Good article that explains the need for care in the upcoming elections. and Judges: Electing the Supreme Court in 2008::By Sandy Froman and Judges: Electing the Supreme Court in 2008::By Sandy Froman
As an ad on, I just got this in email:
Here's something that could scare the kageebeez outta you and may prevent you from sleeping tonight unlike the comfy lookin' Clintoons ...
If Hillary tosses in the towel & agrees to back Obama, & he becomes President, what will she want in return? Not the VP - the voters, the party, & Obama probably wouldn't stand for that - and in 8 years, she'll be too old to run for the presidency again ...
So, what would this power hungry woman settle for? If Obama is elected, the House & Senate will surely be Democrat controlled & Obama can pay Hillary off big time by nominating her for the Supreme Court . . .
justice Hillary . justice Hillary .. justice hillarys
Remember, John Paul Stevens is 88 yrs old. The Republicans will have no way of stopping it. This woman would then be able to rain
havoc on our Republic for the rest of her life & do more damage than she ever could do as President.
She is waiting in the wings ...
sleep tight .
Maybe we should have the President and members of Congress swear to uphold and defend the Constitution?
Or, maybe we as a people, should quit electing politicians who have no respect for the Constitution!:boom06: