First Step: Gun Confiscation Letters Go Out In Connecticut...

There is another thread going on right now called were is the NRA ?, WELL, WERE ARE THEY ?. I have not seen or read any responses from them any were about whats going on in Connecticut ?. Whats there opinion on this, and what are they doing right now ?.
probably what they always do when a real fight is on... hiding..
"We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Benjamin Franklin
Good advice for citizens in Connecticut who wish to preserve their rights. If an early united and determined front is not presented, then when the leviathan state comes for you, you will be swallowed one by one. Another thought: folks need to be disabused of the idea that if you vote away essential rights and liberties, by whatever margin, that means it's OK. It is deeply disturbing to ponder on how many places in my country I would be considered a criminal.
Hasn't anyone challenged this in Federal Court yet? Injunction? It is COLOR OF LAW!!! File crimminal charge against the Govenor and any one else that trys to enforce it.
Howdy Blues,

Let us know when you are going to lead the first attack because I want to watch it unfold on TV.

I have 3 TVs, a desktop PC, 2 iPhones and an iPad mini so I'll be able to watch it on Fox, HLN, CNN, MSNBC, Al Jazeera, CBS, and live podcast all at the same time.

As some have already said on this thread, if Conn gets away with this other lib states will follow their lead. I for one will try to do what I can to help fight this. While the NRA may not be public on this, I expect they are working on this.

I do hope no blood is shed on this stupid law. That could prompt obummer and his lap dog AG to jump into the fray. It could be the spark that he needs so he could declare martial law!

I would caution all to not say what your plans are if the anti-gun zealots come after your guns. Big Brother is watching and taking notes.

Congratulations! You left-winged, materialistic, servitude-loving, big-gov't supporting, ignorant, ball-less, Liberty hating, sheep!
I dont give a rats azz if obammy declares martial law... I WILL NOT follow it.

I also dont care if ALL THE WORLD KNOWS what my plans are, I am NOT a whining little twit hiding in my moms basement hoping no-one knows who I actually am... I am a PATRIOT.. My plan of action should ANYONE regardless of what uniform or badge he or she has on, will KILL ANYONE who attempts to take my firearms away...

Actually, I WANT EVERYONE OF THESE PIECES OF **** THAT WANT TO TRY AND TAKE MY FIREARMS AWAY to know what WILL (not might, but WILL) happen when they try.
Looks like it may be testing time for gun owners & so called patriots to finally put up or shut up. Do they have the guts to stand up and fight or are they cowards? Seriously, this will be interesting.

We don't see this much (if any) differently. I closed my OP by saying....

My point has been that there's going to be bloodshed regardless of what "so called patriots" do or don't do. Every single letter that's been sent so far (a little over 200) was sent to people who declared their ownership and possession of weapons and/or magazines that are now banned in CT. As such, every warrant served will be conducted by SWAT teams who know by their own admission that their targets are armed with "assault weapons." Whether it's an unbending Patriot inside who has planned for the assault on his home, or an innocent person or family whose paperwork just got lost in the shuffle and they have no banned weapons in the house anymore, SWAT's going in HOT. Expecting anything less with the crew that's running the show is just wishful thinking.

You may indeed have CT figured out accurately. Maybe there is no organization working underground and planning for the SWAT raids. I have no idea what's true or not in that regard. I do know that the responsibility for any bloodshed that does occur will lie squarely at the feet of tyrants and their enforcers though, and that no amount of state-run media glossing-over can hide that fact nationally in this day of instant internet communications. What happens in CT in coming days and weeks will carry serious implications for how gun-owners prepare and react across the country, because everyone knows that if they get away with confiscations in CT, it's headed our way sooner or later. Either that or full-scale civil war to protect it from spreading our way. Like I keep saying, confiscations represent the Rubicon, and the Rubicon is being crossed as we're typing in here talking about it. It is not an academic discussion anymore.

Hasn't anyone challenged this in Federal Court yet? Injunction? It is COLOR OF LAW!!! File crimminal charge against the Govenor and any one else that trys to enforce it.

I seriously doubt any AG or DA in either Hartford or DC is going to go all criminal prosecutor on Malloy's or the legislature's collective ass, but I'm reasonably sure that some kind of appeal has been sent to SCOTUS. They are hardly an ally though. They are *the state* every bit as much as Obama, Malloy, Congress or the CT legislature. Orders for confiscations are already being sent out, and presumably, the State Police already have all the tactical assaults planned for completing the confiscations. It's too late to stop at this point, unless the leopards of CT state government change their spots now.

