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  1. dcselby1

    Governor Signs CPL Bills Today, Governor Rick Snyder (R) signed into law Senate Bill 34 and Senate Bill 35, both sponsored by state Senator Mike Green (R-31). These bills seek to create a more efficient, expedient and uniform...
  2. dcselby1

    A Tale of two no-knock raids...

    Our Aussie friends have our "media" figured out when it comes to liberals. Link Removed
  3. dcselby1

    Home Depot Rolls out the carpet for Sharia Law

    Not surprisingly, Arabic is the third most common language spoken in Michigan after Spanish. English still appears to be the most commonly spoken language here. (Yooper does not count). Link Removed
  4. dcselby1

    Al Sharpton, the RAT!

    My wife says I have a very warped, dark sense of humor. She may be right, but I just saw a piece on "The Five" about motormouth Al Sharpton that made me howl!:laugh: I knew he'd been (accused) of trafficking drugs, but it turns out that he was ALSO an informant for the FBI! Now I only know...
  5. dcselby1

    Bill to Repeal State Ban on Short-Barreled Rifles and Shotguns Signed into Law

    Michigan: Bill to Repeal State Ban on Short-Barreled Rifles and Shotguns Signed into Law by Governor Snyder Posted on March 27, 2014 Print Share on print Email Share on email Share...
  6. dcselby1

    Judge Jeanine a warning to our electric power grid

    If there is a widespread EMP in the United States as many envision covering, say 90% of the country, the grid won't be back up. I found a map a while back (forget where) that I saved and, based on this, should all of these reactors (or many of them) melt down, looks like we're pretty well...
  7. dcselby1

    Federal Court Just Dealt a Major Blow to Anti-Gun Advocates in California

    This will put the lib's knickers in a twist! Link Removed
  8. dcselby1

    over the top swat raid in iowa

    Trend? seems to be the norm anymore. And these are just the ones they screwed up. That we know of! Botched Paramilitary Police Raids | Cato Institute
  9. dcselby1

    Words to avoid using to stay out of trouble

    Job security, I think. Not going to be hard to find them, but sort of explains why they need such a large data center. Fortunately they cannot possibly have the manpower to check each hit!
  10. dcselby1

    "Legal Gun Owners Can Deter Crime"

    Talk about a voice of experience! From the Detroit, MI Chief of Police.Link Removed
  11. dcselby1

    Know your Rights

    I found this article and graphic display extremely interesing and helpful. Link Removed
  12. dcselby1

    Russian GPS Targeting Monitors on U.S. Soil?

    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--> Is there something in the water in the White House? Are these morons absolutely INSANE! No other word for it. First he wants to reduce the number of missiles FAR below Russia...
  13. dcselby1

    Guns & Ammo Magazine Supports Gun Control

    The Editorial That Got a Longtime Writer at the ‘World’s Most Widely Read Firearms Magazine’ FiredNov. 7, 2013 7:43pm Dave Urbanski After Guns & Ammo magazine ran contributing editor **** Metcalf’s piece advocating gun control for the December 2013 issue, social media exploded — and Metcalf was...
  14. dcselby1

    Treaties Don't Trump the Constitution

    There have been quite a few posts regarding the UN and the Arms Treaty that obama's minion, Kerry, signed recently. The most important part of the question is whether or not a treaty trumps the constitution. Well, we should find out soon. Here's an article from "The American Thinker" which...
  15. dcselby1

    Navy SEALs Ordered To Remove ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ Navy Jack From Uniforms

    Appears that there is an "Anti liberty" person sending this out. Looks as the the Navy is actually seeking permission to wear the patch stateside instead of just on deployment. Rumor Check: Seals Banned from wearing Don’t Tread on Me Patch Link Removed
  16. dcselby1

    Before It’s News Under Attack? (How to Spot an Obot Troll)

    Since I see many comments regarding trolls on this site, thought I'd post this. I found it quite informative.
  17. dcselby1

    Attack On USA Coming? Russia & China Nuke Drills (Video)

    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--> I found this interesting. A short film regarding EMP information. <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom>...
  18. dcselby1

    Obama Wants Marines to Wear Girly Hats: Wussification Program?

    Army's looking at new headgear too: Link Removed
  19. dcselby1

    UPDATE: "U.S. Senate and House Send Letters Saying "NO" to U.N. Arms Trade Treaty"

    UPDATE: "U.S. Senate and House Send Letters Saying "NO" to U.N. Arms Trade Treaty" Finally, some clarification (for me, at least) from the NRA regarding the recent letter(s) to obama regarding the U.N. Arms Treaty. Seems there WAS a letter from the Senate in March of '13 before the treaty was...
  20. dcselby1

    Michigan: Senate Judiciary Committee Unanimously Approves to Lift a State Gun Ban

    On Tuesday, the Michigan Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approved Senate Bill 610 that would lift Michigan’s ban on the private ownership of short-barreled rifles and shotguns. Short-barreled rifles and shotguns are strictly regulated under the federal National Firearms Act. Therefore...