Jade Helm: Training or prophetic demise?


The Jade Helm 15 special forces "training" is scheduled to take place between July 15 and September 15 spanning across Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Texas and Utah. It is considered among the largest peacetime domestic military exercises in sixty years. Conspiracy theorists are predicting the exercise is a possible preparation for martial law. The liberal news media ridicules their worries, reporting that it is a training exercise merely to give military special operations an edge in the Middle East theater where civilian infiltration is necessary. The debate was elevated this week when the Pentagon denied conspiracy claims, and when a Congressman issued a statement.

The Defense Department pulled a Wizard of Oz move, telling Americans to not pay attention to the operations behind the curtain; there is nothing to see. Pentagon Spokesman Army Col. Steve Warren told reporters Monday, "Operation Jade Helm poses no threat to any American's civil liberties. Operation Jade Helm is being conducted by Americans--by, specifically, American special forces personnel. In every case, extensive coordination has been completed with whoever's responsible for that land. In the case of private land, we've spoken and made detailed coordination with the patriotic Americans who have volunteered their land for the use of this important training."

Citing a 2009 White House directed Pentagon report depicting conservatives and Christians as "extremists" and a map of the Jade Helm operation that looks amazingly similar to the red state-blue state final of the 2012 presidential election, Texas Republican Congressman Louie Gohmert said in a statement: "Once I observed the map depicting 'hostile,' 'permissive,' and 'uncertain' states and locations, I was rather appalled that the hostile areas amazingly have a Republican majority, 'cling to their guns and religion,' and believe in the sanctity of the United States Constitution. When the federal government begins, even in practice, games or exercises, to consider any US city or state in 'hostile' control and trying to retake it, the message becomes extremely calloused and suspicious."

2 Timothy prophesies of the latter days. Verse 3:13 says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." Throughout history, totalitarian regimes have used military exercises to demonstrate strength. Ruthless communists have used infiltration of citizens to identify potential opposition and silence them. When a Pentagon spokesman says the exercise is being conducted by Americans and the military has coordinated with private citizens in conjunction with a map labeling states that didn't vote for the current "president" as hostile, alarm bells should be sounding. Is this a deceptive template for a future action? Suspend your disbelief. Take heed and be prepared to follow God not man.

Bill Wilson - Daily Jot -

~ Things Are Going To Get Very Ugly, Very Soon ~

Mike Vanderboegh has some good ideas about this thing.
Sipsey Street Irregulars: People, get a grip. Jade Helm is not an attempt at martial law. It IS designed to prep the future battlefield by provoking hysteria through disinformation. (And they're doing a pretty damn good job of that courtesy of loons
People, get a grip. Jade Helm is not an attempt at martial law. It IS designed to prep the future battlefield by provoking hysteria through disinformation. (And they're doing a pretty damn good job of that courtesy of loons like Alex Jones.) <snip<
Of the claims I have seen, it is obvious that every ridiculous piece of disinformation from the 90s has been resurrected for this one, including the old hoary "rail cars with shackles" canard. Personally, were I a militia unit commander in the Jade Helm Area of Operations, I would take the advice above and have my folks -- in civilian clothes -- follow, watch and learn. Monitor, to the extent that it is possible, their movements. Observe their tactics. Document them. After-action analyze what you learn. I doubt very seriously if you will be able to monitor their communications, but much can be learned -- especially by your friendly sources within local law enforcement in the AO -- about what is happening.

Try to remember that all this disinformation-driven hysteria does is discredit your position. IT IS DESIGNED TO DO THAT. If the PTB can use things like this to convince serious people who might otherwise be our allies that we are all just a bunch of Alex Jones loons, then they have shaped the future battlefield in unseen ways that are to their advantage. Keep calm, watch and learn.
The upcoming military exercise, Jade Helm 15, to be conducted in this country from July 15 thru September 15, 2015. Many people, including active duty and veterans all across the armed services, are nervous about what this might bring. Is this the precursor to martial law being instituted in America? Are they going to start confiscating our guns and dragging us off to the FEMA camps? I can’t tell you for certain that these things will happen as a result of Jade Helm. However, gun confiscation and the round-up of political dissidents WILL most assuredly occur in the not too distant future. BS you say? Our government will never do something like that—besides, the military would never turn on their fellow citizens. Really?? Well, guess what? This has already happened. After Hurricane Katrina, the National Guard went door-to-door in New Orleans, yelling “National Guard! Does anyone need assistance?” as they broke in. They made illegal entry at gunpoint, into the private homes of American citizens, in direct violation of the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution, and confiscated any guns they could find. One guardsman recounted, “Only a couple of people resisted verbally and they were quickly thrown down, cuffed and thrown in the back of police cars.”

