Congrats to NH

We the voters of NH almost had a complete sweep. Lynch almost got the boot as well for he had the closest race so far. Lets keep up the good work and move us in the right direction.
Voting is a joke in it's self. It's all about voting for the person who can lie to your face the best. I close my eyes and spin my finger around and what ever name it stops on gets the vote. That is if I don't write in My self for all of them. They would all sell you out to get funding/votes for their own projects! They should make them come to every house and ask each voter face to face for the money they wish to spend. Maybe then they would get the F******* point that the figure amount shown on paper is REAL F******* money and not monopoly money! 511 BILLION to expand the US embassy in Afghanistan COME THE F**** ON! Talk about a waste of money what do they plan on doing with it when we pull out? With Karzai's CORRUPT government running that country into the ground it will only be a matter of time till things revert back to chaos! Now here's a flicking idea how about we try and fix our own country before we run off and play freedom fighter in country's that don't want our INFIDEL asses there to begin with! Maybe if they started keeping the billions/millions of dollars they are shipping over to the two conflict zones. We may start to see more jobs, better roads, higher pay for our teachers and so on.... Like the Trump mister said on fox news " Enough free trade with CHINA start taxing them" "Our products are just as good if not better!" We need to bring the jobs back home and get the American people back to work for good! Enough of this create a job here and there shit! Bring the troops home and place them on our boarder with Mexico American citizens should not have to sleep in fear of being killed by drug trafficker's in OUR OWN COUNTRY! We have to much foreign influence telling us how we should run our country! Worry about what the American public thinks and FU** the rest!
I vote based on past performance. Check the candidate's voting record; ignore everything they say. :pleasantry:

Even that you cant count on to much now a day's. With all the back room "Under the table deals going on in the shadows." You can count on most of them to fly straight for the first year to about the end of the first term. After that you can tell if the "Great power" they hold will corrupt them. I mean shit if you could have a job that gave you all the free stuff they get and you didn't even have to work/earn it what would you do? They use the unions to bully and harass voters to vote for them because they will do anything to keep the free ride going for as long as they can. Or in the case of he who shall not be named he used the new black panthers and acorn to do his voter intimidation. Not to lump all politicians in the same boat nor to lump all Welfair recipient's in the same boat. But some politicians are just like the Welfair addicts they get a taste and they are hooked for life.
Even that you cant count on to much now a day's. With all the back room "Under the table deals going on in the shadows." You can count on most of them to fly straight for the first year to about the end of the first term. After that you can tell if the "Great power" they hold will corrupt them. I mean shit if you could have a job that gave you all the free stuff they get and you didn't even have to work/earn it what would you do? They use the unions to bully and harass voters to vote for them because they will do anything to keep the free ride going for as long as they can. Or in the case of he who shall not be named he used the new black panthers and acorn to do his voter intimidation. Not to lump all politicians in the same boat nor to lump all Welfair recipient's in the same boat. But some politicians are just like the Welfair addicts they get a taste and they are hooked for life.

Hey stranger! Long time no "see" :D

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