another dumb activist. his 15mins


What exactly does this do for 2nd amendment rights? Nothing. It's a mockery and wastes police resources. This Dork got his 15mins of fame because my dumbarse is reposting. But, I couldn't resist. It's worth pointing out how foolish these baiting activities are getting. I bet he has never seen a woman naked.

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Maybe someday, if we are lucky, one of these constitutional perverts will actually point his weapon unknowingly and someone will show him how stupid and deadly his actions once WERE.
What exactly does this do for 2nd amendment rights? Nothing. It's a mockery and wastes police resources. This Dork got his 15mins of fame because my dumbarse is reposting. But, I couldn't resist. It's worth pointing out how foolish these baiting activities are getting. I bet he has never seen a woman naked. - Another 2cent activist wasting the cops time

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I'm not sure if watching the whole video is informative or not, but I only got through the first 3.5 minutes before I had to shut that annoying little voice up.
that kid is a doof, he is making trouble for the rest of us. its nice to have open carry legal, but i dont push it here in wa, too dang may liberals in seattle, so most of the time i conceal carry, and only under the propper atmosphere, or by accident.
I don't necessarily agree with activist/confrontationalist behavior in support of the 2nd amendment any more than I did in the 60s when folks like this were protesting the administration and Vietnam. Far left/far right is all the same to me, two sides of the same coin. But, in an open carry state I don't understand why you can't open carry without being stopped if you are not drawing the weapon or otherwise acting threatening. The dispatcher should have asked the MWAG caller if he was doing anything to threaten or just walking through the park. The waste of police resources is caused by their own rules in sending four cops to check on a non-threatening person.
He should have just said to the officers

"yes, I'm aware that there is always a possibility that a member of the public may call police wherever I happen to be walking while legally open carrying due to their own fear of guns holstered or otherwise , however I accept that possibilty, and believe that only an increased visibilty of openly carried holstered handguns on a regular basis without violent incidents attached will change the public's perception over time. Concealed handguns are only seen or heard about by the public in the aftermath of a shooting where if the public instead saw guns openly carried on a regular basis without violent incidents associated then and only then may they begin to realize that the holstered gun is not to be feared as it does not = a shooting and may very well deter one instead

Then he should have just said ok if there is a park regulation here, then I will leave and go somewhere else. If your an activist, then be an activist but don't deny it and come across like a douche. That guy can't help having a poor sounding speaking voice, everybody can't have james earl jones style voice, but he could have told the truth and had a 2 minute encounter instead of 15 minutes
Your mad about a man exercising his rights yet you give the police a pass for lying and violating his rights for conducting a legal activity. The police made it very clear that they were purposely harassing this individual because in their opinion he wanted them too. :rolleyes:

This guy was ill prepared to handle the encounter and allowed himself to be bluffed and bullied by those Officers.
I think in an open carry state such as the videomaker's and Kansas, where I live, you should be able to open carry without having every Tom, Richard and Harry call the cops (I had to use Richard because the language filter doesn't consider context so thought the nickname was porn). However I don't see the issue with showing a cop ID when he/she asks for it. I have nothing to hide.

Although the guy making the video maybe can't help it that he has a squeaky voice, a high squeaky voice always makes me think they're lying or hiding something, like they're nervous. Then he refuses to show ID which to the cop maybe reinforces that he's hiding something and a two-minute check turns into a fifteen-minute saga.
What exactly does this do for 2nd amendment rights? Nothing. It's a mockery and wastes police resources. This Dork got his 15mins of fame because my dumbarse is reposting. But, I couldn't resist. It's worth pointing out how foolish these baiting activities are getting. I bet he has never seen a woman naked. - Another 2cent activist wasting the cops time

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Hell must have frozen over!
I actually 'somewhat agree' with a post of yours!
Huge props to the cops for handling this so professionally.

The guy is a complete douche bag and plays right into the Left Wing Media's definition of a "Gun Nut." This little demonstration and subsequent video posting did nothing but make responsible gun owners look bad. He is no better than the Davis robots blocking the police retreat forcing them to use pepper spray to leave the premise and then crying police brutality.

The fact that he was obviously looking for a conflict, makes me question how he was behaving prior to the confrontation. As he was dead set on hoping people would call, so he could record this exchange, I'm sure he was making damn sure everybody in the park knew he was open carrying, because he wanted this to happen.
What exactly does this do for 2nd amendment rights? Nothing. It's a mockery and wastes police resources. This Dork got his 15mins of fame because my dumbarse is reposting. But, I couldn't resist. It's worth pointing out how foolish these baiting activities are getting. I bet he has never seen a woman naked. - Another 2cent activist wasting the cops time

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Is that the best you can do? Insults? Even an insinuation concerning the guy's manhood?

Here is a link and a snippet of the leftist playbook....

Quotes and Excerpts from

Rules for Radicals

By Saul Alinsky - 1971

7. Tactics
5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."
(bold added by me for emphasis)

and the full article can be read at the link below. Please take note that Hillary Clinton and Obama are prominently mentioned. I encourage everyone to follow that link and read about Saul Alinsky and learn how the leftists use his teachings in their arguing methods.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

Also.... open carry puts guns right out in plain sight and reminds/educates people that they actually have a RIGHT to bear arms. And that concealed carry permit is NOT the right to bear arms but is the privilege granted by the government's permission.

