Disney World Concealed Carry

...I had my Glock 19 in an Apache Ankle holster....
My, what large pants legs you have.:biggrin:

I traveled to Orlando a lot for work in the past and I wouldn't be wandering around the town without protection. Away from the tourist traps, it is really easy to get into a rough section of town very quickly. The parks are usually very, very well policed but outside of them, you need to be on your guard.
I just returned from a family vacation to Disney World. I have a concealed carry permit from a state with reciprocity with Florida. I carried my pistol (Glock 26) in an "inside the waistband" holster in the small of my back throughout our visits to the various parks.

As stated in previous posts, there are no signs or policies (I stayed at a Disney Resort hotel) that prevent you from carrying a legal concealed weapon at the parks.

There is no screening to prevent you from carrying a concealed weapon on your person -- e.g. no metal detectors or wands. However, if you are carrying a bag, it will be subjected to a cursory search. I carried a small Camelbak HAWG, and essentially, they just looked inside the main pocket and squeezed it. I would guess that any weapons found in your bag would result in a request to leave them outside the park.

While I was relieved to be able to carry my pistol without a hassle, I am disappointed by Walt Disney World's security...if I can get my weapon in so easily, then what is to prevent someone with bad intentions from doing the same?? I would much rather that they found mine, and let me proceed after seeing my permit. The bag search is "security theater"...it may look like they are keeping dangerous items out of the park, but anyone with the desire could get even large objects through on their person.

Which is why it probably is a good idea to carry, even in the "happiest place on Earth..."

I think the bag search is to keep you from bringing your own food and drink into the park. They make too much money on that stuff.
I recently visited the the Magic Kingdom and Animal Park last Christmas (12/09). I carried a P229 in a holster in a Maxpedition Gearslinger. My pack was searched at both gates and the pistol was never detected. I would advise people not to bring a firearm into any of the parks. It is a hassle and the parks are relatively safe.

So are a lot of places where mass shooting take place. "No guns allowed" areas are key for mass shooting.

Theme Parks are RELATIVELY Safe....(???) School is Supposed to Be Safe, Church is Supposed to be Safe... WORK? Safe?, How About Day Care Centers and a Washington DC Museum? Shopping Mall? We Can go on...You Get My Point. These are ALL places Shooting Sprees Have taken place recently... It is why we all here feel it is in our right to carry a weapon for our own/family protection. Because places are ONLY Relatively safe. Organizations are fighting to get Teachers/students the right to carry on school campus... Pilots to Carry on planes... etc etc. Its because it's our Right..No one is forcing you to carry a gun to a theme park...Leave yours at home. You feel like a "responsible person" by NOT having a gun at Disney? GREAT... The person with criminal intent sure does not feel that way and will bring a weapon in... You will be unarmed and looking for help from the Disney Security people paid minimum wage... (all the ones I saw were UNArmed and Over 60 Years Old) Please do not try and stop me from making my own mind up on my own security.

Utimmer: As Far as My Pant Legs? Old Navy Cargo Pants.... The Baggy Loose Fit Hides A lot of Gun!

