Anyone carry a Kahr CW9?


Does anyone carry a Kahr CW9 and how do you carry it?

Right now I carry a full-size 9mm on the hip IWB and it's not working out so well. Driving is a problem and the discreet unholstering of the gun in the car before going into some "no carry" zone. Besides, I'm not a big guy and the gun wasn't designed for concealed carry.

What interests me about the Kahr is its size - big enough to handle, small enough to conceal, its reputation for quality/reliability, and its price. I am considering pocket, hip and shoulder holsters. Anyone with experience and/or advise?
I don't have a CW9 but I do have a E9, PM9, PM40 and a PM45. I've carried them all but now I just carry the PM45. I make my own Kydex holsters and I like an IWB tuckable design. Just like everything else, to each his own. Try different holsters until you find one that fits you and is comfortable.
I carry my CW9 as a backup quite often and as a primary piece in extremely hot weather. My preferred method is in a Galco ankle rig. I also have a Mernickle OWB holster that conceals it quite well. For a quick trip to the store, I have a Galco clip on IWB holster. For motorcycling, either a 5.11 holster shirt or a Roma vest for CCW. All of these solutions work great.

Note: I only use the ankle holster when carrying the CW9 as a BUG.
I have a CW9 and when I OWB carry I use a Don Hume 721OT and it fits it like a dream. I wear it at about 3:30 and it stays nice and snug up against me. I also pocket carry it in an Uncle Mikes #4 in my front jeans pocket. It is at the outer limits of what I consider pocket carry....but it works out pretty darn well. If I can fool my wife, it's truly concealed.
Carry a CW9

New here to USAC, I CC a CW9, actually 2. IWB in a custom Leather with Crimson trace, OWB in a Galco leather. Love them both. Actively shoot IDPA matches with CW9, impresses many with easy conceal-ability and awesome accuracy.
I carry a CW9 as one of my carry pieces. I bought it off of recommendation of two LEO friends. It is a very concealable weapon. I carry mine either in my ankle holster or in a leather slide holster at about 3:30. Both work great. I carry a spare loaded mag in my pocket when I have room for it.

I think the CW is a great weapon for the price. They now also offer Trijicon sights for it through the Kahr web site for $80. I will be putting a set of those on mine. It replaces the polymer front site with a metal one.
Before I purchased my Kahr CW9, I visited several local gun shops and a few gun show, just to see what gust feels good in my hand. After all, everyone has different size of hand, and with my smaller-than-average hands, I was planning to get compact or subcompact guns in 9mm. Many popular brands like Glock, Ruger, and Beretta, have various sub-compact with 10+ rounds capacity, and while that is very attractive feature (less reloading at the range), the double-stack magazine certainly adds more thickness to the grip and added weight. THEN, I saw Kahr CW9 and held it. MAN!, this one fits in my hand perfectly. The owner of the gun show told me that it is DAO, and so by itself, it is a nice CCW, and the trigger is very smooth for double-action trigger. In fact, CW40 is his preferred choice of EDC (as he showed me in his OWB holster.

Last week, I went to the local range and shot 50 rounds of Sellier and Bellot 9mm Luger FMJ, and had no failure. At about 15 to 20 yards, I had pretty good grouping of shots around the center of my targets. The recoil was manageable, and the trigger was very smooth. The sights are the original ones that came with the gun, but I am definitely looking to replace them with a set of ones available from Kahr website.

This will definitely be my carry weapon, after putting a few hundred more rounds through it.

Does anyone suggest a comfortable IWB holster for this? I was looking at either Galco Sto-N-Go Inside the Pant holster or Don Hume Clip-On IWB holster.
I carry thr CW9, either as my primary using a Galco IWB.Very comfortable, easy to shoot, decent accuracy. I added the trijicom front sight and it make a big difference. About the only down side for me is the small hump in the trigger guard and my large fingers. As it is a single stack, I also carry 2 additional mags. I will also use the CW9 as a backup when I carry a full size 45. As a backup, I use a Galco Ankle Glove which is very comfortable and you will forget you have it on
Although this thread is a little dated; I'll throw my two cents worth in...

I don't carry the CW9 from Kahr, I do carry the PM9 from Kahr. Excellent carry firearm. Small, well constructed, accurate at defensive distances. I've carried my Kahr PM9 in a Cattasi Holsters Zura for over nine months. It's comfortable while in the car on the road; and because of my job I am wearing different pants and shirts depending on the situation, the combination of the Kahr PM9 and the Zura from Cattasi Holsters, I am always concealed and the rig is always comfortable.
I have a CW45.

I fine the CW45 too bulky to carry comfortably as we'll. I've switched to a Smith &Wesson Bodyguard in .380. I use Hornady Critical Defense ammo. A pocket holster conceals it quite nicely.

Does anyone carry a Kahr CW9 and how do you carry it?

Right now I carry a full-size 9mm on the hip IWB and it's not working out so well. Driving is a problem and the discreet unholstering of the gun in the car before going into some "no carry" zone. Besides, I'm not a big guy and the gun wasn't designed for concealed carry.

What interests me about the Kahr is its size - big enough to handle, small enough to conceal, its reputation for quality/reliability, and its price. I am considering pocket, hip and shoulder holsters. Anyone with experience and/or advise?
If he's having a hard time with comfort or concealing that Kahr, I think he'll have a more difficult time with a glock. Kahrs are very thin due to them having single stacked mags. Glocks are wider due to the double stacked variant. An ex of mine carried a Kahr CW 40 in a crossbreed appendix rig and she loved it. It was a pain in the ass to take apart and clean though.
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