Should citizens in the United States be banned from possessing assault weapons?

Charles love the chart on Assault Weapons, although they failed to point out a bottle of Bourbon/Sam Adams or prescription drugs to illegal drugs. One or all of these in combination with driving a car is an Assault Weapon that has caused as many lives if not more deaths than any firearms. Ironic in the reasoning of the feds wanting to ban certain firearms, but failed to to enforce the drunk driving while the person under influence drove a vehicle through a red light/stop sign and killing a family of four. Now do not misunderstand, the LEO's do enforce and jail or imprison the person while driving under the influence, Judges have done everything from taking their Driver's License fining them up to $10,000, compensation to the family to Imprisonment, to wearing an ankle monitor to adding devices to their automobile. All this and the perpetrator can still still figure out a way of by-passing the system and receiving nothing more than a slap on the hand. The inconsistently in keeping up with the drunk driving are really only in-forced during certain times of the year, like Holidays, Super Bowls, and New Years Eve, Very erratic as this needs to be controlled every weekend.

Although with all that said, I think your chart describes the actual law in some states, like Kalifornia banning a military style firearms, from the Flint Lock to the newer versions of the AR 15. I really had to think on the PRK banning the Chinese made AK 47; Does this mean the Russian made AK 47 is legal? Obama really scares me as he has not clue on what to do about banning certain firearms. We Do Not need new laws, what needs to be done is to go through that can of worms they have at the BATF&E, FBI and the worthless DOJ and throw out the older laws that contradict other laws and enforced the laws that are already passed the House and the Senate. I do not agree with the Brady Law as it has no effect on those who already own firearms. Although, criminals and gangs do not abide by any law except their own. What we really need is to petition Obama on firearms at in fact they have a petition going at til December 10, 2012, demanding the Obama Administration for a we petition the obama administration to:
Recount the election!!
It has become blatantly obvious the voter fraud that was committed during the 2012 Presidential elections. In one county alone in Ohio, which was a battleground state, President Obama received 106,258 votes...but there were only 98,213 eligible voters. It's not humanly possible to get 108% of the vote!

If ID laws had been enforced (which the administration is completely against because that meant they would lose) then this wouldn't be an issue.

Recount NOW!

Anyone can start a petition for any reason that is on their list and firearms are there, along with states wanting to leave the federal government to become their own form of government. like Texas, I'm trying to get Arizona the same way. Did you know that 31 states out of 50 may initiate to leave the federal government, no mention of any sates in particular.

I have a feeling the "No" votes and comments were written by gun supporters as well....most are VERY
Titon, each state regulates what is an Assault Rifle and what is not. Look at New Hampshire as they are one of the most relaxed sates when it comes from the Federal Government, Arizona has in their Constitution that if Martial Law is initiated by the feds, Arizona will cede from the Union and become an Arizona Territory only under their own government. The only weapon that is illegal in Arizona are nunchucks, and I really believe this is so someone will not die from the use in practicing with the nunchucks, also in Arizona Governor Jan Brewer recently signed a bill into law upholding the Constitutional Right to bear arms concealed without a permit, although, over pressing concerns about gun safety. It is no wonder why here in Arizona our crime rate as dropped 15% since the law took effect.

READ YOUR STATE CONSTITUTION as you may find some interesting facts how your state will defend your rights.
Gun laws in the United States (by state) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As of early this year 2012, USA TODAY printed this story: 12 states on path to guns with no permits: States that have been or are considering bills in current legislative sessions include Colorado, Iowa, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota and Virgina, according to the NRA.
hell no we should not be banned from it we should be able to own what ever guns we want so people just collect gun not just use them some just hunt with them some use them just for target practic some use them in certain shooting matches so there are many reasons that we should be able to own what ever we want
Why does everyone forget Vermont when they speak of Constitutional Carry or states with very open and relaxed gun statues?

Vermont has NO permit system. No law concerning carry. Once you pass the instant background check, there are no other regulations concerning carry.

