Just a thought...ammo availability.


God Bless Our Troops!!!
I own weapons that use military rounds for 3 reasons...
1. Ammo will be a lot easier to come by in a SHTF scenario
2. Ammo will be a lot easier to come by in a SHTF scenario
3. Ammo will be a lot easier to come by in a SHTF scenario

All I will have to do is get to the knucklehead from the UN that just gave his all and take what he don't need.:jester:
Are you thinking Nigerian blue hats with 7.62X51 (or 5.56X45)
Canadian blue hats with 5.56X45
Russian Federation blue hats carrying 5.45X39
Chinese blue hats armed with 5.8x42
(fill in your choice here) blue hats armed with (appropriate caliber here)

You get what I'm thinking?
I'm always looking for an angle

Are you thinking Nigerian blue hats with 7.62X51 (or 5.56X45)
Canadian blue hats with 5.56X45
Russian Federation blue hats carrying 5.45X39
Chinese blue hats armed with 5.8x42
(fill in your choice here) blue hats armed with (appropriate caliber here)

You get what I'm thinking?

I'm always looking for an angle to buy more guns and feel like I have not wasted anything. Thanks for the reason see ya at the gun show:dance3:
I'm always looking for an angle to buy more guns and feel like I have not wasted anything. Thanks for the reason see ya at the gun show:dance3:

If you find something in the 5.8 Chinese with a source of ammo let me know. OK? I'd like to give it a try.
my.02 worth

1. one of the reasons i buy warsaw pact ammo and weaponry. the other is cost.
2. if/when the time comes to ahhh.... engage the blue meanies, just send them on ahead and take their stuff off of them. they won't need it anymore. includes clothes and any other equipment ,rations and gear they may have on them.
My primary hand gun ammo is 9mm. Two reasons, I prefer it and it is a universal cal. All of the the autos that my wife and I have are 9mm except my mouse gun which uses 32 cal. I have a 44 mag. revolver and a 357 mag. which of course can use 38 spl. and my wife carries a 38. Rifle ammo, 223 and 308. and 12 gauge shot gun. All of these are very common. Of course I am always open to adding more and if time will allow I may pick up something in 7.62x39.
Make sure your kit has sewing supplies

1. one of the reasons i buy warsaw pact ammo and weaponry. the other is cost.
2. if/when the time comes to ahhh.... engage the blue meanies, just send them on ahead and take their stuff off of them. they won't need it anymore. includes clothes and any other equipment ,rations and gear they may have on them.

You may have to "patch a few holes"
club soda cold water and oxy-clean

The holes are easy--it's those big stains that make one look like an extra from a Romero movie that are most disturbing.

Link Removed

Lots of ways to deal with stains....pick and choose the garments selectively as well.:victory:
I own weapons that use military rounds for 3 reasons...
1. Ammo will be a lot easier to come by in a SHTF scenario
2. Ammo will be a lot easier to come by in a SHTF scenario
3. Ammo will be a lot easier to come by in a SHTF scenario

All I will have to do is get to the knucklehead from the UN that just gave his all and take what he don't need.

That sounds like something a socialist would say. :jester:

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