Disney World Concealed Carry


New member
My wife and I are taking our kids to Disney World (Orland) in January. I understand that Disney has a no weapons policy. However, I am wondering if any of you have any real world experience with Disney World. Can you concealed carry there? Do they have posted signs or metal detectors? I plan on taking my gun because I would like to fly with it as I have never done this. I may just lock it in the room when I get there, assuming there are safes. The last thing I need on a family vacation though is a MAJOR HASSLE. Suggestions please!

Hope This Helps

If you have a valid permit that Florida honors you are good to go. I was there last December for a company Christmas party and carried the enter time. I do not remember seeing any no gun signs but even if they were posted they hold no weight in Florida. Only thing you have to be aware of is they do a quick search of your bags at the gates. Just keep your firearm on you and you should have no problems. Hope you have a safe and fun time!

If you have any other question feel free to ask I'll try to answer them in a timely manner.
here you go.

Ops sorry Torch new here but should have known better. Here you go everything and more you'll ever need to know about Florida gun laws.

Link Removed

Florida state statute
790.06 License to carry concealed weapon or firearm.--
(12) No license issued pursuant to this section shall authorize any person to carry a concealed weapon or firearm into any place of nuisance as defined in s. 823.05; any police, sheriff, or highway patrol station; any detention facility, prison, or jail; any courthouse; any courtroom, except that nothing in this section would preclude a judge from carrying a concealed weapon or determining who will carry a concealed weapon in his or her courtroom; any polling place; any meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or special district; any meeting of the Legislature or a committee thereof; any school, college, or professional athletic event not related to firearms; any school administration building; any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, which portion of the establishment is primarily devoted to such purpose; any elementary or secondary school facility; any career center; any college or university facility unless the licensee is a registered student, employee, or faculty member of such college or university and the weapon is a stun gun or nonlethal electric weapon or device designed solely for defensive purposes and the weapon does not fire a dart or projectile; inside the passenger terminal and sterile area of any airport, provided that no person shall be prohibited from carrying any legal firearm into the terminal, which firearm is encased for shipment for purposes of checking such firearm as baggage to be lawfully transported on any aircraft; or any place where the carrying of firearms is prohibited by federal law. Any person who willfully violates any provision of this subsection commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
Am I reading this right because I don't see anything here that stops concealed carry in Disney.
If I am wrong help.
Nope there was a husband and wife (both employees) fired from Disney a year or so ago because the wife admitted to having a firearm stored in the car. No warnings or anything. So if Goofy is packing, he is making sure it is concealed from everyone, including other employees and management.
you are correct Raybsc

Am I reading this right because I don't see anything here that stops concealed carry in Disney.
If I am wrong help.

Raybsc, you are reading it correctly. You are not breaking any laws by carrying concealed with a valid permit into Disney World. Worse thing that could happen if someone sees you carrying is ask you to leave. If that happens I would leave or secure your firearm because refusal could get you armed trespassing.

As far as the employee's getting fired, it was not illegal for them to be carrying while on the job but Disney has the right to dictate what company policy is. If they say no guns and you carry no legal action can be taken against you but they can fire you for breach of company policy.

Like I said I carried all day there awhile back and had no issues what so ever.
There's also some value in one of Ektarr's Laws: "Don't ask questions you may not really want to hear the answer to."
Thanks. I knew it was OK to carry in FL. Just wasn't sure what Disney's policy was or if anyone had any actual experience carrying there.

KimberPB, how exactly did you carry? What holster method? I need to do it the best possible way so I don't have problems on the rides, etc. Not sure that my normal ankle holster carry method would be the best. I may need to get a smart carry....

Any one else with actual experience going there and carrying?

Thanks. I knew it was OK to carry in FL. Just wasn't sure what Disney's policy was or if anyone had any actual experience carrying there.

KimberPB, how exactly did you carry? What holster method? I need to do it the best possible way so I don't have problems on the rides, etc. Not sure that my normal ankle holster carry method would be the best. I may need to get a smart carry....

Any one else with actual experience going there and carrying?


PDW I carrier my Kimber Ultra Carry II IWB in comp-tac's Infidal holster. Went on several of the rides with no issues. I did like having it IWB for the rides just for the fact I could rest my arm on the grip to keep it secure. They do search bags so as long as you have it on you you should not have a problem.

If you have any other question feel free to ask.
I searched every possible nook and cranny on Disneys web sites and could not find anything one way or the other but that does not mean its ok.
A simple phone call would clear this up.
Employies can't have them locked in auto. Man fired over this. Employ found to be sex offender not fired. Ya Goffy
If you call

I bet I can guess what they'd say if you called and asked if you could carry! Probably something along the lines of "This is a family park, we have security, nothing bad will happen, so no need to bring your fire arm, Blah, blah." Lucky for us it is not against the law to do so. At very worse, IF you're made, they'd ask you to secure it in your vehicle or leave the park.
This goes back to the "concealed means concealed" argument. I've not heard of anyone being disarmed or asked to leave the park, but I wouldn't let anyone know I was carrying.
Carrying at Disney

Disney checks bags for explosives, more or less. Keep it concealed, and you are ok. Make sure you stay out of the bar areas of resturants. Can be in the place, but not at the bar.

I have lived there since 1999, so I know the drill.