Florida license now valid for 7 years

Source: Frequently Asked Questions - Division of Licensing, DOACS
How long will my license be valid for?

As of Wednesday, June 11, 2008, Concealed Weapon or Firearm Licenses issued under the authority of Section 790.06, Florida Statutes, are valid for a period of 7 years. Concealed weapon licenses issued prior to this date are still valid for 5 years. Please visit the following page for more information about the increase in the valid term of the concealed weapon license.

Agency and agency branch office licenses issued under the authority of Chapter 493, Florida Statutes, are valid for a period of 3 years.

Licenses issued to individuals (including agency managers) and to schools/training facilities under the authority of Chapter 493, Florida Statutes, are valid for 2 years.

Valid Term Of The Concealed Weapon License Increased
From 5 To 7 Years

On Wednesday, June 11, 2008, the Division of Licensing began issuing concealed weapon licenses that are valid for seven years.

This increase in the valid term of the concealed weapon license is the result of Governor Charlie Crist having signed Senate Bill 948 into law. This legislation also enacted statutory language stipulating that a person must be a RESIDENT of the United States AND either a CITIZEN or a PERMANENT RESIDENT ALIEN in order to qualify for the concealed weapon license.

Please note that the new law is not retroactive. The law applies only to licenses issued on or after June 11, 2008, the date on which the law took effect. (This includes applications for NEW or RENEWAL licenses that our Division had received prior to June 11 but that were pending issuance when the legislation became law.)

Please also note that this increase in the period of time during which a license is valid comes with no additional increase in fees. NEW and RENEWAL license fees remain unchanged.
This is great, but it still can't top Indiana. Here, we have the option of a 4 year permit for $40 or a lifetime permit for $120.