Marine Vet Had Hands Raised When Shot by Police

From what I have just read, I am sickened by this. As much as everyone talks about the LEO, no one talks about the head of the police dept and their policies that allowed this cretin back on the force after previous incidents. Yes it cost a lot of money to replace and train new officers but this story is outrageous and I would hope that the heads of the police dept are also held accountable. At the very least, they all should be fired. Then again this is the new america where we have a Ft Hood shooter who gets a pass on everything that he does leading to murder because no one wanted to stand up and get rid of him---too concerned with the "big picture" and their retirements. BTW who is this LEO and what does anyone know about him? Would not shock me to find out he is not white and not a christian.

Would not shock me to find out he is not white and not a christian.


Officer Gahiji A. Tshamba, age 36.

Probably a good chance you're correct although I don't know what the fact that it was a black on black incident has to do with anything. From what I remember reading in the local papers, the LEO clearly used excessive force for what apparently was a minor flirting incident between the Marine, Tyrone Brown, and Tshamba's girlfriend. Even cops have to ensure their response is proportional to the "crime."
Hye felix: My comment about not white and not christian has everything to do with what appears to be the free passes this guy got from previous "incidents". All this political correctness and fear of doing what is right like firing him seems to have been the reason he was still around for this terrible incident to happen. Heaven forbid we fire a black or a muslim in this country for incompetence or cause--our dear president might tell them they "acted stupidly".
The trial of this officer is now in progress.


Baltimore Officer Gahiji Tshamba was convicted on June 9, 2011 of voluntary manslaughter in the shooting death of Tyrone Brown, a Marine veteran gunned down last year after a quarrel outside a city nightclub. The officer could be sent to prison for up to 30 years when he is sentenced in August.

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I've posted this comment on other places and got some odd replies.
If the officer had identified himself, how many in the crowd would have stepped up to help the Marine? It probably wouldn't have saved the Marine but might have prevented him from being shot 9 times. There were obviously several people in the immediate area judging by the number of witnesses quoted.
This is a very serious case and it would seem the citizens of the area need to make some big changes in their voting boxes soon.
Something that for some reason bothers me about how this story is being reported and discusses on this and other forums. As I understand this was outside a nightclub where all had been drinking and possibly heavy drinking. The shooter was not on duty, the shootee was also not on duty and the gal who caused the whole thing I don't think was on duty but she may have been. However everything especially the headlines and title says cop shoots marine, What did them being a cop and a marine have to do with it? I may have missed something but it appears to me to be two, I will not use any derogatory term here, out at a bar getting drunk and one of them winding up dead.

It reminds me of the Costco shooting where the fellow that was shot was supposed to be some sort of hero because he went to West Point (or was it the Naval Academy) but no one ever mentioned that the cop who did the shooting was a former Marine Drill Seargent. I understand some wanting to honor those who have served but its not like just because he was or is a Marine even if he is in uniform it makes him totally innocent. And just because the other fellow was a cop, even though he was off duty it doesn't automatically make him guilty. I know some cops who are very good guys both in and out of uniform and I know som EX-Marines that really weren't worth much in or out of uniform, and notice the ex. Most got kicked out eventually.

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