Gun amnesty in Tasmania


New member
I've got no words. The fear mongering and paranoia over firearms here is just ridiculous.

Fearful gun owners turn in firearms

A FEAR of being the target of gun thieves motivated many people to surrender firearms in a gun amnesty, police said.

A total of 157 firearms were handed over to police from the state’s North-West.

Sergeant Peter May said it was a relief for many people to rid themselves of weapons.“A lot of people don’t want their residential premises targeted because they may have firearms,” Sgt May said.

There was a spike in gun theft around the state last year, as criminals raided homes holding firearms.

“There is no doubt firearms are a valued commodity among criminals – and if criminals get wind someone has a firearm in their house, it opens them up to be targeted,” he said.

“Every firearm handed in this weekend is a firearm that cannot be targeted for theft by criminals, and raises awareness of the ongoing amnesty."

Sgt May said he was pleased with the number of firearms handed in at Devonport and Burnie at the weekend.

The number of firearms surrendered in Devonport on Saturday was 77, while 80 were handed in at Burnie yesterday.

The firearms surrendered included 63 rifles, 59 shotguns and eight handguns.“These firearms will now be destroyed,” Sgt May said.

He said some of the firearms had been found in the roofs and cavities of people’s homes, possibly hidden by previous owners who had either moved on or died.

Last year 99 guns were handed in during an amnesty in Hobart and 197 in Launceston.

Sgt May encouraged people to continue coming forward with unwanted firearms.

“We have taken 450 firearms in the last six months, most of them unregistered,” he said.

Unwanted or unregistered firearms can be handed in to any police station, and no *action will be taken for the *unauthorised possession.

"There was a spike in gun theft around the state last year, as criminals raided homes holding firearms." It's not like that firearms registry with everyone's names and addresses on it could fall into the wrong hands, like it has in other states, right? :rolleyes:

"He said some of the firearms had been found in the roofs and cavities of people’s homes, possibly hidden by previous owners who had either moved on or died."

Say what?? I am going to check in my roof now! Maybe the last owner left a nice pistol "hidden" there.
Anyone on this forum that may be afraid of being raided to steal your firearms I just want to let you know you can use your firearm to prevent it from being stolen. If that doesn't make sense to you please send me an email and I will gladly come get them so you can feel safe.
I've got no words. The fear mongering and paranoia over firearms here is just ridiculous.

Fearful gun owners turn in firearms

"There was a spike in gun theft around the state last year, as criminals raided homes holding firearms." It's not like that firearms registry with everyone's names and addresses on it could fall into the wrong hands, like it has in other states, right? :rolleyes:

I was afraid when I saw this post that some wouldn't understand it, and it appears I was right. It would seem, DW98, that you must lead people by the nose and point out that Tasmania is a state of Australia, where you've been very nearly completely disarmed by your own government, and sadly, by your own complicit, complacent and apathetic citizenry.

For the terminally unaware, DW98 has come to show us a picture of our future if we acquiesce to "reasonable" gun control, or shrug our shoulders thinking they'll never come for our guns when more gun control passes, such as in CT, NY, MD, RI, CO and NJ among other areas of this nation.

157 guns that were turned in after being hidden in attics etc. were hidden to avoid exactly what is about to befall CT gun owners if someone doesn't wake the heck up and repeal the Intolerable Act that was passed there last April, and went into effect Jan. 1 of this year. Only in CT, there are 300K+ gun owners who have already said loud and clear, "Molon Labe!" And the State Police have likewise said, no problem, we're on our way. Australia's culture is enough different from ours that private ownership of guns wasn't an important enough issue to fight for before an almost total ban went into effect many years ago. I don't reply to DW98 very often, not sure I have at all, but I read every one of his posts because I see America's future in every one.

A newb who quite obviously doesn't understand how gun control and gun confiscation happens, but then mocks someone who tries to paint the picture for you, should be ashamed of themselves.

Thanks DW98 for your clarion warnings. They don't fall on deaf ears over here, and I only refrain from replying because it's so hard to know what to say to someone who is living under real tyranny, not just the threat of future tyranny. Good luck to you.

For those that don't know, Tasmania was also where the Port Arthur Massacre occurred in 1996, which led to the new firearms laws.

