Being adamant about not providing info. when asked

There was no kind of carry in the 1970's, open or concealed. If you had a gun you went to jail. The only exceptions were if you were taking it to a gunsmith to be repaired or were carrying large sums of money on an irregular basis. Amazing how many gunsmiths were open at midnight.

The point of the ID is that in the video, he refused to provide the officer with his ID, and that would have been illegal in Dallas in the 1970's.

The people I arrested were usually wanted on warrants for most any type of crime, including misdemeanors to capital crimes.

I too lived in Dallas (Big D) and Carrollton, just north of Dallas in the 67-89. And you could get stopped and searched for having long hair.(had more hair then) And then they (cops) would search my car! No probable cause, no traffic laws broken, just LONG HAIR! But things have changed a lot since then:eek:fftopic:....

Perhaps you do not know your rights, keep drinking the kool-aid. I will continue to fight for my rights, I have no duty to defend yours or protect you from being inslaved.

Son, you don't need to worry about me. I know the law and the constitution.
Like I said, worry about yourself. I'll also wager that it won't be long before you right to carry is redacted as well as your freedom.

Hear those sirens behind you? There coming for you so stay put.
Son, you don't need to worry about me. I know the law and the constitution.
Like I said, worry about yourself. I'll also wager that it won't be long before you right to carry is redacted as well as your freedom.

Hear those sirens behind you? There coming for you so stay put.

Yes I thought I knew the law too! What I discovered is that most attorneys do not know the law or they are involved only to make money and do not have your best interest at heart. My bet is that you have nothing better to do then be condesending or demeaning to those you do not know and are to lazy to fight for your rights. Far too many of "We the People" roll over and take it because we want to be led instead of leading the way to freedom. One is the easy way and other is the hard way.

U.S. v. Minker, 350 US 179, at page 187
"Because of what appears to be a lawful command on the surface, many
citizens, because of their respect for what only appears to be a law, are cunningly coerced
into waiving their rights, due to ignorance." (Paraphrased)

Hurtado v. Calif., 110 US 515 (1984)
"It is not every act, legislative in form, that is law. Law is something
more than mere will exerted as an act of power...Arbitrary power,
enforcing its edicts to the injury of the person and property of its
subjects is not law."
I am very curious about something. Do you posses a driver's license?
I could go down and get one if I wanted to, or if I was going to use the public highways for commercial purposes I would obtain one. Navy are you a JAG?
Just do what the law says, nothing more.
But that doesn't allow you to alternatively:
  1. Show how much unconditional LOVE you have for the police
  2. Show how much smarter you are than the police
I don't love the police, so I don't need to engage in any ritualistic shows of submission to demonstrate that nonexistent "love".
Want to prove you're smarter than the cops (and you might well be)? Keep your big fat mouth shut to the greatest extent permissible by law when dealing with them.
What I see with this debate is we have two sides to this issue. May we look at some history to see how these two sides play out?
When the Germans invaded France we have a large part of the population that followed the "new order" they even supported the "new order".
Then we had a very small group that was known as the resistance. Those that followed the "new order" helped to tell the Germans about this resistance group so they could be defeated.
I believe it is a simple as that.
What I see with this debate is we have two sides to this issue. May we look at some history to see how these two sides play out?
When the Germans invaded France we have a large part of the population that followed the "new order" they even supported the "new order".
Then we had a very small group that was known as the resistance. Those that followed the "new order" helped to tell the Germans about this resistance group so they could be defeated.
I believe it is a simple as that.

I wonder how many promises of "hope and change" the "new order" made when they came into power?
On the macro side...with crime rates dropping, police and fire departments everywhere getting cut in this never ending 'down turn'.... Shouldn't cops be a little more willing to say 'screw it'!! and let people go? I mean really. You satisfy our desire to be assumed innocent and if you DO let some bad guys off the hook, think of it as investing in job security. Besides the argument that that might actually be what the founders were trying to get us to do... I mean I am frustrated cause Reno/Washoe county is going to spend MILLLIONS on insulating homes near the airport (which has been there for decades) but police do not have the resources to answer calls. I've had to clear my own house after my alarm went off at Xmas, and got robbed of $250 bucks and niether time did they respond. They even dropped the robbery cause I recovered it on my own. As a typical gun owning Nevadan, I am thinking ****, were's my silver star, I can DO this. But, seriously folks, tell your friendly neighborhood cop they are only working themselves out of job by being so aggressive.
I will find that in the Bill of Rights, that it says "driving a motor vehicle" aka a CAR, is a RIGHT not a PRIVILEGE?
Thank god that our founding fathers were so insightful as to include motor vehicles, even though they had yet to be created, into our Bill of Rights.
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"Shake and spray vigorously"
I said no such thing. Either your comprehension is off, or your just being duplicitous. Either way you can't be helped.

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