So, don’t say it will never happen. It already did! But, you say, they’ll never declare martial law all over the country. Is that so? Remember the Boston Marathon bombing? Were you not paying attention as hundreds of National Guardsmen, state and local police locked the city of Boston down, ordering residents to “shelter in place?” Remember watching on the news as these para-military officers, all outfitted in their G.I. Joe soldier gear, riding in their armored vehicles with gun turrets mounted on the top, stormed in groups onto the front porches of private citizens, pounding on the door, ordering the residents to open up? Go on YouTube and view cell-phone footage of innocent homeowners being ordered out of their houses AT GUNPOINT, hands raised above their heads, some barefoot and in bathrobes, to be pawed and searched on the sidewalk as other officers tramped through their homes, again confiscating any weapons they happened to find. This went on hour after hour, and for what? To hunt down one unarmed teenage boy!

Actually, it was what they call a "psyop", a psychological operation designed to test what the response would be from ordinary folks having their freedoms raped in their own country. Sadly, no one resisted this illegal outrage. Not one person. Now, they know they can get away with it, with nary a sniff from the citizens. Will Jade Helm be the same? Again, I don’t know. I do believe Jade Helm is being held for the purpose of prepositioning men and equipment for when the Powers That Be do declare martial law. It probably won’t be instituted this summer, but they’ll have everything in place for the right time and the Wal-Marts will be their staging area.
I do not believe anything in government is what it claims to be.

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Gee, imagine that........... The U.S. Military training on U.S. Soil.

Who would have ever thought that it would happen?

The Jade Helm conspiracy theory was started by Alex Jones, a noted "9/11 Truther" and conspiracy theorist. He is always finding a government conspiracy in everything. He even said it w Government that set the bombs off a the Boston Marathon. He is a nut-ball.

With all the MOCK TOWNS on military reservations...... WHY TEXAS? Col does not convince the good people of Bastrop. This the very short version.... IT DOES NOT PASS THE SMALL TEST.

Gee, imagine that........... The U.S. Military training on U.S. Soil.

Who would have ever thought that it would happen?


I have trained all over the country in many different exercises. One big one, "Sagebrush" was long before your birth but all over the state of Louisana; in North and South Carolina; Texas and many others. Training is not new here but the methods of training for the proposed Jade Helm are considerably different and encompass a much greater area. This "exercise" is completely different than others and has grown to include states other than the original scenario. There are too many questions being asked about the purpose of the exercise, the movement of equipment (to include equipment with Homeland Security markings,UN markings FEMA markings and other military equipment markings not used in this country.) Add to that the administrative publications and different subject matters included seem to indicate that there is much more to this than meets the eye. I saw one comment about the insignia for the exercise and it's meaning which, if one knows anything about history, gives pause and some trepidation. I love conspiracy theories and laugh my rear end off while reading some of them. Most are generally someone peeing in the wind but, this one seems to have a different feel and questionable activities. A lot of people seem to be questioning it in the states involved and, it may result in considerable conflict with the civilian populace. Guess we will simply have to wait and see what happens.
Hi, I am from the govt and I am here to help. This "training" exercise will become permanent I believe.

Here is another article on the subject: Link Removed

Some may call us paranoid but that is what can and will keep you alive. Trust no one affiliated with this exercise and be vigilant and wary of any foreign troops involved and UN ofcourse. I was at a local gun dealer last year (SW PA) and noticed 3 men with sidearms and 1 woman perusing the cases and they spoke what sounded like Russian. For some reason Spetsnaz came to mind but they could have easily been honest law abiding new citizens to the USA just out for a Saturday drive exploring the area.
Jade Helm 15 to open without media access

Jade Helm 15, heavily scrutinized military exercise, to open without media access

Link Removed

Bill Wilson and his "Moonies" need to up grade from cheapo dollar store tinfoil to a mil-spec grade of lead foil.

It will protect them better from the "waves" and "signals".


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