God Bless and Stay Safe. "Captain"
This topic brings up the same concerns I posted as another topic and then again here with virtually no responses to the exact nature of the issue. I would have to agree that Disney amoung other places is a very safe environment and I would have virtually no concerns about my safety ONCE INSIDE. My issue is getting to the park from the parking lot (or as in my related topic, to and from a sporting event). The answers I recieved were along the lines of "I wouldn't partronize said sports team if they don't support CC on their site". I have not seen one response on this topic along those lines. Disney won't let you carry, then I won't go should be the answer if that is what you truely believe. The issue still is, and correct me if I am misunderstanding something here, most are not concerned once in some of these 'large attendance' areas, it's getting to and from them that is the concern. How about all of these places having lockers outside the gates with a big sign "ALL CC HOLDERS CHECK YOUR WEAPONS HERE". I would do that, plus if the BG is casing the gate area and sees you getting your weapon when you leave, you probably won't be a target. Isn't this the way that some of these places should be approached? Has anyone here asked someone in charge, hopefully you know the person, why they have the sign and an explanation of concerns such as "no CC means BG's welcome'?
How about all of these places having lockers outside the gates with a big sign "ALL CC HOLDERS CHECK YOUR WEAPONS HERE". I would do that, plus if the BG is casing the gate area and sees you getting your weapon when you leave, you probably won't be a target. Isn't this the way that some of these places should be approached?
I can't see this happening at such a facility. There would be too many security and liability issues. i.e. You obviously can't have the lockers out in the open for all the public to see. As irrational as it may be, Disney doesn't want the image of a bunch of people handling their guns out in the open, especially since OC is illegal in FL. Likewise, it wouldn't be very responsible for a carrier to handle (unload/ reload/ etc.) their firearm with so many other people around. So that leaves a private locker room to stow your weapon. Now you need constant supervision while you are depositing/ retrieving/ unloading/ reloading etc. as well as watching the place to make sure no one tries to break in to a locker. I just can't imagine Disney or a sports complex going to such measures and assuming such responsibilities.
Disney is anti-gun. That will most likely not change unless there is a monitary motivation. If there were enough CCers to put a dent in their bottom line they would adapt. However, that will never happen.

If you carry you risk getting banned by Disney for life (no legal ramifications unless you refuse to leave). Carry if you like, just keep it absolutely concealed.

Personally I will carry in the parking lots, around the hotels, etc., but if I was banned for life my wife and kids would never forgive me. I will limit myself to pepper spray, a bright LED light, and a Gerber para folder until I find a way to conceal my P32 from the wife. (Maybe a belly band) Just need to make sure it will never fall out on the roller coasters!:sarcastic:

If it weren't for the wife and kids I would just run the risk.
So then (I have the same idea about risk, I would hate to lose my season tickets plus be banned from the ballpark) the idea is "concealed MEANS CONCEALED"? Kind of like don't ask, don't tell attitude? I would be willing to bet that there are people carrying everyday in places as we are discussing that are "No Weapons Allowed" posted areas. And they are more than likely using the 'don't ask, don't tell' methodology.

The parks are a place where Thunderwear and Smartcarry would actually be useful.

Yes I believe don't ask don't tell is the best course of action.
EVERY Place I carry..>Whenever I carry... Is a Don't Show it Moment... Not Many people know I carry a Gun DAILY... They Know I Work as a Private Security Contractor, Know or assume I carry firearms in my job...and Know I "have Guns" at home, But except for close family and friends... If not carrying OPEN, I do not advertise I have a Gun on my person, EVER. When in Disney the other week...Which prompted my post, I was with seven other adults and six children... Only ONE person besides me Knew I was armed... They didn't Need to know... I didn't offer the information.
So being completely hidden is the definition of CONCEALED CARRY!

Stay Safe & Hope you Never need It... "Captain"
Back from disney

Well, I am back. Disney security has not changed. Still a joke. They check bags, but not people and the bag check is cursory. Although they seem to check people out, I could have carried my 45 every day (I did not, but my pockets were bulging with crap I carried for the wife and kids. Security didn't care.). The weather was cool and we ended up wearing long pants and jackets/sweatshirts that could conceal anything.
They don't seem to be concerned about a Fort Hood type shooting. What's a few tourists here or there really?:wacko: (This is the only scenario were a CCer would be helpful.)

A christmas day underwear bomber type attack could be carried out (times 10) without much trouble.
I am sure they have run the scenarios and calculated the cost of increased security versus the potential payout due to loss of life and decided to risk the payout. This is probably the most likely attack.

I did see the county sheriff and some local cops hanging out at the entrance a couple days for show. The visible in-park "security" looks like your run of the mill walmart greeter. I did not spot any plainclothes security unless they let them bring their family.

