Mall Ninjas'

I've been using the term for the last several years to describe folks who are more "harmful" than "helpful" to the firearms community. Here's a link to the definition:

We had a gun show this past weekend. I was volunteering at the table for our local NRA affiliate, and had conversations with many of these folks. :eek:

Surprisingly, many of these folks were from out of state. I'm glad I was there to set them straight and help ensure that they didn't break any laws while they were here visiting. :icon_wink:

Anyone else run into these types? Any funny stories of how the encounters went?

A guy I know, sort of like an acquaintance. Was telling me about his new hunting rifle, and how he could shoot fleas off a dogs back at 500 yds or whatever. So we went shooting the next day. He was doing just fine until I gave him my Glock 36 to shoot.
He seemed to know how to operate a rifle just fine, but when he got the Glock in his hands, I got a little worried. He pulled the slide back, cocked the gun sideways, and put his thumb back behind the slide!
I about crapped myself. I told him to stop, and he looked at me suprised, like he didn't know what the problem was. After I explained to him he was about to break his thumb, and why you don't shoot it sideways, he was sort of embarrassed and I didn't hear anymore bragging about him being an gun expert. I guess you shouldn't think you know everything just because you watch action movies with gangsters shooting handguns sideways!
I believe this guy would be a mall ninja, right?
... but when he got the Glock in his hands, I got a little worried. He pulled the slide back, cocked the gun sideways, and put his thumb back behind the slide!
I about crapped myself. I told him to stop, and he looked at me suprised, like he didn't know what the problem was. After I explained to him he was about to break his thumb, and why you don't shoot it sideways, he was sort of embarrassed and I didn't hear anymore bragging about him being an gun expert. I guess you shouldn't think you know everything just because you watch action movies with gangsters shooting handguns sideways!
I believe this guy would be a mall ninja, right?

CLASSIC! But as we all know in "Hollywood", the guy wouldn't have gotten hurt, and your Glock 36 would have been able to fire 100 rounds or so without having to reload. :icon_wink:

Glad you were able to keep him from serious injury!

Oh Man I love Mall Rats..In a bad way of course. Here in college you run into them everywhere. They have huge misconceptions and are your worst nightmare, just not in the way they think. I've got a bunch of guys who have fired a gun maybe 3 times in a year. They go paintballing and airsofting every week. And, unfortunately they all have CCW. Its been a long standing goal to help them, understand reality versus inreality. Those I have taken to the range either got a butt chewing or a severe walk home as I almost leave them at the range. Either way, they loose their Mall Ninja status and gain a better understanding of safety and reality. I love movies, I just got through a series watch of all the death wish and rambo movies. However, there is a big difference and as a community, we have a duty to represent firearms safety, reality, and ccw knowledge. The best thing I've learned to do is get them out to the range and hound them like a hawk until they can demonstrate to me that they now understand reality. Once they do, maybe then we can move past the snap caps.... :). Gotta love hollywood's influence on people.
A few months ago I went to the range with a friend who has been shooting, "hundreds of times". He wanted to shoot my Kimber, and as he was "qualified", I didn't bother to babysit him. He's a south paw and after his first shot he let out a yelp set the kimber down and began vigorously shaking his right hand. I saw a couple of drops of blood fall to the ground and he finally looked at the big chunk of flesh that had been removed from his thumb knuckle. In his grip of left hand superior, right hand support, even with the exagerated size of the Kimber's dovetail, the slide had bit him hard.
We both learned a lesson, me to watch and check for safety violations with all "expert shooters" who are using my shooting implements; and him not to be a mall-ninja and take a few seconds to ask questions. Now, I assume that anyone I've never been shooting with is a mall ninja. I like that new word...
Later - Sam
Actually Gunny, most people around here call it a beavertail, too. Me, being a little dyslexic and slow in the brain, I have a tendency of typing and not proof-reading what I was thinking at the time my fingers were moving across the keyboard.
Thanx for the correection.
later - Sam
proof reading

Actually Gunny, most people around here call it a beavertail, too. Me, being a little dyslexic and slow in the brain, I have a tendency of typing and not proof-reading what I was thinking at the time my fingers were moving across the keyboard.
Thanx for the correection.
later - Sam

I mess up on my spelling. I am not the best speller by any means and not smart enough to get this spell checker on this site to work.
When my wife is available she is my spell checker.
Had another "Mall Ninja" incident last night wile working at an indoor firing range. Some guy brought in his friends to shoot a bunch of his guns. In the mix he had a Glock 22 and a Beretta 92FS. As you may be aware, the Glock 22 eats .40 s&w cartridges and the Beretta 92FS eats 9mm cartridges. As the guys were shooting, all seemed to be fine until the began shooting the Glock 22. The gun would fire and fail to chamber the next round. I've only seen this happen a few times. Each time it was a problem with the magazine. After swapping magazines twice, I noticed the brass on the firing bench. The three pieces of brass appeared to be deformed. At this point I checked out the ammo. The guy managed to load his magazines with 9mm ammunition and was firing it in the Glock 22. The 9mm case apparently expanded to the size of the .40 barrel! After discreetly pointing out his error and checking out the rest of his stuff, I did a quick armorer's check of the Glock 22. Everything looked good, so I welcomed them to continue firing.

I was amazed that the Glock 22 fired the 9mm ammunition accurately. At the same time, I was glad that nobody was injured in the process.

The guy managed to load his magazines with 9mm ammunition and was firing it in the Glock 22. The 9mm case apparently expanded to the size of the .40 barrel! After discreetly pointing out his error and checking out the rest of his stuff, I did a quick armorer's check of the Glock 22. Everything looked good, so I welcomed them to continue firing.
I did a GIS for the Glock 22 and noticed that it says ".40" right there on the left side of the slide.

Was this particular individual blind or something?
To be fair, there are "ninjas" in pretty much every area. How many of have run into the 17 year old that "knows everything about cars" for example or the boat owner that's things he's Admiral Nimitz. Hell, I take a lot of coworkers and friends fishing and you'd think these guys were Bill Dance when they showed up at the pier, but come to find out they don't even know how to cast a rod & reel.
I hear you. Had the guy at the auto parts store today trying to sell me these $8 "name brand" hose clamps when there was another brand of the exact same thing selling for $4. When I read the back of the lower priced hose clamps it read something like "Manufactured for [lower priced brand] by [higher priced brand]". I pointed this out to the store clerk and he still insisted that the "name brand" was "better". I bought the lower priced hose clamps and what do you know, they worked as they were supposed to. :wink:

I guess you can find the "mall ninja" types just about anywhere if you look hard enough. :icon_cheesygrin:


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