Casino Slots Robbed Me, 911 Caller Says


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Ok after reading the subway thread I had to post this.

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TAMPA - When Carlos Jose Gutierrez lost money in a slot machine at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino early Monday, deputies say he didn't just walk away, he called 911 to report that a slot machine stole his money.

Shortly after midnight, Gutierrez was told by dispatchers that the slot machine did not steal his money and that it was a crime to call 911 to report it did, an affidavit states.

After acknowledging that his call to 911 was wrong, Gutierrez left the casino and walked across the street and called 911 again to report a slot machine stole his money, the affidavit says.

Gutierrez, 47, of 5613 Halifax Drive, was arrested and charged with making a false 911 call, a misdemeanor. Described in jail records as a self-employed investor, Gutierrez is being held at Orient Road Jail with no bail set. He was on felony probation when arrested, according to jail records.

Gutierrez was the second Hillsborough County man arrested within 24 hours on charges of abusing the 911 system.

Early Sunday morning, deputies say, Randall Barry Wasden, 43, got into a dispute with his brother.

When deputies arrived, Wasden, who was intoxicated, did not like the way deputies handled the situation an affidavit says, so he called 911 five times within an hour.

Each time, he was belligerent and cursed at dispatchers, demanding that they send deputies to talk to him, the report says. The dispatchers told him to stop calling unless he had an actual emergency, and he told them he was just calling to get deputies to talk to him, deputies say.

By the fifth call, Wasden got his wish.

Deputies returned to his home at 4221 Jent Ave. in Plant City at 2:40 a.m. Sunday and arrested him.

He was charged with misuse of the wireless 911 system, a misdemeanor, and released at 7:39 p.m. Sunday on $500 bail, according to jail records, which list Wasden as a welder.
Even though the article makes no mention of it, I'm willing to bet that the guy was either drunk or high. I refuse to believe that a sober person would do something like this.
What ??? Just because they were both in Florida, do you think we all must be the same to you ???

I'm calling 911 right now to complain about that comment!

Actually I did not notice when I first read the thread that it was Florida. After your post I went back and looked. That is pretty funny.
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