There is basically no security in the parking lots. Usually one security car with one guy covering about 10 acres of parking lot. This is enough reason to carry. I did notice there are some lockers outside the magic kingdom gate and also outside EPCOT. They were un-attended and I don't know if you could use them or would want to use them to lock it up.

Security at the resorts is less. Printout a fake parking permit and flash an old room key and you don't even need to slow down at the resort gate. A car thief could have a field day.
Worse, a car bomb could roll right up to the resort bus stops where is is not unusual to see 50-100 people waiting.

Theme parks are a disaster waiting to happen. We can only hope the bad guys don't figure it out.
You Know... I think We Should Be Greatful for the Lack of Security... If We Complain About Lack of Security, and They BEEF it Up and Look for Our Guns, Then we Will Complain They are Not allowing Us to Defend Ourselves... SO Best we Just Say..."GREAT, I Can Bring My Gun".... I'd rather Look after Myself anyway.

Do You Think Disney would be seen as the HAPPY FAMILY Destination if they Had Metal Detectors and Body Searches at the Front Gate? NO... Everyone Would stay clear away in Fear of their Lives...So they Keep it Open and probably HOPE... Just Like Most Family attractions and Shopping Malls... etc. The Price of a Free Society is a Little Risk and Danger...

God Bless and Stay Safe.... Captain
Well, I was just there for five days and six nights. I left my handgun locked in our room safe during the day and in my bedside table at night. During the day I carried both of my pocket knives into the park without any problem at all. I have my situational awareness and black belt wherever I go and felt relatively safe.

Someone in this thread made great comments about actually using a weapon in a crowded theme park and I agree with them. Nothing is as it seems and I'd hate it if my round went through the BG, the fake brick wall behind them, and then took out Goofy or Cinderella.

A perfect solution, probably not, but one I could work with for the time we were at the parks.
Well, I was just there for five days and six nights. I left my handgun locked in our room safe during the day and in my bedside table at night. During the day I carried both of my pocket knives into the park without any problem at all. I have my situational awareness and black belt wherever I go and felt relatively safe.

Someone in this thread made great comments about actually using a weapon in a crowded theme park and I agree with them. Nothing is as it seems and I'd hate it if my round went through the BG, the fake brick wall behind them, and then took out Goofy or Cinderella.

A perfect solution, probably not, but one I could work with for the time we were at the parks.

Frankly that is the same argument that can be made about virtually any location. I don't see it as any greatly different than going into a restaurant or a mall. If you don't want to carry, don't, but Disney World is simply a victim rich location like a mall, why would you not want to carry?
Someone in this thread made great comments about actually using a weapon in a crowded theme park and I agree with them. Nothing is as it seems and I'd hate it if my round went through the BG, the fake brick wall behind them, and then took out Goofy or Cinderella.
That's what Glaser or Magsafe ammo is for.
Be careful in the restaurants if they sell alcohol for consumption. The NRA First Steps Pistol Class says that Florida statutes restrict carrying a weapon or firearm even if you have a license "in any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption." :no:
I did not spot any plainclothes security unless they let them bring their family..

I'm willing to bet...with the way Disney works...that you're not supposed to "see" the plain clothes security. They probably blend right in so that even if you are looking for them you wont see them.
Be careful in the restaurants if they sell alcohol for consumption. The NRA First Steps Pistol Class says that Florida statutes restrict carrying a weapon or firearm even if you have a license "in any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption." :no:

Not so at all!

Florida law says you may not carry in the portion of the estblishment where the primary purpose is the DISPENSING of alchohol meaning the BAR ROOM. You may carry, and even consume in any other portion of an esablishment licensed to dispense alchohol.
Frankly that is the same argument that can be made about virtually any location. I don't see it as any greatly different than going into a restaurant or a mall. If you don't want to carry, don't, but Disney World is simply a victim rich location like a mall, why would you not want to carry?

I'm not sure what it is like where you live but our mall never comes close to being anywhere near as crowded as it is in any of the Disney World parks.

All I'm saying is that my ability to defend myself doesn't end when I put down my handgun.

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