Haywood Mall (Greenville SC)


I do not like to go to the mall, but last night, my glasses broke, and I needed a replacement pair quick - the Lens Crafters in the the mall was open till 9, so I headed there. I am happy to report, that Haywood Mall does NOT have a "NO CONCEALABLE WEAPONS ALLOWED" sign on the doors.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened, but thought I'd pass along my findings... :)
That's good to know. I wonder if there is a place to find information on businesses that are posted against carry in SC.
I would like to see that as well - Maybe we can start a database? Maybe in Google Docs or something... let me see if I can whip something up... :)
That would be great Danno, All the malls here in Myrtle Beach have sighns at the doors going in.. But not the legal size as the law states, .. Only the Horry co. Electric co, has legal sighns posted that I know of, and boy do they have them ever where, in the parking lots, on the doors, they ment for them to be seen...........
take care, I'll be loooking for the database.............
Next time you go to Haywood mall go in through the Food Court entrance. Look on the left side of the doors and you will see a list of forbidden items. No weapons allowed is one of them. It means nothing but it is there.
Grangers over on Congaree road has a legal sign up by the entrance but if you walk around to the loading dock... none of the entrances on the side have a sign. Both my banks, Suntrust and SC Employees Credit union, have none legal signs.
Next time you go to Haywood mall go in through the Food Court entrance. Look on the left side of the doors and you will see a list of forbidden items. No weapons allowed is one of them. It means nothing but it is there.

In this case, my concealed "firearm" would be permitted. I don't consider it to be a "weapon". It's a tool that I use for sporting purposes, and personal protection.

I find it imperative for folks to use proper language when dealing with anyone. Our NRA classes strictly forbid the use of the "w" word. I've noticed that folks in general are a little more understanding and accommodating if you use the word "firearm" versus "weapon". If they said that the "firearm" was a "weapon", then one could argue that a flashlight, ball point pen, umbrella, etc. can also be used as a "weapon", so following their logic, those items should be prohibited as well.

It's much safer to do the "don't ask, don't tell" thing. Since they use the word "weapon", then as long as you're licensed to carry and "legal", then carrying a concealed firearm shouldn't cause any problems.

If I ran a store open to the public I would have a sign that said something like no illegal weapons allowed.... this would keep any and all armed crooks out.
If I ran a store open to the public I would have a sign that said something like no illegal weapons allowed.... this would keep any and all armed crooks out.

:hilarious: he he he! blume, you so funny!
If I ran a store open to the public, I would have a large sign announcing:

Legal firearms are permitted and encouraged in this establishment
Hello all,
Just wanted to let you all know that I work in the mall as an LP investigator. I know several of the City Officers that work that area and I know a lot of "behind the scenes" stuff regarding the properties. If you all have any questions, let me know and I'll be glad to try and track down some concrete answers. Also, on a side note, from what I've been reading, even if a business has a tall, door-sized sign that states, "NO GUNS ALLOWED!!!," it doesn't cut it legally. From what I understand there is a VERY specific signing that needs to be applied at ALL entrances in order for this order to be valid. I mean, it comes down to even having to have a certain sized font, etc. for the writing. Of course, if it's a privately owned business, they can always tell you to leave. But, then again, why would they know you are armed in the first place? Hmmmmm:suspicious:
You got it Redding. Most states require signage that must meet certain standards in order to deny our rights. In the early years of CC the anti's were putting out all kinds of propaganda about CC. Any sign would suffice to deny your rights and were popping up everywhere. Finally seeing what was going on laws were passed requiring specific signs. The good thing is most businesses have no idea about the sign requirements. If you see one that doesn't meet the criteria it's hush hush to business. What they don't know won't hurt them and may save their life some day!
Thanks Redding - nice to know someone on the "inside" :)

I used to work @ Haywood mall - as a security guard... a long time ago. Way back before it was a simon mall. We were not allowed to carry anything, except a radio, and a mini-mag. Couldn't carry a full size mag light (cause someone cracked a skull with one) and no hand-cuffs either - we couldn't even touch a shoplifter - only ask them to come with us.

Basicly, we were just to call City, and let them handle it... Ah the wonder years.... fresh out of High school... and yes... I was a Mall Ninja :)
I think there are signs in the PArking lot as well. It was covered in my class back 02 Feb 2008.

the mall is off limits. now a store that has a direct entrance, may be questionable, as long as you stay in that store.
I think there are signs in the PArking lot as well. It was covered in my class back 02 Feb 2008.

the mall is off limits. now a store that has a direct entrance, may be questionable, as long as you stay in that store.
Which mall are you talking about? Haywood mall has no legal signs at all.
As I understand the SC laws...

a parking lot sign is totally useless in our state. I suppose it could go under the outside rules but then it must be 3ftx3ft. Even if they have one sign on the main entrance to the mall that doesn't mean anything.... there is no sign on the entrance to sears.... Every door and entrance, public and private, must be posted.
This is true, The Signs have to be legal aize, and the lettering must be legal size, But I usualy obey all signs, if the say NO Concealed Carry, it avoids all the legal hassel, that they could caus, if carrying where they say not too,,,, (rather keep my money in the bank, rather than give it to an attorney lol)
BS ... illegal signs can still get you in a world of trouble.

You may "win" in the end but the fact is they can arrest or detain you, and make your day a lousy one. You want to fight the battle to proove a point go for it.
I still question why so many people worry about all of these illegal signs in the first place. Legally, they have no bearing on concealed carry. Sure, it theoretically could lead to a lousy day for you, but why would anyone know in the first place? Isn't it called CONCEALED carry for a reason. It's not something you flaunt around or talk about. Or do you? It shouldn't be out of sight and out of mind in my opinion. And for what it's worth...I haven't seen 1 solitary "legal" sign anywhere in or around the mall. Hell, I didn't even notice one on the door of the Security/Police substation. I'll ask a couple of my buddies that work with City as a general "hypothetical" question if it will ease anyone's mind.
I totally agree Redding... one of the important parts of getting a CWP in S.C. at least in the class I took was to learn about correct signage. Knowledge is power and knowing what is legal and illegal is the same.... the belief than any sign should be acknowledged is the same as just presuming you should not carry anywhere any how.
Come to think of it, I don't think I have EVER seen a "legal" sign in S.C. - I see plenty of your run of the mill, "No" signs around a revolver, but to the best of my knowledge, I have never seen a legal sign.... hmmmm "carry everywhere" he thinks....