[Humor] Survivor Texas Style...


Obama is a mack daddy!
Forwarded to me from a friend of mine in Houston.
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A major network is planning a new "survivor" show.

In response, the State of Texas is planning: "Survivor, Texas Style".

The contestants will start in El Paso, travel I-20 through Pecos, Odessa, Midland, Big Spring, Abilene, Ft.Worth & Dallas. They will then proceed down to Waco, Austin, over to Houston, back to San Antonio, up I-10 to Kerrville, Sonora, up to San Angelo, up to Lamesa, Lubbock, to Amarillo over to Hereford and back to El Paso.

Each will be driving a pink Volvo, with a bumper sticker that reads:

"I'm gay, I voted for Barrak Obama and I'm here to confiscate your guns."

The first one to make it back to El Paso wins.
Well, the producers won't have to worry about paying out a prize...