Anyone know about Thad Viers' and his push to Congress


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I am not in Thad Viers' district but got a email soliciting support for his push to the US Congress...

Can anyone tell me what is Thad's history in the State House and his position on the Second Amendment, Right to Carry, fiscal Conservativism?

Here is an excerpt of the email:

Dear Friend,

Governor Haley says that I will be a good addition to our conservative congressional delegation. Click here to watch Governor Haley talk about the need for more conservatives in Washington.

If the liberals in Washington are left unchecked, they will continue to spend us into bankruptcy. With unprecedented deficit spending, skyrocketing debt and no concern for our border, Washington is not taking the necessary steps to protect our nation.

I will...
Strive to cut our spending to levels that allow us to not only eliminate the deficit, but allow us to pay down the debt. That’s why I support H.J. Res 73, the Amash Business Cycle Balanced Budget Amendment, which will cap spending and use budget surpluses to pay down the debt.
Cut taxes on small businesses that are the job creators in our nation. This year I was the only elected official in South Carolina to receive the “Friend of the Taxpayer” award from the South Carolina Association of Taxpayers.
Fight for immigration reform to secure our national borders so South Carolina won’t be forced to deal with the issue on our own. In the legislature I co-sponsored the bill that required law enforcement officers to check the immigration status of suspects.
If you want South Carolina’s newest congressional district to elect a proven conservative leader, click here now.


Thad Viers

P.S. We have a strong Congressional delegation, but we can make it even stronger. Please join us in building the nation's most conservative Congressional delegation.

Paid for by Thad Viers for Congress

Thad Viers is a gun grabber and a foe of 2A rights. If you are not a heavy contributor, big business, or not interested in the continued Big Corporation run gov't then HE is not your advocate in Washington
Rep Viers is a strong advocate for Second Amendment rights


Rep. Viers has been one of the strongest advocates for Second Amendment rights in the SC legislature for almost 10 yrs. He is a graduate of the Citadel, where he was on a Marine Corp scholarship, he is an avid hunter and holds his own CWP. As a gun owner himself, Rep Viers believes that the Second Amendment is the only amendment in the bill of rights that allows for citizens to ensure all other rights are protected. He holds a lifetime "A" rating from the NRA.

Should you have any questions regarding his commitement to protecting Second Amendment rights please feel free to go to his website Link Removed where you can read more. You can also email him any questions you may have at [email protected]. Or you can call the NRA-ILA and they can give you any information you may have regarding his record on pretecting Second Amendment rights in the SC legislature.

Thank you for asking and I hope this helps you.

Jill Kelso
Thad Viers for Congress
There is so much miss-information out there it is getting hard to separate fact from fiction!

Tell you what Jill since you know him so well tell him to push this bill through without allowing added amendments attached to it, and then we all can believe him and will support him...

The proof is in the actions.

I would love to support him, but the waters are too muddy at this point.
Jill, I can believe you and I will be voting for him as I am in the new district and thankfully out from Clyburn's. The fiasco with HR 3292 was all a Cluster**** due to Robert Butler pitching a fit and not getting his way. If he had acted like he had some sense about it then the one line in the bill causing the problem could have been corrected and possibly moved on out of committee. However Mr. Butler, on the verge of a nervous breakdown from what I could tell and only from my opinion, chose to take a totally different path that not only resulted in the bill being halted but also a court injunction and the collapse of GRGR of SC. At the time Mr. Butler was so involved in the case before the Supreme Court that he lost his reasoning ability and took it out on Rep, Viers. The wrong party is being blamed here in my opinion and I think that Rep. Viers is the best candidate for the office. But if you want to follow along with someone who would rather go on the Internet along with every radio and newspaper he can find trying to run down someone without even telling them what they did wrong then that is your privilege. However you are running a good mad down for trying to do what he thought was right and listening to others.

This is the first time I have criticized Mr. Butler publicly but the time has come for me to speak my mind. I do not accuse him of any financial wrong doing and have no thoughts that he or any of the others did. However he did use GRGR as his own personal soapbox and fiefdom. I will now say that there were several times that I sent letters, cards and emails just like the rest of you except mind said "Grass Roots Does Not Speak For ME". Rep. Viers should have been the recipient of several.

My flame suit is now on so go ahead.
There is so much miss-information out there it is getting hard to separate fact from fiction!

Tell you what Jill since you know him so well tell him to push this bill through without allowing added amendments attached to it, and then we all can believe him and will support him...

The proof is in the actions.

I would love to support him, but the waters are too muddy at this point.

Do you mean the original HR 3292 bill? If so that bill will not make it past the first court challenge there are so many screw-ups in it. Also there is no way that it will ever come close to passage matter who is pushing it. The bill that Rep. Viers came up with was a very good bill except for the one point that even the SLED chief and several others said it did not mean what it said. If that section had been corrected to cover visitors from out of state, which was an easy fix they bill had a chance of making it through the House. However before anyone could point out the problem there was an all-out attack on it making sure that it did not go anywhere. I am afraid that any possibility of meaningful revision of the laws is dead for this session and probably for the reasonable future. No politician is going to want to take the chance of one misinterpretation bringing on the wrath that heaped upon Rep. Viers. Even if he were to try to introduce something now or even resurrect 3292 I don't think he will get much support for fear during an election year.
Thad Viers is the poster boy for backroom anti-gun politicians. He seems to consider himself as being "slick", but it is just that he is covered with slime. He is vindictive, vicious and a shameless liar. Did I mention that I am NOT a Viers fan?
I do not know anything about Jill Kelso (Melloyello), but judging from her post (above) she may be Viers in drag. That is a classic "Viers-ism".
Thad Viers is the poster boy for backroom anti-gun politicians. He seems to consider himself as being "slick", but it is just that he is covered with slime. He is vindictive, vicious and a shameless liar. Did I mention that I am NOT a Viers fan?
I do not know anything about Jill Kelso (Melloyello), but judging from her post (above) she may be Viers in drag. That is a classic "Viers-ism".

here we go....

Link Removed
Prove himself...Vote on it...Stop hiding!

I agree!!

If he is so pro-2A then pass a freaking Pro Second Amendment Bill in South Carolina, start honoring all other CWPs in the United States. If CWP holder's states trust their citizens, why can't our government!

I'm not going to trust NRA endorsements after watching them endorse people like former SC AG McMasters.
Looks like another "Bill Clinton" that let his brains slip down into the wrong head. Why some people cannot realize that they need to keep their brains above their neck I cannot understand. Whether is is love or lust I don't know but has been the ruination of many a good man.
Friday afternoon, Viers released the following statement on his website that he would be withdrawing from the race for the 7th District:

"As of today, I am withdrawing from the race for South Carolina's new 7th Congressional District due to personal reasons, and I will not be a candidate for any office in 2012. While I had hoped to join South Carolina's conservative congressional delegation in fighting back against Washington's out-of-control spending spree, now is not the time. Instead, I will focus on building my law practice and advocating free market principles here in Horry County."
here's how I saw and read the mess from last year.... seems there was a bill introduced and it had a few problems with it... mainly because the folks that write these don't seem to understand it is a good idea to run the wording by someone who understands the law... then viers decided to 'fix' the bill with some amendments and it actually made the bill worse... basically so that no non resident could carry in S.C. and some other problems. Robert Butler attempted to give advise and help with both versions and Viers took offense... he actually claimed he had fixed the problem and posted the changes on the web but in fact he had not done this officially in the committee... at the same time he did the same thing he had done in the past and seems he's done again. he called up Robert Butler and left a threatening message on his voice mail....
So when they get back into gear they will pick up where they left off or does everything start from scratch again ?

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