Guy charges me


New member
Im working and this guy wearing a Godzilla looking outfit walks into the shop. I say hi can I help you? Guy just stands there I cant see a face. Then out of nowhere he charges at me so I backstep quickly almost tripping over myself. i manage to take out my firearm and point it at his direction but to the floor. And I tell him to get tge hell out. He then takes off jis mask and shows me a paper of products or something he is selling. I keep a distance so ai dont know whts on the paper. I tell him to get out and leave and he gives me a shocked and disgusted look that I drew on him. he leaves and I contemplate calling the cops to report the incident and then i wake up.

This isnt a journal but I think it is how my subconscious thinks it would handle a situation. What would you have done in a situation like that?

What would I have done in 'your dream/nightmare' situation?
I don't know....
Why would I ever be in your insane dream/nightmare situation anyways?

Why am I even responding to this asinine post??

I think that I smell a Troll.
Godzilla can't be killed by mere handguns. I would have called the military to send everyone. I would need a new pair of pants too. I would also be thanking God that I wasn't fried by a radioactive flame blast. You are one lucky a sob for living through such a horrifying experience against such a terrifying monster. but...since its my dream, I would have flown away and thrown a comet obliterating Godzilla instantly.

In real life, call 911 if you break holster in public.
it's a good thing you didn't 'sleepwalk' in your dream and actually pick up your gun and it's good thing in the dream the godzilla didn't try to attack you for you might could have woke up with the sound of your own gun in your own hand going off in a dangerous way
perhaps it's good to keep a gun in a safe or at at least 3 steps from your bed??

be safe even in your dream worlds
Too bad you weren't Chuck Norris in your dream. You wouldn't have had to pull your gun! One roundhouse kick to the head and goodbye Godzilla.
Your subconscious and conscious minds are in conflict with one another. You might want to seek counseling. Are you now or have you suffered from PTSD? Are you now or have you suffered from depression? Do you want to or have you ever harmed anyone? Do you own firearms? Expect a visit from some very talented people dressed in black.
I would have called Japanese Spiderman and his trusty Godzilla-sized robot to handle the situation:
