Your ss #

The insurance companies I was contracted with all required a social security number. They needed it to either run your credit report (some states allow credit to be used in insurance rating) or to access one of the claims databases, which all use SS as an identifier.

We were told over and over again, they don't have to provide a SS number and we don't have to provide them with insurance. Let them buy their insurance elsewhere.

As an agent it was extremely annoying. I don't write the policy, I don't get paid. But the databases they use are set up to use the SS and they wouldn't make any exceptions.

However, we had so much info on people, like their driver's license numbers, addresses, employers, DoB and the rest, the company could find out anything they wanted anyway, including the SS number. It's really a moot point these days.

Privacy is an illusion in 2008.

Privacy is an illusion in 2008.

+1 to that statement. I think it has become more a matter of personal information security than privacy. With the advent of the internet (among other things), there really is no such thing. All you can do is be careful and vigilant.
+1 to that statement. I think it has become more a matter of personal information security than privacy. With the advent of the internet (among other things), there really is no such thing. All you can do is be careful and vigilant.
Make that +2.

Word it however you want, but the information that I want kept private can't be, no matter what I try to do to keep it so.

We have all in ignorance put out personal information on stuff we never should have, and in turn these people go out and sell that information, hence the words "Identity theft" are more the issue here. Know of a few that have had their identities hacked and it was costly, time consuming, and a real hassle to fix. Which is why the anti-identity theft companies are coming on line.
The big lesson here is if more people flat out refused to supply a SS# or other personal information then these companies would have to learn to use other methods in their database or they would simply go out of business, and I would guess they would change rather than sink. They do not really need the data but it is a salable item to them, and yes many companies do sell it to other companies something of no use to you.

The solution for places that have no legal reason to have your SS # is simple. You simply have a terrible memory (don't we all--ever go to the grocery for the wife?) anyway, it is awfully easy to reverse a couple of numbers just from memory problems. The funny thing is I generally do it the same way. Must be dyslexia or something!
RE: Your #'s

Sorry I missed Sam's original post, I was off to the north woods for muzzleloader season. So, There are several fed laws over the last few years to slow down this issue. I believe it is too far gone now with the Data based You. There are 5 areas of ID theft, SS only being one area and credit card fraud, another area, is only 25% of the problem. Annualcreditreport dot com is the only one that is free. The current thinking, I have read, is use that free service every 4 months for your credit report from one of the three majors. Start with Experian beause the post office updates change of addresses at Experian regularly. Then either Equifax or TransUnion after that.
Try xxx-xx-1234 instead of the whole number. I also Liked GF's On File with HR remark. Stay on top of your ID! If it gets "Ripped off" it can be a son-of-a xxxx to get back, if ever.

Capital suggestion, just re arrange the last 4 and that will do the trick, talking about taking he wife shopping, we were in Menard's picking up some home improvement stuff N they have 1 year no interest so she starts to blurt out her SS all the while I am having a panic attack, the alert clerk cut her off 3 number into it.
This all just sucks. I've never like the idea of a government issued identification number anyway. Personally, I would prefer that they just use my driver's license number.
This all just sucks. I've never like the idea of a government issued identification number anyway. Personally, I would prefer that they just use my driver's license number.

Isn't that kind of an oxymoron? I mean, it's still a government issued ID card with a specific number attached to you on it. :wink:

I am old enough to remember on my origional card it said "Not for identification purposes". Now it is often required for that. Just goes to show you can not believe the government.

I am only 49 and my ssn card says exactly that, "Not for Identification."

It is actually illegal to take it as identification, but as has been stated, how often is it "required" today for everything? Too dang often when it shouldn't be at all!

Control comes in many forms and must start somewhere, this is one of the ways it is done.
I know HR has MY SS on file....period. Anything out of the office, I hate to say it, but from now on.......I May just forget My # as I am filling out a form/s. The 3 might get replaced with a 4 and so on. And if it comes back to bite me in the ass, then at least I know for sure that They are really looking at it for information. Lots of great points on this thread.

A lot of times, I'm not sure that that's really the case. After all, how in the world could most places of employment have any use for my SSN?