Anyone know of someone caught carrying outside their "sportsman" restriction?

Is this the law that catches all the criminals?

I like what you Orange County an elected judge signs off on your permit and any amendment additions. That being said, Penal 400 only says Carry Concealed or Premise...that's it...two types. The only legal restriction is no NYC carry with a NYS...and I'm not sure if it's 'against the law' or in defiance of a judges order...anyone care to comment?
Years ago I had a retail business in NYC...I had a Carry Concealed NYS, no restrictions...I called 1 PP to speak to a licensing officer....they are clue...spoke to be about a Partial carry because I didn't make $8000 in daily deposits to qualify for Full carry...when I said that I took issue with NYC determining what my life was worth they said I should apply for a Premise permit....clue less....Part time carry broke it down to Mon Wed or Fri carry or Tues Thurs or Sat...AM or PM....ridiculous or what? Either one would require that whichever firearm I wished to have with me in NYC be taken off my NYS and put on their permit...only. Yahoos...bunch of least the ones I spoke too anyway.
Adminstrative restrictions are just that. So long as you do not expose your gun, you are complying with the penal code and have not committed a crime. Court precedent supports this. The worst that can happen to you is that the issuing agent, (judge, police chief, etc) may choose to pull your permit, but that's something he can do at any time on a whim. This applies to NY state -- NOT NEW YORK CITY.

I'm not a lawyer and don't play one on TV or in the movies.
Thank you sir ... just what I was going to write...
OMG...took way to long to silence that far as being armed and ready for an intelligent conversation that guy was clearly un armed....Ignorance can be fixed through education...but stupid is stupid forever. The rest of you...keep the faith...and your patience...

To be the only one to actually answer your question, "No, I have NEVER heard of someone losing their license just for carrying outside of their restrictions." At least in Suffolk County, licenses are lost because the licensee committed a crime, was subjected to a restraining order, confined to a mental facility, or otherwise became ineligble to have firearm. I would speculate that the main reason why is that anyone in a position of authority to alert the licensing officer of the "violation" would have no reason to know the person was carrying in the first place. If they do, it's because of some other charge, crime, etc. and THAT becomes the reason for suspension or revocation.

Moreover, "hunter won" has written two things which I don't believe are correct:

1) <<Most every county in New York places restrictions on your permit.>>

this is not true. Most counties upstate issue with NO RESTRICTIONS easily or make you jump through a few hoops.

2) <<Since there has been cases in Suffolk and other counties throughout the state of subjects carrying a licensed handgun with a Sportman permit/restricted permit.You may be arrested under section 265 of the NYPL if caught with a handgun that isn't properly licensed.>>

I would be interested in seeing these cases because I have never heard of them. Arresting someone with a violation of Sec 265 of the Penal Law would be in clear violation of the penal law and the Parker decision, which is the case that said even if someone had a premises license (which state law says is good only in your house or business), you can't be charged with a Sec 265 Class C felony.