Gtown schools close loophole

How is that legal - the towns do not own the schools.
The are controlled and operated by the county.
I guess they can do a local ordinance, within the entire city limits?
Nope, they can't do that.

The only ones who can write and pass guns laws in the state is the state legislature.

Yes, the local police can probably arrest 'detain' you but they will never be able to convict you.

Some lawyer in a day or so will point out to these idiots they don't have the authority to do this..... even the school board doesn't.
I don't know where they get the idea that they can override state law on this.

Dozier said the state did allow a provision for local school districts to enact their own policies.

This is true but only that the Schools can allow guns that have been prohibited, not the other way around. From my reading of the law it does not override the policies of Private Schools if they are posted with the proper sinage but public shools do not have that option. This is the exact lunacy that causes problems and from their description you would think it allows first graders to pack heat in the classroms.
This will be interesting to see if the State steps in and stops this BS.

SECTION 23-31-510. Prohibition against regulation of certain matters.

No governing body of any county, municipality, or other political subdivision in this State may enact or promulgate any regulation or ordinance which regulates or attempts to regulate the transfer, ownership, possession, carrying, or transportation of firearms, ammunition, components of firearms, or any combination of these things.
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the reporters email address (ISP) doesn't accept emails either... Go figure?
I am really ticked off. I just read a letter written for Henry McMaster by one of his menions back in March about the ordinace passed by Oconee county saying CWP was not allowed in the county parks.... It basically says that a local government is no different than a private individual and can make what ever rules they want and totally disregards the preemptive law. It goes on to basically say that the law is 'good' until a judge says different. In other words one of us has to get arrested and go to court to find out different. I'm going to write McMaster a letter and tell him what I think of this opinion.

One point I do see in this... it means that Georgetown must post the big outside no CW's signs at the schools for it to supposedly be enforceable .
This from SLED's website. Should get interesting.


SECTION 23-31-510. Prohibition against regulation of certain matters.

No governing body of any county, municipality, or other political subdivision in this State may enact or promulgate any regulation or ordinance which regulates or attempts to regulate the transfer, ownership, possession, carrying, or transportation of firearms, ammunition, components of firearms, or any combination of these things.

SECTION 23-31-520. Power to regulate public use of firearms; confiscation of firearms or ammunition.

This article does not affect the authority of any county, municipality, or political subdivision to regulate the careless or negligent discharge or public brandishment of firearms, nor does it prevent the regulation of public brandishment of firearms during the times of or a demonstrated potential for insurrection, invasions, riots, or natural disasters. This article denies any county, municipality, or political subdivision the power to confiscate a firearm or ammunition unless incident to an arrest.