Gun to Buy?


New member
Ok what do you guys and gals think what should I buy, I was thinking of getinng a model 700 remington in .308 but now that I just bought a AR, I dont know if I really want one anymore or not.

Plus I work part time for Bass Pro in the hunting department, I only do it for the discount, since I work in hunting we get good deals on guns (they call it pro deals) wich means I call the manufacture and tell them what I want and the give me a dicounted price from whats in the store. So any ideals???
Ok what do you guys and gals think what should I buy, I was thinking of getinng a model 700 remington in .308 but now that I just bought a AR, I dont know if I really want one anymore or not.

Plus I work part time for Bass Pro in the hunting department, I only do it for the discount, since I work in hunting we get good deals on guns (they call it pro deals) wich means I call the manufacture and tell them what I want and the give me a dicounted price from whats in the store. So any ideals???

Start at one end of the gun display, and buy the first one you see. Don't stop buying until you get to the other end. You'll never wonder.....

Actually, you didn't tell us enough. Why do you want a .308? Gits and Shiggles? Big game hunting? What does the AR have to do with getting a .308? If you hunt, where do you go? What are the shooting conditions? Long range? Do you competitively shoot rifles?
Well the way I sees it, if you have at least one hunting rifle, one hunting shotgun, one carry gun, one assault rifle, and one or more defence guns for each room of your house. Then the rest of them are just guns to shoot for fun. Every man needs at least one large caliber revolver. Its just a testosterone thing. Or maybe a Desert Eagle. Or save up to get a machine gun. Man, I shouldn't give advice as to what gun to buy, cause I want them all.
If you don't have a good bolt action rifle I would say get one they are darn near indistructable and very good accuracy. 308 is a good all round caliber good for deer antelope maybe even bear with the right bullet and range. The old 30.06 is another never will go out of style too many of them made. a .270 is another good one lighter flatter shooting less recoil etc. But I would say a good bolt it a great investment and it will shoot forever.
Take a look at the Savage 10Fp

Take a look at the Savage 10FP. It is a great tactical rifle and the most accurate production rifle out of the box.
well in Indiana we can not use high powered rifle to hunt deer, I really gave up on deer hunting any way. I mostly duck hunt now so I got SBE II for that, so basically the .308 woul be just to have a good bolt action rifle and basiclly money usually burns a hole in my pocket for more guns....
Well another thought. If you are pretty well stocked on firearms you might use the money to lay in more ammo. I think the price is going to continue to rise. Everytime I check it has gone up again and one day we may not be able to purchase it at all.