CCW in the post office?


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Have any if you ever walks into your local post office and forgotten you were carrying? What are the risks here?

I have gotten so used to carrying that a few times I didn't remember until I was out of the post office and back in my vehicle. Am I asking for trouble?

Note, I live in a very gun-friendly, ccw-friendly county, if that helps.

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No one here is going to tell you, "Don't worry about it." It's a felony. Let us know how the "I forgot" defense works out for you. Also let us know how much help you get from the county, when you're arrested for a federal crime.

Leave your gun at home when you go to the post office.

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Have any if you ever walks into your local post office and forgotten you were carrying? What are the risks here?

I have gotten so used to carrying that a few times I didn't remember until I was out of the post office and back in my vehicle. Am I asking for trouble?

Note, I live in a very gun-friendly, ccw-friendly county, if that helps.

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Q) Have any if you ever walks into your local post office and forgotten you were carrying?
A) Nope

Q) What are the risks here?
A) Your freedom and your right to carry are both at risk.

Q) I have gotten so used to carrying that a few times I didn't remember until I was out of the post office and back in my vehicle. Am I asking for trouble?
A) Yes, you are asking & looking for trouble imvho.

Note) I live in a very gun-friendly, ccw-friendly county, if that helps.
Advice) The Fed's don't give a damn how 'gun-friendly' your county is, They would probably lock you up & take away your right to carry a firearm if they ever caught you doing this.

Whatever you post on the world wide interweb's can easily be seen & tracked by both the Fed's & other LEO's.
Dude if you want to carry in a post office or as you say you got so used to having your gun on you forgot, that's fine but you got to know it is illegal in every state in the union, and you should realize that if you did happen to carry inside a post office you must have a screw loose to post it on a open websight, or your just a troll and are trying to stir something up
How do you forget that you're carrying? I have a very, very comfortable holster, but I'm still very aware of the fact that I am carrying... Anyone else have that happen? Is it just because I've only been at this since June?
How do you forget that you're carrying? I have a very, very comfortable holster, but I'm still very aware of the fact that I am carrying... Anyone else have that happen? Is it just because I've only been at this since June?

That's the right perspective to have. Subconsciously knowing its there at all times.

Since I only carry my ankle BUG probably once or twice a month, I have on occasion found myself completely forgetting I strapped it on that day until I bump it on something. I find this to be a problem because what good does it do you if you don't know it's there when you need it. I have not however, ever accidentally walked into an off limits zone like a post office because I forgot I had a gun on me. I don't leave my bedroom, much less my house without at least one gun on me so that's not an issue.
I appreciate the responses and I'm definitely no troll. I also realize the risks of posting openly about this online, but I was seeking meaningful discussion. When I say I forgot, I don't mean I don't know I'm carrying, but rather, I've gotten so used to the feel of my carry piece that it has become a natural extension. I feel something is missing when I don't have it so I tend to have it all the time when away from home.

That said, I treasure this right and realize it's rather stupid to forget and carry it onto federal property. This thread will serve as a good warning to me to be more conscious of what building I'm walking into.

Thanks for all the responses.
I appreciate the responses and I'm definitely no troll. I also realize the risks of posting openly about this online, but I was seeking meaningful discussion. When I say I forgot, I don't mean I don't know I'm carrying, but rather, I've gotten so used to the feel of my carry piece that it has become a natural extension. I feel something is missing when I don't have it so I tend to have it all the time when away from home.

That said, I treasure this right and realize it's rather stupid to forget and carry it onto federal property. This thread will serve as a good warning to me to be more conscious of what building I'm walking into.

Thanks for all the responses.

I was going to respond to your original post (OP), but others did well, except to point out the fact that it is not just a felony, it is a FEDERAL felony. Just to clear that up.

Concerning this particular post though, I'm not sure you did yourself justice explaining to us what your version of what "forgot" meant. Yes, all of us feel naked when we don't have our firearm on. However, everyone of us would say we are always cognizant that it is on us. We are "hyper alert", if you will, that we are carrying an awesome responsibility with us. We are also on the look out constantly to see where our rights are being infringed since all of us are supporters of the 2nd Amendment. Post Offices and all other Federal buildings are infringements of our right to carry. As such, we know when we go to them, to stow our firearms away and become submissive subjects. This grates at us, and because of that, we don't just "forget" about them. In fact, any time I have to go to the post office, I grumble a bit because of it. Also, when I'm in a National Park and would like information at the ranger station, I know I must tuck my tail between my legs and stow my firearm because it pleases "the man". We have much work to restore our 2nd Amendment back to being a right and less of a privilege.

Know your laws, know the repercussions of those laws, and fight the system through legal channels, and NEVER NEVER NEVER forget.

BTW, welcome to the forums. Hopefully, we will see you around more.
My advise is do not go to the post office, for many reasons, one long lines, and poor service. Use UPS stores in the neighborhood they do USPO services. FEDEX also and so does Mail boxes are us. I seek one of them before the Post Office!
Have any if you ever walks into your local post office and forgotten you were carrying? What are the risks here?

I have gotten so used to carrying that a few times I didn't remember you were carrying until I was out of the post office and back in my vehicle. Am I asking for trouble?

Note, I live in a very gun-friendly, ccw-friendly county, if that helps.[/URL]
Really? Didn't remember or have Forgotten? Are you serious?
You may want to check more into your state's CCW laws and maybe take the class again with a different instructor. Wow!
Should you be able to? Yes, absolutely.
Are you legally able to? No, absolutely not!
Ignorance of the law will not get you out of a federal felony charge.
If we are fortunate enough to inform enough people we can possibly get officials elected that understand our natural human right to self defense, and we can overturn these Gun Free zone laws.
Don't forget where the term "Going postal" originated from.
The P.O. Is no place to be with a gun on your hip....

Sent from behind Enemy Lines.
Have any if you ever walks into your local post office and forgotten you were carrying? What are the risks here?

I have gotten so used to carrying that a few times I didn't remember until I was out of the post office and back in my vehicle. Am I asking for trouble?

Note, I live in a very gun-friendly, ccw-friendly county, if that helps.

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What in the world do you want someone to tell you?
Are you willing to say that on the bus to prison? Let's see you REALLY put that to action. Or do you just like to say it without the martyrdom attached to putting it into action?
I wont be taken to prison, or to court for that matter....

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