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Hi every one i am new to the this site. And as always a lot of questions.. So the question is why a lot of people get out of state cpl permits? What benefit will it be??
A lot of times it is because not all the states honor their home states CHL. By getting more than one they are able to carry in more states which is good if they do a lot of traveling.
Hi every one i am new to the this site. And as always a lot of questions.. So the question is why a lot of people get out of state cpl permits? What benefit will it be??

Trying to explain the facts of reciprocity at night by the side of the road is not my idea of a good time. It's a lot easier to pull out a permit issued by the state in which you are standing. Yes, it will cost some money, but it would probably be cheap compared to a night in jail.
I got a non-resident permit because of the training issue. I've taken several NRA LE courses my latest in May. My qualifications are much more demanding than that of a CCW in my state, my qualifications also cost around $200. I did not feel it right to pay an additional $200 for the CCW training + $150 in state fees, fingerprints, photographs etc.

The other state Honored my NRA L.E courses and I just had to pay the state fees, fingerprints, etc. instead of $200 for a course that would take 16hrs of my time, and 25 rounds of my ammo to learn things I had already learned, and demonstrated competency several times over.

As far as explaining reciprocity, I don't think you'll have much of a problem. I carry the statute inside my glove box, I doubt you'd spend a night in jail. It would probably be a citation and figured out in court. Up to you, but I went with a non-resident permit from a different state.
In my case, my state does not issue any Concealed Carry Permit, hence, I had to go for a non-resident ( FL & PA) in order to be able to carry in my neighboring states which do allow CCW and honor these states. :wacko:

Simple enough?? :yu:
I found it was cheaper, easier and more convenient to get a non-resident license with receprocial rights in my home state, although I do have both. The non-resident license was a "back-up" to my home state license when it took 3 months to get a renewal processed.
Hi every one i am new to the this site. And as always a lot of questions.. So the question is why a lot of people get out of state cpl permits? What benefit will it be??

Now that you've gotten all kinds of answers, "welcome," from NC!!!
I live in PA...and of the 6 states that border us, only WV has reciprocity with us. So i need to get non residnet VA or FL to carry in DE and OH. NY, NJ, AND MD are just lost causes.
New York, New Jersey, and Maryland do not honor any out-of-state permits. New York issues to residents only. Maryland's non-resident permit is very difficult to get, and New Jersey's is expensive, up to a year's pay in a decent job (bring cash, too).

If you have Pennsylvania, Utah, and Florida, you are good in 35 states, but any others you have to get one at a time. Forget Hawaii, California, South Carolina (unless you own land there), and of course Illinois and Wisconsin. You might get Iowa, Connecticut, and Rhode Island if you get a little help from somebody who knows the system.

If you want them, non-resident permits from Maine, Oregon, and Nevada are not too hard to get. I'm not sure about Massachusetts, but I suspect it's very difficult.

Of course, reciprocity agreements change frequently.

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