mall ninja


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Read this, don't drink in front of your computer


Yeah, saw the link on FTF earlier, I know it's older, just wanted to share. I mean wow these guys can't be real, right?
I'm sorry but that was just pathetic...

I spent 4 years in the Navy and trained for EOD (explosive ordinance disposal) but I DOR'd (dropped on request) so I never finished the training but I met a number of specops guys and am still friends with many... NONE of them are this dumb and at no point in time would their commanders EVER go on a message board to tell them to stop posting. They would have personally put a boot in their asses for running their mouths anywhere. Special Forces individuals are very humble and laid back individuals. They wouldn't survive the training if they weren't.
Oh yeah total Fin morons, so full of manure their eyes are brown. I just find it comical people are like this, thankfully I have yet to meet a "mall ninja."
I believe Mr. Gecko45 is a fictional character brilliantly created by the ultimate troll. It's really quite good.
Ok...someone is going to have to apologize to my wife who is staring daggers at me right now because I woke her up with my giggling while reading about Gecko and SpecOps' shenanigans
Yeah, saw the link on FTF earlier, I know it's older, just wanted to share. I mean wow these guys can't be real, right?

I'm fairly certain it was one guy whit an absolute comedic genius.

To my knowledge Gecko was never identified
The sole purpose of which was to show that some people take the Internet way too seriously.

It's amazing how many subtle references to mall ninjary he worked into his posts.
It's amazing how many subtle references to mall ninjary he worked into his posts.

If you're talking about the Gecko threads they are where the term "Mall Ninja was first coined I think 2 or 3 posts in

Along with "If Plan A is to take multiple .338 shots to the back, you really need to come up with a Plan B..."

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