Michael Brown

There was a major reason that the stl police officer association gave- for why they were so offended.

Being that the hands up gesture is now associated with the belief that Wilson murdered an innocent Brown- and evidence has been presented to exonerate him. To continue to use this gesture while-

""Roorda was incensed that the Rams and the NFL would tolerate such behavior and called it remarkably hypocritical. "All week long, the Rams and the NFL were on the phone with the St. Louis Police Department asking for assurances that the players and the fans would be kept safe from the violent protesters who had rioted, looted, and burned buildings in Ferguson. Our officers have been working 12 hour shifts for over a week, they had days off including Thanksgiving cancelled so that they could defend this community from those on the streets that perpetuate this myth that Michael Brown was executed by a brother police officer and then, as the players and their fans sit safely in their dome under the watchful protection of hundreds of St. Louis's finest, they take to the turf to call a now-exonerated officer a murderer, that is way out-of-bounds, to put it in football parlance," Roorda said."- a paragraph excerpt from the letter.

So the very organization that called for the extra security and protection of its people- &/v. The 5 idiots who then further incite people by using a gesture synonymous to "wilson is a murderer"
All these black sport figures ( role Models ).. coming out against the cops who shot a felon to death.. these black agitators showing their support for lawlessness on national TV only promotes more hatred.. another rung in the ladder of disrespect for blacks.. This support of lawlessness "IS THE NEWS " its what divides this country.. Its so News worthy that this notion that Blacks can break the law, felony attack police officers, rob convenience stores and willfully destroy property, and not be held responsible, is a direct attack on our society.. Michael Brown paid the price for being a low life thug.
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Reminds me of the Brit in usenet back in the '90s who was all bent out of shape after a Scotsman in Houston got shot for getting stupid drunk and kicking in some stranger's back door. He just couldn't tolerate the injustice of a foreigner not being able to get drunk out of his mind and commit a home invasion without fear of getting shot.
Is that for real? Almost looks like it's photoshopped at the bottom.

UR right. If you look- the photoshopper took the letters from the first few lines. Note how all the S's look like the first S (and not the second) and how the O's look like the first O with that peak. And so on and so forth.
You notice how 0bama didn't come out this time and say if he had a son, he'd been like MB?
From "RightSidePatriots"
BREAKING...Here's your sweet innocent 'kid' that all the 'animals' are rioting for. Our CPR Worldwide Media investigative team (Craig and Diane) and reporters on the ground in Ferguson have uncovered the following information about the so called 'Gentle Giant' Michael Brown. MB was a bully, a criminal, and a gang member with a long history of assault. His mother & stepfather NEVER raised him. He was raised by his grandmother and biological father and notice how quiet they are. Neither is calling for revenge or rioting, nor are they hanging out with the likes of Al Sharpton and crew who are threatening civil suits and egging on a race war. Crying racism is BIG business and they want to capitalize on Brown's 'self-caused' death while still hoping to send an innocent officer to jail. Thanks to these 'animals the loss of revenue to the Ferguson-St. Louis area is between $1.5-2 BILLION to date. Merry Christmas America from these 'animals' as our president remains silent.
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From Charles Barkley:
"Those aren't black people, those are scumbags," the NBA Hall of Famer and TNT basketball analyst said of the rioters, who targeted mostly minority-owned businesses.

"There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people's businesses, burning down police cars."

Barkley also said that authorities got it right by not prosecuting Wilson, who shot 18-year-old Brown six times on Aug. 9 in a controversial incident that sparked nationwide protests while pushing Ferguson to the forefront of the country's racial divide.
From Charles Barkley:
"Those aren't black people, those are scumbags," the NBA Hall of Famer and TNT basketball analyst said of the rioters, who targeted mostly minority-owned businesses.