I can carry openly or concealed or any combination of both. Printing is a non issue as the law don't care!
The permit system is useless. You say that criminals and felons were denied permits. So what. They stilled carried anyway. The permit system only works for law abiding citizens. It's a feel good law that makes the gun control lobby feel like they made a difference. We know that felons and career criminals will do it anyway.
It only keeps them from buying new weapons from Gun stores.The permit system only allows people like me (law abiding) to carry. I wouldn't carry outside the house other wise. (no open carry here in AR) And of course there's the Gun training class, the Permit fees. Things that they don't pay.
So I guess I just don't get it. Useful? To me, yeah. But it does not stop crime or keep guns out of law breakers hands.
Just two days ago, the Pawn Shop was broken into and all their handguns were stolen. I'm pretty sure they wont be sold or given to CCL holders.
But this is my opinion.
And I'm sticking to it.

The permit system doesn't work for you (law abiding guy). It throws needless process and cost in the way of law abiding people, providing nothing in return. Doesn't make anyone safer. Doesn't deter crime. Doesn't keep criminals from having guns.


Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
In a word- NO (so long as they are not convicted felons)
Do not forget the mentally ill, as we just went this with Gabby Gifford in Tucson. My concern is two things, (1) if the person is mentally ill how does a gun shop know if this person was never in a mental institution. (2) what is stopping any criminal minded person from getting their guns in Mexico or off the street corner on Main Street USA.

The last I heard was mass punishment was illegal in the US, if the FBI would get off their dead ass and begin vetting these gang members to get their locations and their suppliers who are getting their guns illegally. Of course there is another solution, when a legal gun owner purchases a new firearm to deputize him/her to locate and apprehend the gangster (Just shoot his dumb ass) I'm sure we would live in a safer society.
Here is a brief Time Line of the Gun Bans through the Federal Government 1791 - 1999:

The Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment -- "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." gains final ratification.

Georgia passes a law banning handguns. The law is ruled unconstitutional and thrown out.

In a reaction to emancipation, several southern states adopt "black codes" which, among other things, forbid black persons from possessing firearms.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) is organized around its primary goal of improving American civilians' marksmanship in preparation for war.

Congress passes a law banning the mailing of concealable weapons.

The National Firearms Act of 1934 regulating only fully automatic firearms like sub-machine guns is approved by Congress.

The Federal Firearms Act of 1938 places the first limitations on selling ordinary firearms. Persons selling guns are required to obtain a Federal Firearms License, at an annual cost of $1, and to maintain records of the name and address of persons to whom firearms are sold. Gun sales to persons convicted of violent felonies were prohibited.

The Gun Control Act of 1968 - "...was enacted for the purpose of keeping firearms out of the hands of those not legally entitled to possess them because of age, criminal background, or incompetence." -- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms The Act regulates imported guns, expands the gun-dealer licensing and record keeping requirements, and places specific limitations on the sale of handguns. The list of persons banned from buying guns is expanded to include persons convicted of any non-business related felony, persons found to be mentally incompetent, and users of illegal drugs.

The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms is created listing as part of its mission the control of illegal use and sale of firearms and the enforcement of Federal firearms laws. ATF issues firearms licenses and conducts firearms licensee qualification and compliance inspections.

The District of Columbia enacts an anti-handgun law which also requires registration of all rifles and shotguns within the District of Columbia.

The Armed Career Criminal Act (Public Law 99-570) increases penalties for possession of firearms by persons not qualified to own them under the Gun Control Act of 1986.

The Firearms Owners Protection Act (Public Law 99-308) relaxes some restrictions on gun and ammunition sales and establishes mandatory penalties for use of firearms during the commission of a crime.

The Law Enforcement Officers Protection Act (Public Law 99-408) bans possession of "cop killer" bullets capable of penetrating bulletproof clothing.

California bans the possession of semiautomatic assault weapons following the massacre of five children on a Stockton, CA school playground.

