A Rant on Irresponsible Gun Ownership


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In my line of work I have the responsibility of dealing with some of peoples worst problems and hopefully help them solve it. There are a few things that get under my skin and frustrate me more than others. One of them is irresponsible gun ownership, and handling. Last week I was at a mans house who wanted to report his two handguns stolen. The bad part is that they were stolen three days prior and he just felt the need to call. At 5:30 in the morning. His story was that his sister came over and stole a safe the guns were located in while he was at work. I asked the complainant why would his sister do this and he couldn't give a reason why. He stated his sister called him at work and told him she took the safe, and wouldn't return it until he gave her money. I started asking him basic questions like what kind of guns are they and all he knew was they are a black .38, and silver .25. No serial numbers, no manufacturer, no model. Couldn't even tell me if he could find the information later. While completing my paper work he tells me his sisters on her way.
When the sister shows up I asked her if she still had the guns, and of course I was the bad guy for asking. She claimed to not have them, and that she stole the safe knowing the guns were in there because her brother stole money from her, and this was her way of getting back at him. After a deep breath I asked where the guns were and she said she didn't know, because she told her youngest brother, who commonly smokes PCP laced cigarettes, to come get them. (If your not familiar, PCP, makes people become very violent and the effects last hours.)
Of course when I asked where the youngest brother was I was again the bad guy for asking. So now there are two small caliber handguns floating around the city just waiting to get in the wrong hands.
I completely support the 2nd amendment, and feel any responsible, educated person should own a gun if they want to, but there needs to be a better education system before people can own guns. Again this is just my rant, but please do share your thoughts.

As much as I do believe in the second amendment, I have to agree with you that society has come to the point where I feel there must be a system to weed out the chaff of society.

It's hard to say you believe in the second amendment with conditions, because there are no conditions in the amendment, but there has to be common sense because natural selection can be illegal:);)

one in a long list of reasons i keep my safe's bolted to the concrete floor, & stay away from the dreg's of society. have had these type of people in my life before, never again.
responsible gun ownership

In my line of work I have the responsibility of dealing with some of peoples worst problems and hopefully help them solve it. There are a few things that get under my skin and frustrate me more than others. One of them is irresponsible gun ownership, and handling. Last week I was at a mans house who wanted to report his two handguns stolen. The bad part is that they were stolen three days prior and he just felt the need to call. At 5:30 in the morning. His story was that his sister came over and stole a safe the guns were located in while he was at work. I asked the complainant why would his sister do this and he couldn't give a reason why. He stated his sister called him at work and told him she took the safe, and wouldn't return it until he gave her money. I started asking him basic questions like what kind of guns are they and all he knew was they are a black .38, and silver .25. No serial numbers, no manufacturer, no model. Couldn't even tell me if he could find the information later. While completing my paper work he tells me his sisters on her way.
When the sister shows up I asked her if she still had the guns, and of course I was the bad guy for asking. She claimed to not have them, and that she stole the safe knowing the guns were in there because her brother stole money from her, and this was her way of getting back at him. After a deep breath I asked where the guns were and she said she didn't know, because she told her youngest brother, who commonly smokes PCP laced cigarettes, to come get them. (If your not familiar, PCP, makes people become very violent and the effects last hours.)
Of course when I asked where the youngest brother was I was again the bad guy for asking. So now there are two small caliber handguns floating around the city just waiting to get in the wrong hands.
I completely support the 2nd amendment, and feel any responsible, educated person should own a gun if they want to, but there needs to be a better education system before people can own guns. Again this is just my rant, but please do share your thoughts.

+1 on your rant.
Maybe folks should also prove they are smart enough to vote. Quick question, how did your sister gain entry, no better than a crook, two bullets center mass, haul her pos body off the property.
She did not gain entry to the OP's house...it was the other guy who was telling him the story.

Anyway, I hope you feel a little bit light after writing your story and ranting about it. I know I will...
Well, I understand your rant but.We do not need any Government program to decide who can and cannot own guns. I can see this becoming another way to control the weapons. It would start simple. Four-hour classes on gun safety...Then before long it will be 20 hours...them 100 hours and required DNA and a owners tax..... Government cannot even effectively manage its self...I don't want then to mandate classes for gun owners...
The whole story sounds like crap to me

The OP comes here with a story of a lousey start to his day and you call it crap?

Why are you calling it crap? Were you brought up in a vacuum?

It sounds very plausible to me living in SC. This place is full of seemingly inbred no brain idiots with, what in other places, would be considered things that just couldn't happen. I always heard the Ozarks were bad, but this place can scare you.

I'm not an LEO but in my job, I have to listen to stories that can leave you wondering for days.

Well, I understand your rant but.We do not need any Government program to decide who can and cannot own guns. I can see this becoming another way to control the weapons. It would start simple. Four-hour classes on gun safety...Then before long it will be 20 hours...them 100 hours and required DNA and a owners tax..... Government cannot even effectively manage its self...I don't want then to mandate classes for gun owners...

