Where can I not carry?


New member
I have been looking all over for information on where it is not ok to carry like in federal buildings schools etc. anyone know where I can find this info.
I have been looking all over for information on where it is not ok to carry like in federal buildings schools etc. anyone know where I can find this info.

Yeah any federal buildings are off limits for carrying. Most courthouses too. What state do you live in?
I have been looking all over for information on where it is not ok to carry like in federal buildings schools etc. anyone know where I can find this info.
The prohibited areas greatly vary from jurisdiction. What State(s) are you concerned with?
Hey all,
This is the first forum I have ever been involved with thanks with all the help. I live in Indiana and own a business in Kentucky my permit is good in both states but not sure where I can and cannot carry. I have a 9mm Beratta and a riffle thats about 75years old that my dad got when he was a kid. Anyways thanks I am already looking to getting a new gun any suggest I am looking at the Beretta px-4 storm in a 40 cal. sub compact.

But I really need info on where it is not ok to carry.

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