The Crime Control Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-647) bans manufacturing and importing semiautomatic assault weapons in the U.S. "Gun-free school zones" are established carrying specific penalties for violations.

The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Public Law 103-159) imposes a five-day waiting period on the purchase of a handgun and requires that local law enforcement agencies conduct background checks on purchasers of handguns. (ATF's Brady Law web site.)

The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-322) bans all sale, manufacture, importation, or possession of a number of specific types of assault weapons.

The Supreme Court, in the case of Printz v. United States, declares the background check requirement of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act unconstitutional.

The Florida Supreme Court upholds a jury's $11.5 million verdict against Kmart for selling a gun to and intoxicated man who used the gun to shoot his estranged girlfriend.

Major American gun manufacturers voluntarily agree to include child safety trigger devices on all new handguns.

1998 - June
A Justice Department report indicates the blocking of some 69,000 handgun sales during 1977 while Brady Bill pre-sale background checks were required.

1998 - July
An amendment requiring a trigger lock mechanism to be included with every handgun sold in the U.S. is defeated in the Senate.

But, the Senate approves an amendment requiring gun dealers to have trigger locks available for sale and creating federal grants for gun safety and education programs.

1998 - October
New Orleans, LA becomes the first US city to file suit against gun makers, firearms trade associations, and gun dealers. The city's suit seeks recovery of costs attributed to gun-related violence.

1998 - November 12
Chicago, IL files a $433 million suit against local gun dealers and makers alleging that oversupplying local markets provided guns to criminals.

1998 - November 17
A negligence suite against gun maker Beretta brought by the family of a 14-year old boy killed by an other boy with a Beretta handgun is dismissed by a California jury.

1998 - November 30
Permanent provisions of the Brady Act go into effect. Gun dealers are now required to initiate a pre-sale criminal background check of all gun buyers through the newly created National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS) computer system.

1998 - December 1
The NRA files suit in federal court attempting to block the FBI's collection of information on firearm buyers.

1998 - December 5
President Clinton announces that the instant background check system had prevented 400 illegal gun purchases. The claim is called "misleading" by the NRA.

1999 - January
Civil suits against gun makers seeking to recover costs of gun-related violence are filed in Bridgeport, Connecticut and Miami-Dade County, Florida.

1999 - May 20
By a 51-50 vote, with the tie-breaker vote cast by Vice President Gore, the Senate passes a bill requiring trigger locks on all newly manufactured handguns and extending waiting period and background check requirements to sales of firearms at gun shows.

1999 - August 24
The Los Angeles County, CA Board of Supervisors votes 3 - 2 to ban the the Great Western Gun Show, billed as the "world's largest gun show" from the Pomona, CA fairgrounds where the show had been held for the last 30 years. (Typical Gun Show Rules& Regulations)

This is a gun overview in every state in the Union, I found it interesting
Automatic Guns Overview
The permit system doesn't work for you (law abiding guy). It throws needless process and cost in the way of law abiding people, providing nothing in return. Doesn't make anyone safer. Doesn't deter crime. Doesn't keep criminals from having guns.


All one has to do is watch a episode of COPS... Notice how many people have firearms ILLEGALLY under our existing laws.
The permit system doesn't work for you (law abiding guy). It throws needless process and cost in the way of law abiding people, providing nothing in return. Doesn't make anyone safer. Doesn't deter crime. Doesn't keep criminals from having guns.


Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2

What is useless to some is of importance to others, such as legally owned AR 15 with permit that he had to purchase first for a price $2000.00 to $4000.00 then pay his $300.00 permit fee. Now the gun store sends it off to BATF&E and after a thorough background check and anywhere between 60 to 90 days or maybe longer he receives his permit and can legally own the automatic firearm.

Now take Joe loser the gang banger takes the easy way and finds an AK 47 for $6000.00 and upward to $10,000.00.