AS a moral and ethical person , anyone should come to the same conclusion... Only scumbags, support other scumbags... the LA Rams scumbags, Al Sharpton scumbags, every single one of the protestor scumbags... they are a race of scumbags, with many good black people trying to escape.. the scumbags have set the level of respect , the rest of us moral and ethical people place on the black race in general.. You can't give them the benefit of the doubt.. unfortunately.. but from my experience, you give a Black man long enough, he will prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is a scumbag... ( certainly not all Black people.) there are many great Black people out there, struggling to escape the mark of being a scum bag. I don't like it to be this way but just to give you an example.. I have let people into the line of traffic for years when I have the opportunity.. whether they are black white or Asian...Over the last few months I have let lots of people into traffic ( Ive only counted the blacks recently because I've notice they never say thank you ) I have let in that did not offer a wave or a thank you... 57 black people men and women...not one offered a thank you. ( every other person offers a thank you ( EVERYONE) but not one black person... I told my wife as I pointed it out yesterday at 57 blacks counted...I will no longer let any black person into a line ahead of me. These people take and take and think they have the right to do so... they do know how to loot, and get over... I wont enable them to get over again... this is one of the many reasons, they get no respect.... ask a waiter or waitress about black people and tipping... better yet... want an eye opener.. go on line and type in " Why don't blacks tip " there are thousands and thousands of stories from waiters, waitresses, parking valets. bell hops, and many other service people who depend on tips to make a living...
Charles Barkly, I applaud your honesty.. its fairly easy to see that when someone walks like a scumbag, talks like a scumbag, acts like a scumbag.. chances are they " are " a scumbag.... I do however feel sorry for the good blacks who are caught up in this issue but they owe their plight to the number of scumbags within their own ethnicity that make the rest of us, skeptical of all blacks.. This action over Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and the LA rams on National TV. .only broadcast that they are scumbags. Pushing people who are on the fence about this racial issue, over the line , and create an even more volatile racial situation.. they bring it on themself... they do absolutely nothing to elevate their acceptance into society..
Hey, I finally read some of the testimony...
By Paul Cassell, The Washington Post

According to Witness 10, Brown then turned and ran “full charge” toward Wilson:
He [Mike Brown] stopped. He did turn, he did some sort of body gesture, I’m not sure what it was, but I know it was a body gesture. And I could say for sure he never put his hands up after he did his body gesture, he ran towards the officer full charge. The officer fired several shots at him and to give an estimate, I would say roughly around five to six shots was fired at Mike Brown. Mike Brown was still coming towards the office and at this point I’m thinking, wow, is this officer missing Mike Brown at this close of a range. Mike Brown continuously came forward in the charging motion and at some point, at one point he started to slow down and he came to a stop. And when he stopped, that’s when the officer ceased fire and when he ceased fired, Mike Brown started to charge once more at him. When he charged once more, the officer returned fire with, I would say, give an estimate of three to four shots. And that’s when Mike Brown finally collapsed…. (166:21-167:18).
With regard to the body gesture, Witness 10 explained: “All I know is it was not in a surrendering motion of I’m surrendering, putting my hands up or anything. I’m not sure if it was like a shoulder shrug or him pulling his pants up, I’m not sure. I really don’t want to speculate [about] things….” (180:5). But “mmediately after he [Brown] did his body gesture, he comes for force, full charge at the officer” (180:16). Ultimately, in the view of Witness 10, the officer’s life was in jeopardy when Brown charged him from close range (206:4).
Tirades ? or the truth... I've said in all of my post that there are many great black people out there, struggling to escape that which their own ethnicity has put on them.. this issue is about a black scumbag... Michael Brown, who happens to be black.. a Gentle giant my ass.. I see blacks in restaurants after coming from church, stealing food in an all you can eat buffet... I see black adults in home depot training their children to steal...I see our prisons filled with blacks.. Are their whites a yellow and red scumbags.. absolutely.. but this black issue has so divided this country that its only getting worse and its getting worse at the hands of the blacks like Al Sharpton that have no clue as to how to get a group of people to be respected.. if you think that rioting and burning and looting will get them respect... then you are living in denial.. All Sharpton promotes this stuff so he can be a voice in the midst. I see a quote by Mrs. Brown that " Michael had many run ins with the law and did some drugs.. but that what All 18 year old do " NOT where I come from Mr.s Brown.... IM tired of it... I'm fking tired of it... when my kids where 18 they doing advanced placement studies for college.. most of my kids friends were doing the same thing.., not robbing quick marts and doing drugs... this epidemic of scumbags protesting other scum bags is boiling to a head.. Professional Football players spiting in the face of cops and the integrity of the grand jury as if they all lied and was a big conspiracy.. you would have to be an idiot to think that Michael Brown was a gentle giant... Tirades indeed...
I'm done hearing your tirades about black Americans. My problem is with thugs and criminal-rioters/looters/arsonists who come in all colors.
I suggest you Use the Ignore feature... I never once said all Black Americans.. we are dealing with the Black issue in Ferguson... we are dealing with the black Gentle Giant Michael Brown , the felon. we are dealing with Professional black football players on National television disrespecting police and the law... I don't like thugs of any color either but this is a thread about Michael Brown and the Black position in Ferguson about citizens wanting to allow thugs to attack police officers and commit crimes because according to Mrs. Brown, that's what 18 year olds do in Ferguson. Police are the problem according to the citizens, the grand jury was a set up... Like I said earlier.. take the cops out of Ferguson and it will be a burnt out ghost town at the hands of its own citizens.
From Charles Barkley:
"Those aren't black people, those are scumbags," the NBA Hall of Famer and TNT basketball analyst said of the rioters, who targeted mostly minority-owned businesses.

