Gillibrand Defends Her 2nd Amendment Stance


Staff member
New York gun control supporters are urging Gov. David Paterson to pass over Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand when he selects the state’s next senator, because, they say, her support of gun rights puts her “well outside the mainstream of most New Yorkers.” But Gillibrand today proudly defended herself as a supporter of the Second Amendment, after noting the importance of hunting to her upstate New York district and her own family.

“I come from a hunting family,” said Gillibrand, after noting that her mother shoots the Thanksgiving turkey almost every year. Last fall, Gillibrand said, her mother “got a turkey” and “got a deer.” According to Gillibrand, her mother “was on her rifle team in college” and is “the best shot in our family.”

“We appreciate hunting rights in our family,” Gillibrand said, declaring herself “very pro Second Amendment.”

“In upstate New York, we have a very rich culture in hunting, and I think hunting rights are very important,” Gillibrand said.

But Gillibrand insisted that the rights of gun owners and hunters don’t have to displace efforts to combat gun violence and promote gun safety.

“There’s a lot of room where both sides can agree,” she said. “Gun safety, keeping guns out of the hands of children (and) making sure our guns are the safest in the world are all things we can work together on.”

“We also can work on making sure we have double the number of police force and making sure our public safety is first and foremost,” Gillibrand said.

Gillibrand’s comments came at an inaugural parade watch party in a downtown D.C. hotel room that was organized by the New York State Society. Paterson had stopped by the event just moments before.

Gillibrand said she had bumped into the governor Monday night, at a state Democratic Party reception. During the brief meeting, Gillibrand said, she “wished him luck.”

“I just wished him well,” Gillibrand said, adding that there was “no substantive discussion.”

Gillibrand was interviewed for the job in mid-December; today, she said “that went well.”

But Gillibrand said she’s trying not to interject herself in the process.

“It’s just an important decision for the governor, and I have complete faith he will choose what’s best for the state, with all the considerations he has,” Gillibrand said. “My view has been that I felt very strongly about respecting his process, letting him decide, and (letting him weigh) all the issues that are relevant to what he wants for our state andour state’s future.”

by Jennifer A. Dlouhy, Hearst Washington bureau
Source: Link Removed
This was in the morning report about Gillbrand's nomination. We need Conservative Democrates and many Republicans need to become more Conservative.

"Others in the field, led by more senior politicians, including U.S. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, criticized Gillibrand as recently as Thursday evening, saying her support of more conservative issues such as gun ownership rights was out of step with most New York Democrats."

NEWS Gillibrand

I read this with mixed feelings. On the one hand, Gillibrand appears to be domewhat supportive of Gun rights. But on the other hand, she reminds me of Obama's statement that he would not want to take away the rights of hunters, when asked about the Second Amendment. We need people to see that 2A does not mean hunting or shooting at pop cans or paper targets. That 2A was left for us by the Founding Fathers to provide a mechanism for the defense of the individual, the town and the nation. If Gillibrand would be more expansive concerning 2A I could really get behind her, but for now, I am leary. Whe needs to speak out against HR 45, and reveal it for the piece of rubbish that it is. Perhaps Gillibrand going to Washington mightbe the best thing for 2A.

UPDATE: 01/23/09 05:30 hrs PT Just announced on CNN HLN, Gillibrand to replace Clinton.
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I live in Gillibrand's district and voted for her. She represents a great balance of values that I believe in. She is indeed rated "A" by the NRA, and that means:

Solidly pro-gun candidate. An “A” incumbent who has supported NRA positions on key votes.

Unlike Obama and those like him, when Kirsten Gillibrand talks "down the middle of the line," it is to avoid dis-infranchising the liberals of NY, not to avoid doing so with those with common sense. If she were to speak candidly of her position, she would never have made it this far. NY politics are brutal. NY is a model of what happens when left-wing extremist politicians are in great power. High cost of living, huge class gaps, lack of progress, secretive government, oppression and complete lack of accountability. Not to mention absolute power most of the time to pick and choose their peers.

To me, Governor Patterson's frank account of the dire state of NY's finances, stiff stance on the fact that we NEED to cut government spending (even on the things we like government to spend money on), and now his selection of Gillibrand for Senate - gives me hope for New York!

McCarthy's statement that Gillibrand doesn't represent the views of the majority of New Yorkers is totally bogus! At least in this part of the state (Ulster, Dutchess Columbia and Greene counties), the majority of New Yorker's think anti-gunners' idea of "sensible gun legislation" is nonsense.
Got to go with the Wuz Man......

I am glad that this good American has been selected. If only more Dems were as respectful of the rights of others, we would be far less polarized in this country.

That said, I believe that it would behoove us all to be more aggressive in making others aware that the second amendment is not for hunting, but for protection. It protects us from criminals who would victimize a citizen; it also protects us from thugs in the government who would victimize our society.

The authors and founders of our nation were all agreed that this was a requisite for a free people.
we get rid of Hillary and get a pro-2A person in her place. Two good steps in the right direction for this state.
I read this with mixed feelings. On the one hand, Gillibrand appears to be domewhat supportive of Gun rights. But on the other hand, she reminds me of Obama's statement that he would not want to take away the rights of hunters, when asked about the Second Amendment. We need people to see that 2A does not mean hunting or shooting at pop cans or paper targets. That 2A was left for us by the Founding Fathers to provide a mechanism for the defense of the individual, the town and the nation. If Gillibrand would be more expansive concerning 2A I could really get behind her, but for now, I am leary. Whe needs to speak out against HR 45, and reveal it for the piece of rubbish that it is. Perhaps Gillibrand going to Washington mightbe the best thing for 2A.

UPDATE: 01/23/09 05:30 hrs PT Just announced on CNN HLN, Gillibrand to replace Clinton.

yea im pretty skeptical my self i do not trust her
Gillibrand says she is very pro 2A...that is a lie. Only when it suits her is she. If she is so pro 2A, then why does she vote against the NRA endorses. Will never vote for her.
Not voting for her may be voting for a liberal, I wouldn't cut off my nose to spite my would depend on what realistic option there were out there, a vote for the lesser of two evils.
Not voting for her may be voting for a liberal, I wouldn't cut off my nose to spite my would depend on what realistic option there were out there, a vote for the lesser of two evils.
Which is, of course, how we wound up in this insane mess. Our current problem is that there is no way to win. Third party candidates are guaranteed to lose under the current system in almost all states; the most a non-major party candidate can do is spoil it for one of the two major party candidates.

If you vote Republican or Democrat you have your choice between someone who will continue to destroy our nation, ignore the Constitution and disrespect citizens rights OR someone else who will be worse.

It's almost like arguing whether you should play Russian Roulette with a .38 or a .45.