I'm sure you've seen this before

There's a few things wrong in the video. Pump-action rifles are available on the most basic firearms license, and semi-automatic rifles and pump-action shotguns are not banned, but restricted to farmers and professional hunters for the most part. The overall message is still very clear though. There were over 1400 people killed by firearms (including suicide) in the four years after the new laws. That doesn't sound like the gun violence free utopia that was promised, does it?

All these years later and they still haven't properly defined a home invasion; instead it's called a 'aggravated burglary'. :rolleyes: Nowadays, you frequently hear about people being home-invaded, or see them on television crying for more police protection in their area due to rising crime. It's sad that few people consider, or want personal protection. I know law-abiding firearms owners who have extensive security gates/doors and cameras to protect themselves since self-defence with a firearm is practically illegal. I knew one person who even had a 'panic room' with steel doors (they had been home-invaded before). Handgun owners are even told that if they're robbed by someone, even with a firearm, that they need to use anything but their firearm to defend themselves.

Every time I hear of a shooting in my city, I hear things like, "We need to ban all guns, nobody needs them." Or, "Why would a person need a gun in the first place?". The problem is, they don't seem to understand that these shootings are being committed by criminals, who don't care about laws, and are probably doing better because of them. Ignorance will be the death of us.

There's currently a move by one of our major political parties to ban all semi-automatic handguns (and revolvers, I believe). They say that this will reduce the shootings with illegal firearms. That makes a lot of sense. And we all know how well the handgun ban worked out in the U.K. Here's their website: Link Removed I wouldn't pay much attention to the statistics that they give either, most of them are incorrect. They will probably get their wish in the near future.

Thanks for your support, Blues. Sadly, I don't think the laws will ever improve here, they will likely get more restrictive in the coming years. I sincerely hope you can hold onto your rights. Ours are long gone, and I doubt we'll ever get them back.

All the best.
AmeriKans and many people on this forum need to take this subject seriously, b/c this is where we're headed if we don't resist. There are some good things being done here concerning firearms Rights, there are little victories around some states... however, there are major loses in others and there are more then enough political hacks, tyrants and scoundrels to be had in government work to keep making things worse. Same with We The People, there are millions of people who would absolutely support LE and/or military going door-to-door confiscating firearms. Too many, even on this forum, are still entranced by the two-party paradigm and believe that simply voting a straight (R)ebuplican ticket is the answer to our problems... WRONG! The battle must be won in the "hearts and minds" of the populace first, then and only then can there be sweeping political change. Heads up, Patriots!
There are a lot of gun folks that at election time stay at home in protest or vote libertarian. I saw this in Virginia last November. My wife and I campaigned for months for the Republican ticket. I was flabbergasted by some of the gun folks saying they were going to vote libertarian. Some said the Republicans had a war on women and were going to vote for the democrats. If they thought the Republicans had a war on women then clearly they were to stupid to vote. If they voted for the libertarian because of any reason and they were gun owners then they cannot think outside of the box. Those nincompoops do not pay any attention to what is going on. "Oh if I vote libertarian people will think I am smart and I might be able to pick up a chick at frankies bar tonight". And some of those folks were even vendors. When I told them that McCauliffe was beholden to bloomberg and will push for laws to take you guns they said "Let them try?" So after voting for an idiot that never had a chance of winning they are ready to go to war against someone that might take their rights?????? And they would expect the rest of the folks that didn't vote their rights away like the libertarian voters did to come to their aid!!!!! Not me fella. You went to bed with a dog and you woke up with fleas.

When you have an opportunity to do the right thing and the smart thing...just do it....otherwise you are just doing the stupid thing.
They might as well give up their guns if they can't use them to stop thieves. Or maybe they should have pistols which they can carry concealed?
There are a lot of gun folks that at election time stay at home in protest or vote libertarian. I saw this in Virginia last November. My wife and I campaigned for months for the Republican ticket. I was flabbergasted by some of the gun folks saying they were going to vote libertarian. Some said the Republicans had a war on women and were going to vote for the democrats. If they thought the Republicans had a war on women then clearly they were to stupid to vote. If they voted for the libertarian because of any reason and they were gun owners then they cannot think outside of the box. Those nincompoops do not pay any attention to what is going on. "Oh if I vote libertarian people will think I am smart and I might be able to pick up a chick at frankies bar tonight". And some of those folks were even vendors. When I told them that McCauliffe was beholden to bloomberg and will push for laws to take you guns they said "Let them try?" So after voting for an idiot that never had a chance of winning they are ready to go to war against someone that might take their rights?????? And they would expect the rest of the folks that didn't vote their rights away like the libertarian voters did to come to their aid!!!!! Not me fella. You went to bed with a dog and you woke up with fleas.

