CC Holster (IWB)

i don't think the Ultra Carry will fit in a mini tuck. I had it in a Qwik Clip and it dived forward and i had to adjust it often. I had the holster replaced with the SuperTuck which i have my for my other guns. I wear it about 16+ hours a day with no problems or discomfort. Best holster made IMO. Unfortunately it took me about 10 tries to find it. I guess i can eBay all the other ones!
i don't think the Ultra Carry will fit in a mini tuck. I had it in a Qwik Clip and it dived forward and i had to adjust it often. I had the holster replaced with the SuperTuck which i have my for my other guns. I wear it about 16+ hours a day with no problems or discomfort. Best holster made IMO. Unfortunately it took me about 10 tries to find it. I guess i can eBay all the other ones!

Well the mini has two clips so it would not move around like the quick clip would I bet. And it is for smaller guns, but suits my smaller frame well.

I just looked up the Bersa Ultra Compact Pro , it has the same barrel length as my taurus, it should work.
Hello All! I am new to this forum. I have a question on the Super Tuck... Does anyone carry a full size with this holster? I am deciding on the S&W M&P .40cal compact or full size. I would like the full size as it will mostly be for home defense and range, but would like to occasionally carry. The Super Tuck Deluxe looks like a great holster. Anyone out there with a comparable or the same firearm and STD holster??
I bought a Milt Sparks Summer Special IWB for my XD40 and it is the most comfortable one I have found yet. It grips the gun well but is still easy to draw from. I takes a while (4-5 months) to get due to the backlog of orders as all are hand made. Very comfortable for extended wear.
Hello All! I am new to this forum. I have a question on the Super Tuck... Does anyone carry a full size with this holster? I am deciding on the S&W M&P .40cal compact or full size. I would like the full size as it will mostly be for home defense and range, but would like to occasionally carry. The Super Tuck Deluxe looks like a great holster. Anyone out there with a comparable or the same firearm and STD holster??

XDM40 (dbl stack 16rd magazine; 4.3" barrel) and a "Supertuck" Deluxe; a match made in heaven.

I wore my "Supertuck" today. I went to my best friends daughters house and helped put a "Bunkbed" together and move some furniture around. (Her and her husband are AG Obamanites.) All I was wearing for cover was a "tucked in" short sleeve shirt. I was bending over, stooping down and crawling around on my hands & knees. NO one ever noticed I was carrying; not even my friend who knows I CC.

Thanks for the reply tcox4freedom. That does seem to be a not so compact gun. Am i correct in saying that? The Super tuck does a nice job of keeping it covered?
Thanks for the reply tcox4freedom. That does seem to be a not so compact gun. Am i correct in saying that? The Super tuck does a nice job of keeping it covered?

You are correct!

The only thing you will most likely need to do is up size your wardrobe; unless you already wear loose fitting clothes. An XDM is a Large frame HG and has a 4.5" barrel and 16rd magazine; so not many handguns are larger. The "Supertuck" is a very comfortable to CC a large handgun all day.
I have a crossbreed super tuck that I carry a Ruger P95 in and it is a very comfortable holster. I highly recommend it.

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