Here is the scenario, both get pulled over by an LEO and both have their Automatic firearms in their vehicle, the one that has his permit was just returning from the shooting range and Joe Loser was, well no one really knows what he was up to. The LEO releases the person with the permits and wishes him a nice day, Joe Loser on the other hand is found to be in the possession of an illegal automatic firearm, most likely reported as stolen. Joe has no permit, the officer immediate calls for back-up has Joe Loser in handcuffs and reads him his Miranda Rights. Joe Loser is sent to a holding cell waiting to see a judge. Now depending on the judge and what mood he is in that day/night that Joe Loser goes to see the judge and has read the report asks, how do you plead? Joe Loser with a smart ass bad attitude answer says NOT GUILTY!! the judge says I'm I find you guilty and will be holding you over for trial on remand (No Bail) recommended by the Assistant District Attorney. A jury is selected of his peers and has a three days of of trial and two hours of deliberation of the Jury came back and found Joe Loser guilty of illegal possession of an automatic firearm. Two weeks later sentencing will be held, now judges during this time cannot go above the law holds him the the maximum set fourth in January 2009, of TEN years in prison and a $250,000.00 fine.

As far as needless cost to the law abiding citizens, I ask you which direction would you take? Knowing the outcome of each. I do not know about you personally, but I just do have ten years of my life to give up, and not being rich $250,000.00 might as well be a million dollars. Although I have worked in the field of of putting bad guys away for over 30 years, but not as a LEO or FBI or even the DOJ, although I did catch the perpetrators selling highly classified documents to the Communist Red Dog Bastards during the Cold War and then when I retired from the Army I went to work for the DoD doing the same type of work. Believe me life is much simpler by doing everything the correct way.
What is useless to some is of importance to others, such as legally owned AR 15 with permit that he had to purchase first for a price $2000.00 to $4000.00 then pay his $300.00 permit fee. Now the gun store sends it off to BATF&E and after a thorough background check and anywhere between 60 to 90 days or maybe longer he receives his permit and can legally own the automatic firearm.

Now take Joe loser the gang banger takes the easy way and finds an AK 47 for $6000.00 and upward to $10,000.00.

Your either not in the NFA world or you where a very long time ago. A machine gun like a m16 or converted ar15 will run you 15 to 20 grand. Then a 200 dollar tax stamp and at present wait times are running 7 to 8 months.

As for the illegal mg's well you juts buy a cheap ar15 take you dremel to it drill a hole ( the jig to do this with is readily available and runs about 25 bucks) buy the m16 parts ( internals and bolt carrier if not already a fa one for about 150 to 200 bucks ) and your done. Total cost to MAKE a machine gun under a grand sale price depending on where you live one to three grand.

Priopr to the 86 ban you could buy a brand NEW m16 for 1200 bucks. Or convert your own for the meager price of the tax stamp.
The impression I get from this post is that you believe gun laws work. But they dont. Criminals will carry the gun they want, where they want, regardless of what the law says.

We brought all this on ourselves and opened the crack by supporting the stripping of EX felons rights.

Men used to get their guns back along with the rest of their belongings upon finishing their sentence and release from prison.

If a man is too dangerous to be armed to protect himself and his family, he is too dangerous to be released from prison

A free man is a free man. There hasn't been a 2/3man since abolition.

You guys have screwed yourself by opening that crack. Heller proved it.

Mentally ill
Drug users


Ptsd vets
Domestic violence



Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
What is useless to some is of importance to others, such as legally owned AR 15 with permit that he had to purchase first for a price $2000.00 to $4000.00 then pay his $300.00 permit fee. Now the gun store sends it off to BATF&E and after a thorough background check and anywhere between 60 to 90 days or maybe longer he receives his permit and can legally own the automatic firearm.

Now take Joe loser the gang banger takes the easy way and finds an AK 47 for $6000.00 and upward to $10,000.00.

