New member
I applied for my LTC two days ago here in Indiana. Filled out all paperwork provided by the PD and was told I was all set and I'd have it in around 30 days. This morning before work as I'm pulling out I look in the rear view mirror and there's a unmarked Crown Vic pulling in behind me. I get out of the car and walk up to a gentleman who gets out of the Crown Vic. He IDs himself as the PD's Captain and says that I didn't fill out some needed paperwork. I was in a rush as I was running a little late so I just signed the paper and he signed as a witness. I have no idea what the paper was. I know, dumb dumb dumb mistake. Anyone have any clue as to what this paper might be? Also, he asked if I could drop some postage stamps off at the PD. I'm assuming that they are for my paperwork. I shouldn't have to pay for postage, I paid all of my fees in registered money orders. I haven't been to the PD yet. What do you guys think I should do?