Another Traitor


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Another traitor reveals himself

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This is getting all too common and I have to wonder why. Do this many republicans suddenly decide they were closet democrats all along? Do they honestly think dems have better ideas? Are they being paid off, bribed, or threatened? Do the politicians think it'll get them votes? And I can't see John Paul Stevens in any of these scenarios.
All he needs is 2/3 of Congress to amend the constitution. So everyone who bellyaches about no candidate accurately representing them just continue to stay home on election day. And thank you for your contribution.
All he needs is 2/3 of Congress to amend the constitution. So everyone who bellyaches about no candidate accurately representing them just continue to stay home on election day. And thank you for your contribution.

Oh, and thank you too for this glittering jewel of colossal ignorance "contribution."

You should learn about from where our rights derive. It is decidedly not government. Here. Learn something useful and quit harping on people who make decisions of conscience which your conscience is lacking the foundation strong enough to make for yourself.

I like and respect you BC, but your myopia concerning other people's voting decisions has tried my patience many times before. This one is no different.

And just to really put the point to rest, John Paul Stephens was nominated by Gerald Ford, a Republican, and anyone who claims that voting Republican is going to quash the proliferation of anti-Constitution Supreme Court justices based on this hack's wish to repeal or alter the 2nd Amendment is making my case that voting doesn't count worth a hill of beans for that purpose.

As if Rombama or Christie (or whatever other milquetoast establishment RINO the Republicans select as their candidate in '16) would make one iota of difference as to what John Paul Stephens would propose, or what the sheep in Blue states would allow to pass in their name if his meaningless ramblings ever caught a foothold to begin with.

Just a lame excuse to take another jab at people who vote with their conscience rather than their wallet. Don't you guys ever get tired of exposing yourselves as freakin' bigots towards people of conscience?

Oh, and thank you too for this glittering jewel of colossal ignorance "contribution."

You should learn about from where our rights derive. It is decidedly not government. Here. Learn something useful and quit harping on people who make decisions of conscience which your conscience is lacking the foundation strong enough to make for yourself.

I like and respect you BC, but your myopia concerning other people's voting decisions has tried my patience many times before. This one is no different.

And just to really put the point to rest, John Paul Stephens was nominated by Gerald Ford, a Republican, and anyone who claims that voting Republican is going to quash the proliferation of anti-Constitution Supreme Court justices based on this hack's wish to repeal or alter the 2nd Amendment is making my case that voting doesn't count worth a hill of beans for that purpose.

As if Rombama or Christie (or whatever other milquetoast establishment RINO the Republicans select as their candidate in '16) would make one iota of difference as to what John Paul Stephens would propose, or what the sheep in Blue states would allow to pass in their name if his meaningless ramblings ever caught a foothold to begin with.

Just a lame excuse to take another jab at people who vote with their conscience rather than their wallet. Don't you guys ever get tired of exposing yourselves as freakin' bigots towards people of conscience?

Blues I can't just stand by and watch a socialist, liberal, leftist society take control of my life without doing everything possible. Yes, I've tried your patience and yes, people who allow my future to be trashed try mine.
Blues I can't just stand by and watch a socialist, liberal, leftist society take control of my life without doing everything possible. Yes, I've tried your patience and yes, people who allow my future to be trashed try mine.

I am allowing your future to be trashed now? Good grief. First you say we must vote for whatever establishment hack is selected for us in spite of our primary votes, then you claim that's necessary in order to have a so-called conservative appoint a so-called conservative to the SCOTUS so that we won't get another socialist libtard like the one a previous so-called conservative POTUS appointed! Your logic needs work, and your aim needs truing so you can hit the real bad-guys in your twisted view of how my vote matters to your future. What an utterly brainless thing to say, BC. If someone told me you said something so brainless, I would not have believed it without seeing it with my own eyes.

And BTW, you have no choice but to "stand by and watch" people of conscience decide how they should vote. We don't work for you. We're free, something even after two years of trying to get you understand, you still don't get and still continue to promulgate a lie that you have anything legitimate to say about how, or if, we vote. The truth is that the people who vote for the idiots that have thrown this country into an irreversible decline are to blame for that decline! I took responsibility for my part in that truth and extricated myself from that corrupt system by not participating in it. When will you see the truth, BC? Never apparently. Keep voting to feed the lie that you tell yourself every day, that your vote means anything at all. It doesn't, but even my knowledge of that would never inspire me to tell you you shouldn't vote if it makes you feel "involved" or makes you feel good in any way. Go for it. Just leave me and my vote alone. Yeah, riiiiiiight. As if.


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