When you have an opportunity to do the right thing and the smart thing...just do it....otherwise you are just doing the stupid thing.

Your unveiled and uninformed antipathy for libertarian (small "l") thought was exposed in spades a few weeks ago Jim. Your hostility towards libertarian ideals is based so completely in ignorance as to make it nothing more substantial than unthinking bigotry. As you sit there and chide libertarian-minded people in one breath, you shill for the same Republican Party that brought us the Patriot Act, NDAA, warrantless wire-taps, TARP 1, the longest hot war this country has ever been involved in, trillions in new entitlement programs, and worse than any of that, candidates who are every bit as bad on gun rights, abortion, religious and other individual liberties, Good Lord Almighty! The list is endless of how progressive and globalist RINOs have taken over your party, filled to the brim with people just like you who can't see the forest for the trees! You have it in your pea-brain that favoring one Republican candidate (Ron Paul) over the establishment Party pick* equals adherence to the Libertarian (big "L") Party's ideology, when all it meant was that the Republican Party had given an untenable candidate for which people of conscience could never support.

*I freakin' dare you to actually listen to the video in that link, and listen to the other link in that post, and then claim that your vote means anything to the Republican Party.

Listen up Jim: If you voted for Romney (and would vote for Christie if he's '16's candidate), you voted for unconstitutional gun control. If you voted for Romney (and would vote for Christie if he's '16's candidate), you voted for unaccountability at the Federal Reserve. If you voted for Romney (and would vote for Christie if he's '16's candidate), you voted for trillions more in new debt to be added to the 16 trillion+ we had accumulated by Election Day, 2012, as not one single one of the imbeciles in your party has offered a plan to lower spending one single cent, they've only offered legislation to slow the growth rate from 10% to somewhere between 6% and 8% annually. You don't address debt by continuing to grow government spending at any positive rate, you only address debt by reducing spending, and if you think any Republican is going to actually cut spending, then you're more obtuse than even your ignorant bigotry for libertarian thought reveals.

Good grief, I could go on and on and on and on about what an oxymoron it is to claim you're a Republican and a conscientious, principled American Patriot at the same time. It is impossible to be both anymore, so some of us made the choice and picked a side. My sig-line addresses that thought. As far as I'm concerned, I and several others on this board have chosen the only truly *right* side, which is to only vote for people who represent our ideals, principles, and ideologies, or don't vote at all. If the Republicans represent those things to you, then you are a freakin' fascist. If you're just ignorant to why that statement is true, then wake the Hell up and educate yourself before you go maligning people who have spent the better part of their lives actually investigating what the traitors of your party really stand for.

They might as well give up their guns if they can't use them to stop thieves. Or maybe they should have pistols which they can carry concealed?

There's no concealed carry whatsoever. You can't even own a firearm for self-defence, period.

Yet we have the highest burglary rate in the world, and I believe the highest sexual assault rate in the first world, with 1 in 6 women being raped by their partner, and 1 in 17 being raped by a someone other than their partner. Disturbing, huh?
In other news, an innocent bystander is in a critical condition after he was shot trying to intervene during an armed robbery in Sydney this morning. The man being robbed was also shot four times.

That gun control is working wonders.
There are a lot of gun folks that at election time stay at home in protest or vote libertarian. I saw this in Virginia last November. My wife and I campaigned for months for the Republican ticket. I was flabbergasted by some of the gun folks saying they were going to vote libertarian. Some said the Republicans had a war on women and were going to vote for the democrats. If they thought the Republicans had a war on women then clearly they were to stupid to vote. If they voted for the libertarian because of any reason and they were gun owners then they cannot think outside of the box. Those nincompoops do not pay any attention to what is going on. "Oh if I vote libertarian people will think I am smart and I might be able to pick up a chick at frankies bar tonight". And some of those folks were even vendors. When I told them that McCauliffe was beholden to bloomberg and will push for laws to take you guns they said "Let them try?" So after voting for an idiot that never had a chance of winning they are ready to go to war against someone that might take their rights?????? And they would expect the rest of the folks that didn't vote their rights away like the libertarian voters did to come to their aid!!!!! Not me fella. You went to bed with a dog and you woke up with fleas.

