Do YOU ever have these same thoughts when thinking about...

Oregon Vet

NRA Life Since 03/1985
Do YOU ever have these same thoughts when thinking about... America?

Got me to thinking. I thought about some of the thoughts I have had lately, in the past year or so. Have YOU been thinking about what is happening in America too, like I have?

Seems like quite a few people comment on the "YOU LIE!!!!" in regards to Obama.

Obama seems to lie about a LOT of things. It seems the Democrats are even getting tired of it... and that is pretty strange, because it seemed like a LOT of them were treating him (Obama) like he was Jesus Christ came back to Earth. That he could do NO wrong.

That attitude seems to be changing, slowly...

How many of the rest of you have noticed that fewer and fewer of "his" bought and paid for Democrats are starting to back out of this Obamacare package of his?

I've been noticing that just about everyone who comes into my shop isn't very happy with Obama. They remember him saying the "poorer" people, those making less than $200,000 would NOT have their taxes raised while he was campaigning.

Now it appears even those making $40,000 or less are going to feel an increase. And we have over three years to go under Obama. Will America survive the way it is?

I do NOT want to see America become a Socialistic country. And I just watched a 10 minute video about Muslims that scares the living daylights out of me.

Those people are ONE WAY. You either worship their way or you are DEAD. It is that black and white to them.

What's the odds, reader friends/acquaintances of mine, will America be as we know it now in another year? Two years? Three years?

Or is it so late already it is going to take another war like we had with Britain... only THIS time it will be against our OWN government.

I'm afraid, people and ALL of you should be too.

And some of that will be brother/sister against brother/sister, family member against family member.

CAN they take our guns/weapons? You hear a LOT of people say: "When they pry it from my cold dead hands."

We say: "It CAN'T happen here."

It DID! ALREADY. During Katrina they took a LOT of peoples guns/weapons and THEN were going to DESTROY them instead of give them back to the people they took them from.

Our OWN government did that.

HOW are we going to stop it from happening again? HOW? Because it WILL. "THEY" are just waiting for an excuse to do it again.

Have YOU thought about what is going to happen when someone KILLS a police office or National Guard person who is obeying orders from THEIR boss to take YOUR guns/weapons?

Because I think that when THAT starts, there are going to be a LOT of DEAD on both sides before it stops.

AND, HOW would you stop it?

We ARE NOT ready for that to happen in the United States, people. But I think those times ARE coming.

Do YOU think they are coming? When? I have weapons, but I sure DO NOT want to use them against brothers and sisters. Do YOU?

COULD YOU? I don't know if I could.

What would I do?

I'm a vet like you and so many others out there. At one time we all took an oath to protect our country from all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC. I made the decision years ago that I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees. So, I'd rather be dead than live under the foot of an oppressive government, even if it's our own. As a result, after much consideration over the years, what it boils down to is that I will defend myself, my family and my rights as a US citizen against ANYONE who comes to my door to ask or demand that I surrender my guns to them. If that means taking out a deputy or a national guardsman then so be it. If they have taken the position to disarm me, then they are no longer my friend and my protector, they are my enemy. If this means I die in a hail of bullets at my front door defending myself and my rights as an American citizen, then so be it. I can't think of a better way to go than defending what I cherish most, my country and the way of life I've always known.
Having said that, I do not believe, or do not want to believe, that OUR police, sheriffs or national guard will turn against us. I am extremely hopeful that none of this will come to pass and that the American people will wake up and politically take back this country and preserve our way of life and not let America become just another footnote in the pages of history as a "failed experiment" in social governance. I will always feel that the American people are the best, most motivated, most innovative and most generous people on this earth. However, apathy has crept into our lives overthe past few decades and we have lost sight of what is important to us and how to preserve our way of life.
The next 2 elections are going to determine the future of this country. If we do not kick out the old politicians, and by old I mean ALL CURRENTLY ELECTED OFFICIALS, and put in new ones whose sworn intention is to take back and preserve America then our country as we have known it will be lost for several generations, if not forever.
So folks, it's time to take a stand and let your collective voices be heard and stop this head long rush into
Socialism. It is not what America is about and America should not let itself fall victim to career politicians and
the elitists who are controlling them and let them destroy this wonderful country we call home - AMERICA.
God bless America!
Mr. Oregon - Thank you for your service..
You seem like a glass is half empty kinda guy to me..

