DC: Police to seal off city

You are partially right...

CCW isn't the only answer, It is only a partial answer. It will take the work of people who have the GUTS to get involved and take back the safety and security that is rightfully theirs. It means parents saying NO! NOT IN MY HOUSE!. It means GOOD people telling BAD People not in my back yard.:mp230603212422Murde

I was wondering if you were gonna post this as soon as you got home and calmed down. Yes a totally agree with ya buddy.:taz:
I agree. Also - and statistics almost consistently bear this out - the biggest factors in crime are wealth and education. People who have money and a college degree are far less likely to commit armed robbery than someone who is low-income and uneducated.

It hasn't been proven to what degree these are causal factors. Obviously there's always going to be thugs who don't want to go to school to begin with, and will remain thugs for their entire life. People really should take responsibility for their own educational and economic future and make sure to not screw it up. But, an ideal situation and reality are not always the same.

We would save an incredible amount of money in the long run by putting people in ghettos through college, than constantly paying for extra law enforcement, pauper burials, emergency room visits from the uninsured, and the massive amount of lost tax revenue from these huge urban wastelands.

IMO, prison time should be based on what one can accomplish while behind bars. For example, instead of sentencing someone to two years, we should force them to get an AA degree and become fluent in a foreign language before they can be released. This is a literal reinforcement of the idea that knowledge is freedom, and gets people in the mindset of setting goals, rather than just waiting for their sentence to be up.

Good idea, but what use is it if employers still wont hire someone thats been in jail regardless of a degree or not ?
Some of the biggest crimes are committed by people with college degree and a pen.
Good idea, but what use is it if employers still wont hire someone thats been in jail regardless of a degree or not ?
Some of the biggest crimes are committed by people with college degree and a pen.

Not only that, but why should i have to work my butt off to pay for my college degree while the gang banger down the street gets a free ride because he car jacked an old lady at a gas station. That kinda seems like rewarding people for bad behavior, hell if this was the way things were i'd constantly be in jail and i would have a masters degree in Law by the time i was 25. I kinda see where your coming from but i think making dumb criminals into smart criminals is the way to go.:icon14: