CCW banner

In all seriousness, this product is totally stupid!

The cops will take you for mental evaluation after they are finished laughing!

Some people can find idiots who will buy anything!


JG ever to think to raise your weapon (pointing to the sky along with your other hand) in your supposed scenario? OR if the situation deems necessary, hold your weapon on the BG informing the LEO's on arrival that the BG was being detained until they (LEO's) showed up. They'll still probably have you drop your weapon and go to a down prone position. BUT upon their arrival, they now assumed control.

I don't know, maybe a red head band with white lettering like the Japanese wear "Satsuei shinai to, watashi wa yoi otokoda" (don't shoot, I'm the good guy). I know, I know a bit wordy, but some of us have bigger heads.:sarcastic:
I have never had to be in the situation yet thank God. In the event that I ever was common sense and forethought should come into action. I have talked with the local police departments as well as the sheriffs department. They all agree that if your weapon is or is not in hand you should have your wallet with ID showing and permit ready for them to see. Hold the wallet at eye level and expect to be disarmed and cuffed until the situation is resolved. Gimmicks and bobbles are just a distraction that may get you killed. I have had mixed reactions on having a CCW badge just because it will give an anxious officer a reason to pause and not shoot at someone he or she may perceive as a threat. Ultimately my opinion is to ask the responding persons in your area and see what they say. Please no sash or odd items though it reflects poorly on all of us.
To shorten the above paragraphs, The DSM Safety Banner is the most effective, caveman simple way to identify yourself to responding law enforcement officers after a critical situation. At $31.99 a unit, it is some of the most inexpensive insurance you can find so that you’re not fatally misidentified.

How about just verbally tell them who you are, and follow any and all directions that are given to you... That IS about as Caveman as it gets...!

Also, Police look for the HANDS. Your HANDS are what controls your pistol or knife, or your ability to pull something out that can cause you harm...

Put your hand in your pocket to pull one of these BADASS Sash's out and you might be breathing through holes other then your mouth or nostrils.

ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS, Follow the commands of an Officer on scene. Period.

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