Seems like quite a few people comment on the "YOU LIE!!!!" in regards to Obama.

Obama seems to lie about a LOT of things. It seems the Democrats are even getting tired of it...
There are a lot of people out there that now understand that Obama thinks little of lying, but are not upset because he is lying in their favor, but when it turns around and it is against what they want, then they will feel betrayed and outraged..
Like when Obama said on TV in front of the whole country - the HealthCare plan wouldn't pay for public funded abortions.. IF that were really true, wouldn't you hear Planned Parenthood yelling and screaming to the roof tops?? Come on Really!!! But you don't hear a peep.. Why??? Because they KNOW it's a lie, that Abortions will be paid for.. But let the lie be against them, and you will hear a scream from Planned Parenthood across the country!

I do NOT want to see America become a Socialistic country. And I just watched a 10 minute video about Muslims that scares the living daylights out of me.

Those people are ONE WAY. You either worship their way or you are DEAD. It is that black and white to them.

You watched a video on "Radical Islam". There are many Muslims that are not violent and want to just live their lives. Now do not mis-understand me.. I do not believe it is a religion of PEACE as our president likes to say over and over again, but I also think it is dangerous to lump all Muslims in together. We need to focus on the Radicals and speak against them, and them only.

I'm afraid, people and ALL of you should be too.

And it sounds like you want to make as many other people afraid with you.. Have you no HOPE?? I'm not talking about Obama HOPE, but the HOPE that comes from the goodness of many peoples hearts and from above??

Do YOU think they are coming? When? I have weapons, but I sure DO NOT want to use them against brothers and sisters. Do YOU?

Again, I'm concerned with what is going on, but it's not Armageddon yet.. Let's keep it to dialog and discussion and not lynch mob and hide in your bunkers mentality. Would any sane person want civil war?? Come on..


I'm a vet like you and so many others out there.
Mr. OuttaHere - Thank you for your service!!!

At one time we all took an oath to protect our country from all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC. I made the decision years ago that I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

I made the decision to live on my knees years ago and will die if I must.. Not bowing to any person or nation, but to a holy God who created us and has Crazy Love for us..

So, I'd rather be dead than live under the foot of an oppressive government, even if it's our own. As a result, after much consideration over the years, what it boils down to is that I will defend myself, my family and my rights as a US citizen against ANYONE who comes to my door to ask or demand that I surrender my guns to them.

By the time this comes, you will not be standing on your "right" any longer.. your rights will be stripped away.. at least the rights the government "grants you" versus "inalienable rights given by the Creator"

I am extremely hopeful that none of this will come to pass and that the American people will wake up and politically take back this country and preserve our way of life and not let America become just another footnote in the pages of history as a "failed experiment" in social governance. I will always feel that the American people are the best, most motivated, most innovative and most generous people on this earth. However, apathy has crept into our lives over the past few decades and we have lost sight of what is important to us and how to preserve our way of life.

This is what happens when you loose your moral grounding.. IF you are grounded and the country drifts morally, then you can see how far it has drifted. Your concern increases as it drifts farther and farther away...
But as soon as you lift your anchor in Morality, then both you and the country are drifting and it is impossible to tell how far things have drifted, and therefore your concerns are lessened..
I agree with your description of Americans to a point, but Motivated.. I think we lost most of that a long time ago.. Look around, Most Americans are lazy and as you said Apathetic..

The next 2 elections are going to determine the future of this country. If we do not kick out the old politicians, and by old I mean ALL CURRENTLY ELECTED OFFICIALS, and put in new ones whose sworn intention is to take back and preserve America then our country as we have known it will be lost for several generations, if not forever.
So folks, it's time to take a stand and let your collective voices be heard and stop this head long rush into
Socialism. It is not what America is about and America should not let itself fall victim to career politicians and
the elitists who are controlling them and let them destroy this wonderful country we call home - AMERICA.
God bless America!

To both of you, and whoever else may read this.. You will never solve our nations woes by changing the president, or the congress. Mens hearts are desperately wicked.. Greed will always seep it's way in and corruption will return.. It is in our nature!
I'd like to remind you the true way out of this mess..