So ... are you suggesting that a controlled by the government permitted privilege has something to do with 2nd Amendment rights? If so, in my opinion, you Sir... have no clue what a "right" actually is.

Now.. in Michigan open carry has resulted in the Michigan State Police issuing Legal Update #86 to all police depts in the State. And lawsuits (brought by folks just like the guy you called a "Dork") against municipalities and police depts that violated the actual law and the civil rights of open carriers, and the resulting media coverage, has resulted in informing the citizens of Michigan that open carry is not only legal but it also does not require a permit! How about that? Folks can openly carry a holstered pistol in the State of Michigan and they don't even have to have a permit?

So tell me please.. exactly how would concealed carry manage to do that?

-MSP Legal Update #86 can be found here:

-->Folks interested in open carry without a permit in Michigan need to learn all applicable laws by going to...

Link Removed
What exactly does this do for 2nd amendment rights? Nothing. It's a mockery and wastes police resources. This Dork got his 15mins of fame because my dumbarse is reposting. But, I couldn't resist. It's worth pointing out how foolish these baiting activities are getting. I bet he has never seen a woman naked. - Another 2cent activist wasting the cops time

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Is that the best you can do? Insults? Even an insinuation concerning the guy's manhood?

Here is a link and a snippet of the leftist playbook....

Quotes and Excerpts from

Rules for Radicals

By Saul Alinsky - 1971

7. Tactics
5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."
(bold added by me for emphasis)

and the full article can be read at the link below. Please take note that Hillary Clinton and Obama are prominently mentioned. I encourage everyone to follow that link and read about Saul Alinsky and learn how the leftists use his teachings in their arguing methods.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

Also.... open carry puts guns right out in plain sight and reminds/educates people that they actually have a RIGHT to bear arms. And that concealed carry permit is NOT the right to bear arms but is the privilege granted by the government's permission.

So ... are you suggesting that a controlled by the government permitted privilege has something to do with 2nd Amendment rights? If so, in my opinion, you Sir... have no clue what a "right" actually is.

Now.. in Michigan open carry has resulted in the Michigan State Police issuing Legal Update #86 to all police depts in the State. And lawsuits (brought by folks just like the guy you called a "Dork") against municipalities and police depts that violated the actual law and the civil rights of open carriers, and the resulting media coverage, has resulted in informing the citizens of Michigan that open carry is not only legal but it also does not require a permit! How about that? Folks can openly carry a holstered pistol in the State of Michigan and they don't even have to have a permit?

So tell me please.. exactly how would concealed carry manage to do that?

-MSP Legal Update #86 can be found here:

-->Folks interested in open carry without a permit in Michigan need to learn all applicable laws by going to...

Link Removed

There is legal and there is obnoxious and ill advised for obvious reasons. You decide where this lands. I already have.

Like it or not, people find large black "machine guns" scary and intimidating. I would have called the cops too. Panic and hysteria is not the goal of the 2nd amendment. Teach friends and family about guns. Don't try to shock the average Joe stranger into understanding. Just plain dumb.
There is legal and there is obnoxious and ill advised for obvious reasons. You decide where this lands. I already have.

Like it or not, people find large black "machine guns" scary and intimidating. I would have called the cops too. Panic and hysteria is not the goal of the 2nd amendment. Teach friends and family about guns. Don't try to shock the average Joe stranger into understanding. Just play dumb.

What an incredibly uneducated left wing emotion based thing to say.
There is legal and there is obnoxious and ill advised for obvious reasons. You decide where this lands. I already have.

Like it or not, people find large black "machine guns" scary and intimidating. I would have called the cops too. Panic and hysteria is not the goal of the 2nd amendment. Teach friends and family about guns. Don't try to shock the average Joe stranger into understanding. Just plain dumb.
Really? Large black "machine guns"? Who had a "machine gun"? Typical leftist fear mongering ploy to sensationalize your argument hoping made up shock value will validate the arrogant elitist opinion that no one should be "allowed" to do anything YOU think is "scary".

In fact, similar fear mongering crap was spewed by the leftists about openly carrying pistols... however... the big surprise for the leftists was average Joe Stranger DIDN'T panic and there wasn't any hysteria except for the panty wetting leftists when they realized their fear mongering rhetoric was falling on deaf ears.

But the real agenda doesn't have anything to do with what is "scary" but has everything to do with wanting to be in control of what is... but more importantly... what ISN'T... "allowed". And what pisses off leftists the most is to see their efforts to weasel themselves into control............... doesn't work.

Dude.... I am grateful to Obama because his time in office has exposed the arrogant elitist leftist progressive agenda for what it is..... nothing more than snobbish power grabbing greedy elitism cloaked in sanctimonious arrogance. And he also exposed the methods the leftists use to push that agenda as nothing more than fear mongering, rabble rousing, lies, deflection, demeaning, and insults.... with absolutely no factual substance.

And I'm grateful to Saul Alinsky too for his teachings are so easily thwarted by anyone with enough brain power to light a penlight flashlight.
More power to him. If a majority of people don't care enough to stop illegal sting operations by police, they have no grounds to say what someone does legally. Don't like what he says? He doesn't care what you think, you don't care more than posting about it on a forum.

And people here wishing firearms advocates should die at the hands of police? Really? What a bunch of monsters.

So people, what is it? Do we carry firearms because we are fascinated with killing? Or because we want to cherish life? I doubt he wishes your death, and that alone makes him more of a man than any of you wishing his death.

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