AS a moral and ethical person , anyone should come to the same conclusion... Only scumbags, support other scumbags... the LA Rams scumbags, Al Sharpton scumbags, every single one of the protestor scumbags... they are a race of scumbags, with many good black people trying to escape.. the scumbags have set the level of respect , the rest of us moral and ethical people place on the black race in general.. You can't give them the benefit of the doubt.. unfortunately.. but from my experience, you give a Black man long enough, he will prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is a scumbag... ( certainly not all Black people.) there are many great Black people out there, struggling to escape the mark of being a scum bag. I don't like it to be this way but just to give you an example.. I have let people into the line of traffic for years when I have the opportunity.. whether they are black white or Asian...Over the last few months I have let lots of people into traffic ( Ive only counted the blacks recently because I've notice they never say thank you ) I have let in that did not offer a wave or a thank you... 57 black people men and women...not one offered a thank you. ( every other person offers a thank you ( EVERYONE) but not one black person... I told my wife as I pointed it out yesterday at 57 blacks counted...I will no longer let any black person into a line ahead of me. These people take and take and think they have the right to do so... they do know how to loot, and get over... I wont enable them to get over again... this is one of the many reasons, they get no respect.... ask a waiter or waitress about black people and tipping... better yet... want an eye opener.. go on line and type in " Why don't blacks tip " there are thousands and thousands of stories from waiters, waitresses, parking valets. bell hops, and many other service people who depend on tips to make a living...
Charles Barkly, I applaud your honesty.. its fairly easy to see that when someone walks like a scumbag, talks like a scumbag, acts like a scumbag.. chances are they " are " a scumbag.... I do however feel sorry for the good blacks who are caught up in this issue but they owe their plight to the number of scumbags within their own ethnicity that make the rest of us, skeptical of all blacks.. This action over Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and the LA rams on National TV. .only broadcast that they are scumbags. Pushing people who are on the fence about this racial issue, over the line , and create an even more volatile racial situation.. they bring it on themself... they do absolutely nothing to elevate their acceptance into society..

Tad racist.....much...
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Link Removed This is not the fake one about the president indicting DW.

A quote from the story

The president doesn’t feel he’s injected himself enough into the Ferguson fiasco- so he’s decided to act, again, this time issuing an executive order to reduce the “militarization of the police” which will exacerbate the controversy even further.
Which is exactly what community organizers do.
This "militarization", which was brought on by the riots, which were instigated by Obama/Holder/Sharpton, with flames fanned by the media, which seem to be dwindling so lets tell the rioters "hey wait, we're not done yet". effing pitiful.

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