2 Chronicles 7:14 (New International Version)
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

The Liberals thought Obama would heal this land.. but you can see the result.. Do you really thing Palin or McCain, or whatever the next choice may be will be able to heal this country?? Really???

Stay Vigilant guys (Not Vigilante), I love your spark and Motivation and your love for this country.. Just remember that your help comes from above and not in any Man or Woman!!!

I'm a vet like you and so many others out there. At one time we all took an oath to protect our country from all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC. I made the decision years ago that I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees. So, I'd rather be dead than live under the foot of an oppressive government, even if it's our own. As a result, after much consideration over the years, what it boils down to is that I will defend myself, my family and my rights as a US citizen against ANYONE who comes to my door to ask or demand that I surrender my guns to them. If that means taking out a deputy or a national guardsman then so be it. If they have taken the position to disarm me, then they are no longer my friend and my protector, they are my enemy. If this means I die in a hail of bullets at my front door defending myself and my rights as an American citizen, then so be it. I can't think of a better way to go than defending what I cherish most, my country and the way of life I've always known.
Having said that, I do not believe, or do not want to believe, that OUR police, sheriffs or national guard will turn against us. I am extremely hopeful that none of this will come to pass and that the American people will wake up and politically take back this country and preserve our way of life and not let America become just another footnote in the pages of history as a "failed experiment" in social governance. I will always feel that the American people are the best, most motivated, most innovative and most generous people on this earth. However, apathy has crept into our lives overthe past few decades and we have lost sight of what is important to us and how to preserve our way of life.
The next 2 elections are going to determine the future of this country. If we do not kick out the old politicians, and by old I mean ALL CURRENTLY ELECTED OFFICIALS, and put in new ones whose sworn intention is to take back and preserve America then our country as we have known it will be lost for several generations, if not forever.
So folks, it's time to take a stand and let your collective voices be heard and stop this head long rush into
Socialism. It is not what America is about and America should not let itself fall victim to career politicians and
the elitists who are controlling them and let them destroy this wonderful country we call home - AMERICA.
God bless America!

very well stated! if we only had true patriots like you in office this country would not be so broken. people who believe whole-heartedly in what our founding fathers stood for. what this great nation was built on. in God we trust! not in obama or any other liar of a man stripping us of our rights and our freedoms.
As a christian I tend to also agree with the
2 Chronicles 7:14 quote. I am afraid that unless God intervenes things are only going to get worse. I just hope we have not crossed the point of no return. One thing for sure our country is being run and ruined for the most part by a bunch of traitors that have spit on the Constitution.

This is what it says on our money.

I don't think God will let this nation fail. Unless it is time for him to take us home.

What a glorious day that will be.
He let Israel fail on several occasions..

Very true. One only has to read the book of Judges and every time God allowed judgment at the hand of heathen nations they would cry out to him for help. God would intervene on their behalf and save them. Before long they were back to their old ways again.
Our money may say "In God we trust" but much our actions says something different.

I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers - and it was not there . . . in her fertile fields and boundless forests and it was not there . . . in her rich mines and her vast world commerce - and it was not there . . . in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution - and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great. Alexis de Tocqueville

P.S. As a side note I have read that the above quote that has been around for a long time may bogus and he may have not said it. Don't know if that is true or not but if he didn't he should have.
I am a Christian (albeit a poor one) and trust the Lord for my utlimate salvation from evil and my sinful ways. That said, I'm VERY pessimistic about the state of our nation (lack of faith, perhaps?). I do not claim to know if the Lord has turned His back on our country but I wouldn't be surprised.

I, too, wonder about the possibility of complete disarming of the American citizen and have also stated to my wife that I will go down in a hail of gunfire should "they" come for my weapons. But what good would it accomplish? The sheep around me would just shrug (another "extremist" bites the dust) and go about grazing on socialist grass. I'm short for this world (in the last 3rd of my life, I guess, at 56) so I can deal...but I worry about my kids. What are they gonna say about what we left for them?

Frankly, while I'm willing to play in the "system" for what it's worth, I think the system is rigged and there are too many sheep who will vote for anyone who promises to GIVE them something (housing, healthcare, retirement, etc.). What to do? I'm prepared to make a concerted, organized stand to save our nation, using whatever means are available, shoulder-to-shoulder with my brothers. Right now, that's through the "system"; later...?