If gun-owning, principled Americans are "so called patriots" as Ringo says, then that means they're paper tigers. Not a credible threat to the statist tyrants in CT. Obviously the tyrants believe that. I'd say the reality remains to be seen, but if they are indeed paper tigers, SCOTUS are one-ply-tissue-paper tigers! Unless they had the foresight to see that gun confiscations could spark off something that goes completely out of control, and convened in emergency session to do as you suggest by issuing an injunction right now, it's already too late for them to do any good days or weeks from now.

So the rest of this is not in reply to anyone in specific. I ran across something last night that I found interesting. I have not had a chance to get fully up to speed on all its capabilities yet, or its usefulness as a relatively secure way to communicate across multiple platforms and networks, but I read about an app here last night that is credited (by that story anyway) with "fueling" the uprising in Venezuela. It was also used extensively in communications across Ukraine. Interesting stuff. Check it out if'n you're of a mind to.


Link Removed

Sent from behind Enemy Lines.

Hey moron, you quoted me but used text from an article that I both linked to and gave proper attribution to. If you want to address something to them, go to the link and address it to them. I would prefer that you never address me at all, but sans such a minuscule amount of courtesy it would take you to fulfill that request, don't expect me to answer for anything but that which I write myself.

Aside from that, your wish to watch me or anyone else confronted by Connecticut State Police SWAT teams in their illegal efforts to disarm American citizens is about as honest as I've ever seen you be on this site. Presumably your wish is to watch gun-owners only defending their homes, families, selves and their rights die in that process. You are one sick phuck. You have once again set aside time out of your busy day to humiliate yourself in public. As far as anyone can tell, it's an irresistible compulsion with you. If brains were C4, you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose.

Leave me out of your leftist, tyranny-loving, bloodthirsty fantasies from now on, please.

Whatever CT does will set the precedent for the rest of the country. Will this be the country's second Lexington, MA? I do hope gun owners swarm the CT capitol to have that unconstitutional law rescinded before anyone has to die.
Looks like it may be testing time for gun owners & so called patriots to finally put up or shut up. Do they have the guts to stand up and fight or are they cowards? Seriously, this will be interesting.

You are so right. How many "Kapos" will there be? As for me and mine, first fence line is 283 yards from the front door, as per the old MilDot, we did this pre-Y2K. Just saying if I had a firearm and if it might reach out, it would be about this far, if, but hey, I am way too old for games, I just sit here and sip the suds, listen to CNN, P. Morgan, a little of Obama's e-book, that sort of thing. NOT
My father was a LEO. He told me when I was very young that the day will come when the government will, without question, attempt to confiscate our guns. He told me never to forget.."When they come to your door to take your guns, that's the time to use them".
Mike Vanderboegh published another letter today. Well, actually, it was an email blast addressed to every single tyrant in both houses of the legislature who voted for the law that circumvents both the federal and CT constitutions and makes felons out of formerly law-abiding citizens. The letter is good, but long, so I'm not re-posting it here this time. But a regular commenter on Sipsey Street posted to the Comments section, and it struck me as relevant to this thread, so I am going to re-post that. It says clearly what I have been unable to quite articulate as well. Where softer alternatives to swear words appear, I took the liberty of editing the original profanity so that a real word would appear there instead of "********". Here's his comment on Mike's email blast letter to CT tyrants:

I do believe all eyes, innocent citizens and government terrorists alike, are watching CT like hawks. The potential fallout nationwide, if the unthinkable becomes reality, will change our landscape and lives. A ticking time bomb, that state. Perhaps Eric Holder's bout with chest pains is an omen? A deadly game of move?
Until Obama came into office it was easy to see where states were getting way ahead of them selves. Generally States reacted to emotional out cries based on incidents that occurred in their states. Eventually cooler heads prevailed and things calmed down.
With Obama in office however we have a situation where tolerable (IMHO) Federal laws are now being threatened because of a president who lives on verbal self gratification and loves to fan the flames of tragedy at the expense of every American.
States have been out of control for a long time (again IMHO). For the first time in almost 10 years the laws at the Federal level are being challenged. Obama embraces this. He is a dangerous man.
I said back in 2012 that everyone should go vote against obummer if they wanted to keep their guns. Many did not go vote and stayed home. I know Romney was not the best candidate (IMHO) but I do not believe that we would be in such a fight to keep our guns. In November this year we have another election and if the libs take the House and keep the Senate then we can really kiss America good-bye. The present GOP leadership has shown they neither have the will nor the guts to take on obummer and the lib-o-rats. The only thing the GOP has shown me is they only know how to lose.

We should vote in the primaries and vote the RINO's out. There are to many in DC who will do whatever they can to get a camera shoved in their face. They talk one way in DC then go home and say what they know their voters want to hear. Then go back to doing business as usual in DC. They should be fired and new blood should be elected.

Though obummer will do whatever he wants even if we have both the House and Senate, perhaps IF we get new people in the GOP leadership they will have the gonads to STOP obummer!