Here is the scenario, both get pulled over by an LEO and both have their Automatic firearms in their vehicle, the one that has his permit was just returning from the shooting range and Joe Loser was, well no one really knows what he was up to. The LEO releases the person with the permits and wishes him a nice day, Joe Loser on the other hand is found to be in the possession of an illegal automatic firearm, most likely reported as stolen. Joe has no permit, the officer immediate calls for back-up has Joe Loser in handcuffs and reads him his Miranda Rights. Joe Loser is sent to a holding cell waiting to see a judge. Now depending on the judge and what mood he is in that day/night that Joe Loser goes to see the judge and has read the report asks, how do you plead? Joe Loser with a smart ass bad attitude answer says NOT GUILTY!! the judge says I'm I find you guilty and will be holding you over for trial on remand (No Bail) recommended by the Assistant District Attorney. A jury is selected of his peers and has a three days of of trial and two hours of deliberation of the Jury came back and found Joe Loser guilty of illegal possession of an automatic firearm. Two weeks later sentencing will be held, now judges during this time cannot go above the law holds him the the maximum set fourth in January 2009, of TEN years in prison and a $250,000.00 fine.

As far as needless cost to the law abiding citizens, I ask you which direction would you take? Knowing the outcome of each. I do not know about you personally, but I just do have ten years of my life to give up, and not being rich $250,000.00 might as well be a million dollars. Although I have worked in the field of of putting bad guys away for over 30 years, but not as a LEO or FBI or even the DOJ, although I did catch the perpetrators selling highly classified documents to the Communist Red Dog Bastards during the Cold War and then when I retired from the Army I went to work for the DoD doing the same type of work. Believe me life is much simpler by doing everything the correct way.

Neither should have consented to the illegal search of his car. But you said it all in the second paragraph when Joe Loser bought his ak. Permit system didn't stop it, did it.

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
The permit system doesn't work for you (law abiding guy). It throws needless process and cost in the way of law abiding people, providing nothing in return. Doesn't make anyone safer. Doesn't deter crime. Doesn't keep criminals from having guns.


Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2

What is useless to some is of importance to others, such as legally owned AR 15 with permit that he had to purchase first for a price $2000.00 to $4000.00 then pay his $300.00 permit fee. Now the gun store sends it off to BATF&E and after a thorough background check and anywhere between 60 to 90 days or maybe longer he receives his permit and can legally own the automatic firearm.

Now take Joe loser the gang banger takes the easy way and finds an AK 47 for $6000.00 and upward to $10,000.00.

Here is the scenario, both get pulled over by an LEO and both have their Automatic firearms in their vehicle, the one that has his permit was just returning from the shooting range and Joe Loser was, well no one really knows what he was up to. The LEO releases the person with the permits and wishes him a nice day, Joe Loser on the other hand is found to be in the possession of an illegal automatic firearm, most likely reported as stolen. Joe has no permit, the officer immediate calls for back-up has Joe Loser in handcuffs and reads him his Miranda Rights. Joe Loser is sent to a holding cell waiting to see a judge. Now depending on the judge and what mood he is in that day/night that Joe Loser goes to see the judge and has read the report asks, how do you plead? Joe Loser with a smart ass bad attitude answer says NOT GUILTY!! the judge says I'm I find you guilty and will be holding you over for trial on remand (No Bail) recommended by the Assistant District Attorney. A jury is selected of his peers and has a three days of of trial and two hours of deliberation of the Jury came back and found Joe Loser guilty of illegal possession of an automatic firearm. Two weeks later sentencing will be held, now judges during this time cannot go above the law holds him the the maximum set fourth in January 2009, of TEN years in prison and a $250,000.00 fine.

As far as needless cost to the law abiding citizens, I ask you which direction would you take? Knowing the outcome of each. I do not know about you personally, but I just do have ten years of my life to give up, and not being rich $250,000.00 might as well be a million dollars. Although I have worked in the field of of putting bad guys away for over 30 years, but not as a LEO or FBI or even the DOJ, although I did catch the perpetrators selling highly classified documents to the Communist Red Dog Bastards during the Cold War and then when I retired from the Army I went to work for the DoD doing the same type of work. Believe me life is much simpler by doing everything the correct way.

