New member
Stumbled upon a new pistol last week. I went to the local gun shop to see about selling/trading a couple of my pistols that I don't shoot very much. I happened to mention to the owner that I would like to find something a little more slim than my CZ RAMI for carry. He pulled out a Kahr CW9 and said, "this is pretty thin. This is my last one." WOW. Thin it is! Well, I traded for it and thought to myself, "this might be a good carry alternative." Fast forward to today. I went to the range for the 200 round break-in that Kahr recommends. Well, 200 + rounds later (mostly WWB 115gr FMJ, but about 80-100 various JHP's) and I am in LOVE. Not a single FTF, FTE during the break-in period. The recoil wasn't bad (definitely less than my S&W 642 w/ .38spl +P's). Shot to point of aim at about 10 yards and really accurate after about 50 rounds. And that trigger! SWEET! Not at all like my 642. Nice and crisp. For my final 20 rounds, I ran through a box of Magtech Guardian Gold 115gr +P JHP's that I'm thinking of carrying. Out of 20 rounds, all 20 inside the 9 ring from 10 yards. I know 20 rounds is a little early to tell, but my Kahr seems to like the Guardian Gold. Anyway, now I guess I'll have to look into changing the screen name to KAHRCW94ME.