatest need of self protection in these places are then, by sheer demographics, more likely to be Black.

Whether this is overt racism or merely circumstantial statistics is inconsequential and doesn't change the facts -- urban area gun control is more likely to disarm minorities. Since Law Abiding Citizens are the only ones who tend to comply with Gun Control laws these laws do target/affect the law-abiding Black population more than the white population in these areas.

So, while gun control may not be classic racism it is, by nature of its places of strict enforcement, racist, or at the least discriminatory in its effect.


This video is quite informative. No Guns for Negroes, produced by the JPFO (Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership), a look at the history of gun control as it relates to keeping firearms out of the hands of law-abiding African-Americans.


The video is also available for free download (yes, they will ask for a donation on the download page, but it isn't necessary; download links are at the bottom of the page):

JPFO- No Guns for Negroes - download or view
So, thank you New York, D.C. and Chicago and Maryland. By continuing to keep your most honest and law-abiding subjects disarmed and helpless you are empowering armed criminals, making them feel safe and welcome. You give them power to fearlessly and arrogantly wander among the sheep, culling out prey with disdain for both law and authority.

Isn't this really the point of Progressive Liberalism.
There are to many people on the planet.
We must control the population and eliminate undesirables.

To many ghetto babies so according to Ruth Bader Ginsberg "Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of."
Since libs hate the military, a good old fashion World War to cull the heard is out of the question, right?
However, who constantly dis-arms the military that then leads to a war?
America spends to much money on people dying of cancer. We need to do what they do in Europe.
Well Mr Jones, you have cancer. Make your peace and get your affairs in order. NEXT!!! (thank you Mr Obama)
The War on Drugs is a war to keep it in the inner cities so we can live in peace in the suburbs gate communities and security staffed high rises.
All we have to do is make the heard think we are protecting them, so they don't feel the need to protect themselves.
10 to 15% loss to the predators is an acceptable loss. (whispering 25% would be better)

And when those bible clinging gun toting small town loudmouths start saying things like "the police don't prevent crime they report it"
or talking about those slave owning, land grabbing, womanizing founders, just vilify them and call them names. They will go away.
NYC is a huge mix of ethnicity. It is heavily middle-eastern, hispanic, oriental, Jewish and black. A great number of residents are not American but are illegals, have immigrated or are here on work or student visas. Lat year i picked up my wife's new car at a parking garage after visitng her in the hospital. There was a big scrape down the side. A middle-eastern group of men operated the garage. I asked about the dent and was met with screams and curses. One told me to get out of his country. Another stood in front of the car yelling "hit me!" An off-duty NYC cop was waiting for his car. He advised I just forget it and go fix my car. He said there's no way to win with these guys. All this for asking what happened. Having spent a lot of time in NYC, I personally believe half the city is nuts and the other half callous and uncaring. Will the last American leaving NYC please bring the flag?

A large amount of the NYC population are from other countries where guns are illegal and frankly, not used for sporting purposes. Lifelong residents tend to equate guns with crime as NYC was once a very bad city. These people vote. And they buy into the gun=crime relationship. In NYC you can own a handgun but can't carry it. The problem is that the population of a single 4X12 mile city comprises about 40% of the entire state and thus thy control the vote.
So why go/live there, and give them your money? Why even live in such a state, hmm? There's 47 others, without leaving the continent. Some, like NJ suck just as bad, but some are pretty damned nice, actually. NM and AZ for instance