New member
Went to the Crossroads Gun Show this morning. Got there about 8:30 so I wouldn't be too for back in line. Doors opened at 9 sharp and I made a beeline for the ammo table. Braced myself for the massive herd of people trying to buy up all the ammo like last time. There were maybe 15 or 20 people at the most....
WTF? Stunned, I talked with the guy there for about fifteen minutes, bought my ammo and left, still in shock. Has the panic finally started to subside? I wish someone would have told me. I'd have stayed in bed for another hour.
WTF? Stunned, I talked with the guy there for about fifteen minutes, bought my ammo and left, still in shock. Has the panic finally started to subside? I wish someone would have told me. I'd have stayed in bed for another hour.