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  • Thanks for the "Welcome Aboard". Your site looks like it has a lot of useful info available. I look forward to keeping up with our sport through your site.
    Oh by the way I own a Beretta PX4storm 40cal . I like this gun alot but would like to know you're thought on this as a carry weapon Iam 6,1 215 #s so the size weight of the gun doesent seem to be an issue
    Thanks for the heads up. He does seem to be very negitive. I think most have figured that out.
    Thanks for the email--i came to fl 2 yrs ago from nj(good luck on any sort of firearms in that state-they just started to allow toy pistol caps a few yrs ago) gd libs and dems control that state, they may as well just secede to ny.

    After accumulating about 17 firearms(3 long guns included), i figured i may as well apply for ccw--it only took 73 days to get.

    I am retired afer 32 yrs in retail mgt (half the time with home center type outfits, a la home depot).

    Prior to that usn '68-'74, e5, naval torpedo station, keyport wa, and uss aylwin de1081, asw atlantic fleet
    Thank you for the welcome. I look forward to associating with fellow CCW.

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