I understand your point but I have to ask. Do you also believe there should be no background checks when buying a gun?

I can guess what your answer will be so I'll just ask a follow up.

How do you reconcile mental deficients being on the streets en mass with guns? I understand there are a bunch now but they have gotten their guns illegally.

Don't you think there may be more reason for you to have to use your gun? is that an enticing thought for you?

It's hard for me to reconcile my desire to completely defend the 2nd amendment and to also feel that a bit of common sense had to be applied when allowing the sale of guns to anyone.

I guess I have to believe that our founders wrote the Constitution hoping we could apply common sense to what they wrote.

Some folks common sense is other folks restrictions, I know and understand that.

I guess this has been a problem to solve for far too many years but without a little common sense from both sides, it is no wonder why the gun grabbers want restrictions when the folks who want absolutely no restrictions won't see a common ground.

My real question remains, do you feel that shooting mental deficients when they don't care who they are waving their guns around at is an option, because not restricting them from owning guns would surely come to that?

Just trying to see where you feel the middle ground is, or is there even a middle ground?

I understand your point but I have to ask. Do you also believe there should be no background checks when buying a gun?

How do you reconcile mental deficients being on the streets en mass with guns? I understand there are a bunch now but they have gotten their guns illegally.

Don't you think there may be more reason for you to have to use your gun? is that an enticing thought for you?

Just trying to see where you feel the middle ground is, or is there even a middle ground?


KK:I think everyone knows where you are coming from but there is one major obstacle, you can't fix stupid. Additionally, there is no accurate means whereby the mental deficiency of another can be measured without infringing on everyone else. Background checks have some usefulness but are not effective in weeding out idiots unless they happen to misspell their name on their application. I have seen some who could very easily fit in that category. A lot of thought needs to go into fixing the problem without causing the rest of us problems. And, alas, I doubt we will ever find a middle ground.
Tough day!
Sounds like you have a good case to start arresting people. Start with dimwit sister. Theft of safe, she admits to taking. Transfer of stolen property - Guns in safe. - Find crackhead and arrest him, if he still has the guns, for having the stolen property. And possibly violating parole, if he is a known addict. If guy wants to back out of the whole thing, arrest him for filing a false police report.
Sounds like the only one who has any sense is the crackhead!
I am glad that we do have the right to keep and own weapons, but these folks are doing their best to make sure Big Bro has reasons to crack down in the future.
Nothing that a good caneing would help!
I get it and it would be and is a hard thing to define. Even still, we need to find the answer before we are seen as letting idiots run rampant. That's what it looks like to people on the other side. We don't want to make concessions because a sane guy might be denied by mistake. So instead, we fight for the rights of who can't decide what is a Roadrunner cartoon and what is real life. I don't know the answer and I know comprimise sucks but so does bunching us in with mental deficients.

If I didn't have a wife and five daughters and eleven grandkids, this wouldn't bother me. You could give a gun to everybody and let natural selection be the rule of the day. But that is not the case and I fear for the rest of my family with no rules for gun ownership.

I search everyday for what would be the right way to do it and still keep the Constitution intact. I really think the founders thought we would keep doing it the way they did it, throw the mental deficients in a dungeon or behind some other fortified door and leave them until their misery was over.

So, now that I have stated my quandary, I'll jump off my stump and listen to the way it should be and still have the best of both worlds.


KK:I think everyone knows where you are coming from but there is one major obstacle, you can't fix stupid. Additionally, there is no accurate means whereby the mental deficiency of another can be measured without infringing on everyone else. Background checks have some usefulness but are not effective in weeding out idiots unless they happen to misspell their name on their application. I have seen some who could very easily fit in that category. A lot of thought needs to go into fixing the problem without causing the rest of us problems. And, alas, I doubt we will ever find a middle ground.
Why are you calling it crap? Were you brought up in a vacuum?

The story itself is quite plausible it’s the way the OP relates it. I’ve worked as a security guard and in the medical field. What do those two fields have in common you ask? In both you learn how to write reports. The OP doesn’t relate the story the way a cop would (I’ve read quite a few police reports) and that trips my BS alarms
I dont think this has all that much to do with guns as it does with how many stupid people are in this country and world for that matter. Stupid people have kids, the kids become stupid like the parents, and the cycle continues.
Solution? Forced sterilization for the lazy/stupid/irresponsible members of society who take away rather than contribute to society. Very radical and not realistic I know. But should the chronic druggie who didnt want to finish high school and who likes to beat women, steal, cheat, mooch off welfare and spread hate be allowed to have kids? Not in my opinion.
However, an argument could be made that we need to take away some peoples' right to reproduce because their reproduction chips away at our rights.
You don't know how to determine how a person is deemed sane enough to buy a gun or not but you think it may be easier to determine who is to procreate or have that ability removed?

This ought to be interesting. By the way, I volunteer to make that decision! :):)


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