When you have an opportunity to do the right thing and the smart thing...just do it....otherwise you are just doing the stupid thing.

First, Blues already reamed your flawed ideology pretty well so I'll refrain from re-posting more of the same. Second, I didn't vote for the infamous Ron Paul but I know that's who you're referencing... I voted for Gary Johnson. Lastly, my reply to the part of your response I placed in bold-n-blue & enlarged: You and people like you are THE reason that men such as Ron Paul don't have a chance, not because of a necessarily flawed political stance. You don't believe a third-party has a chance (b/c you watch too much FAUX News), so therefore... they don't, b/c of you.

As Blues has stated many times over, I will never again vote against my conscience and principles and for you to expect me and others like me to do so is asking us to betray everything we are. I will never vote immorally again, regardless of party affiliation.

Wise up, Jim... you're apart of the problem.
Second, I didn't vote for the infamous Ron Paul but I know that's who you're referencing... I voted for Gary Johnson.

Just for the record, I didn't vote for Paul in the General Election either. I did in the primary, but I left the line for President blank in the General. And that's not because my vote wouldn't have counted if I had done a write-in (Paul wasn't on our ballot). Alabama is one of only nine states where a write-in is counted. I didn't vote for Paul because I consider casting a vote for someone who can't win (in my state) no more conscientious than voting for someone who shouldn't win in my state. But Romney won by 19 percentage points in Alabama regardless of my opinion on that score, so anyone who says that my vote would've counted for squat considering that I will never vote for a baby-killer profiteer doesn't really know squat about how voting works to begin with.

Anyway, I didn't vote for Paul either, and only mentioned his name because, like Bob, recognized the uninformed, Republican establishment hackneyed, knee-jerk nature of the rant against libertarianism as being about him.

Here we sit in the choir, being preached to once again. I get it, now how do we make everyone else understand? I know this, it is way past the time where we can sit around complaining amongst ourselves, we need to leave our safe comfortable chat rooms, and start talking to those people that vote against us and convince them that their understanding is flawed. And know this, they will not be swayed by brow beating and yelling, only intelligent, careful and calm conversation will move them to think for themselves. Go forth and sew reason to the masses.
This is crazy! Are the Police going to protect you from > > >

Here we sit in the choir, being preached to once again. I get it, now how do we make everyone else understand? I know this, it is way past the time where we can sit around complaining amongst ourselves, we need to leave our safe comfortable chat rooms, and start talking to those people that vote against us and convince them that their understanding is flawed. And know this, they will not be swayed by brow beating and yelling, only intelligent, careful and calm conversation will move them to think for themselves. Go forth and sew reason to the masses.

I talk just as much about these topics outside of this forum as I do in it, do you? As a matter of fact, I engaged in a conversation today with a gentlemen who was waiting with me at the clinic... we exchanged ideas and agreed on many of them. When it was time for him to leave I gave him an Oath Keeper's push card and asked for him the think about it and get involved. I've actually gotten a handful of fellow employees to start getting involved directly through our conversations in and outside of work, I've hosted firearms training outings with a few and helped them with avenues of voicing their opinions to those in power that they previously didn't know about. Hell, I've even helped a few turn into the infamous "prepper"... I talk to people at the local gun shops, flea markets and even in lines at grocery stores.

What the hell have you been doing? I've sent letters to each representative in SC informing them that unless I see meaningful change in the direction of restoring Individual Rights to We The People that I will hold their authority illegitimate and illegal... I told them I will take from them every vote possible and see to it they are defeated in the next cycle. By the way, I have yet to receive a reply from Senator Thurmond... I'm taking it that he did not like what I wrote to him.

What did you do today?
I forgot to mention, if anyone wants a more in-depth look at the situation here, head on over to OpenCarry [space] .org (not sure if the two sites are affiliated) and scroll down to the 'International Section' on the forums. I update everyone with crime news from (mostly) my state fairly regularly. Lately I haven't been doing it as much, which is why there aren't many headlines (crime hasn't decreased or anything).

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