Your scenarios sound terrible, both of them. How about, I'm an American, I have done nothing wrong, so stop treating me like I have? Stop blaming and punishing me because of "Joe loser".
Funny story today:

Me: I don't know everything about military spending, but I do know the best defense this country has is the amount of citizens that are armed. More people should have firearms.

Co worker: (slightly conceded) So you think everyone should have assault rifles ?

Me: You tell me, what's an assault rifle?

Co worker: *dumbfounded* uh...well...I don't know the name or what it is but I know what they look like...

Me: bad it's not based on looks but function.


Me: So yeah, you want to ban something you don't even know what it is...*shakes head and walks away*
I think we should draw the line at ICBM's and nuclear submarines...

Why draw the line there:

Making and owning an H-bomb is the kind of challenge real Americans seek. Who wants to be a passive victim of nuclear war when, with a little effort, you can be an active participant? Bomb shelters are for losers. Who wants to huddle together underground eating canned Spam? Winners want to push the button themselves. Making your own H-bomb is a big step in nuclear assertiveness training -- it's called Taking Charge. We're sure you'll enjoy the risks and the heady thrill of playing nuclear chicken.

When the Feds clamped down on The Progressive magazine for attempting to publish an article on the manufacture of the hydrogen bomb, it piqued our curiosity. Was it really true that atomic and hydrogen bomb technology was so simple you could build an H-bomb in your own kitchen? Twin Peaks Video decided to find out. Video Editor Nigel Aves, Video Producer Tom Lewis, Director Bob Wolsey and nuclear scientist Glow Softly were given three days to cook up a workable H-bomb. They did and we have decided to share their culinary secrets with you.

Not that Twin Peaks Video supports nuclear terrorism. We don't. We would prefer to die slowly from familiar poisons like low-level radiation, microwaves, DDT, DBCP, aflatoxins, PBBs, PBCs, or food dyes, rather than unexpectedly, say as hostage to a Latvian nationalist brandishing a homemade bomb. In our view the real terrorists are the governments, American, Soviet, French, Chinese, and British, that are hoarding H-bombs for their own use, and worse still, those governments (U.S., French and German) that are eagerly peddling advanced nuclear technology to countries like South Africa, Brazil, and Argentina so that they can make their own bombs. When these bombs are used, and they will be, it will be the world's big-time nuclear peddlers, along with corporate suppliers like General Electric, Westinghouse, and Gulf Oil, that we can thank for it. Gagging The Progressive will do no more for national security than backyard bomb shelters because like it or not the news is out. The heart of the successful H-bomb is the successful A-bomb. Once you've got your A-bombs made the rest if frosting on the cake. All you have to do is set them up so that when they detonate they'll start off a hydrogen-fusion reaction.

Part 1: Making Your Bomb

Link Removed
We brought all this on ourselves and opened the crack by supporting the stripping of EX felons rights.

Men used to get their guns back along with the rest of their belongings upon finishing their sentence and release from prison.

If a man is too dangerous to be armed to protect himself and his family, he is too dangerous to be released from prison

A free man is a free man. There hasn't been a 2/3man since abolition.

You guys have screwed yourself by opening that crack. Heller proved it.

Mentally ill
Drug users


Ptsd vets
Domestic violence



Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Had you not broken the law the issue wouldn't exist. So the problem starts at the source.

Criminals are the excuse for gun control. So i guess they are the real problem.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
There are NO .... "assault weapons " or "assault rifles" ...... there are semi-automatic sporting rifles. Nothing more, nothing less.

think about it.... the only difference between AR's and many other rifles that use a magazine are 1) a collapsable stock , 2) flash suppressor, 3) easier ability to add or change certain 'extras' (scopes, sights, lights, etc).

It's all a joke to use the term and let them 'exaggerate" the implications that it is somehow inherently more dangerous to have or to own.

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